‘Beer Swigger’s Bible’ a must for college life By Seana Fit ■ The Daily Nexus U. of California. Santa Barbara ■The Complete Book of Beer Drinking Games” by Andy Gnscom, Ben Rand and Scott Johnston is the best collection of recreational drinking rules around. Best of all, it comes with a custom barf bag. This “Beer Swigger's Bible” contains all the usual games near and dear to every college student’s heart: “Quarters." “Bullshit," “Boat Racing" and “Beer Softball." The games are ranked according to the amounts of alcohol consumed “A boot factor of ‘ 1' describes t he lowest potential for tossing cookies, while a boot factor ol '5' warns of an almost assured heave." Class Continued from page 9 Dope is very important to all great musicians, lie explains. “look at Jimi Hendrix, the Doors, hook at the Beatles.” He raises his eyebrows and throws a sideways gnn at his students who are never sure when they’re being had. In 12 short weeks, the students cover rock n' roll's milestones, from its birth in rhythm and blues to the newer pro gressive rock. Most of the course is devoted to the legendary acts — Chuck Berry, Little Richard, Jimi Hendrix, Bob Dylan and, of course, the Beatles. Debra Bailey, a senior journalism major, said she likes Ramal because “he doesn't take himself too seriously but you still learn everything you could pos sibly want to know" Trip Continued from page 8 trip to Toronto, Canada. “We were sitting at Burger King talk ing about where we could go,” Hasten said “When we said Canada it was like a magical word Everyone's eyes lit up, and we said 'Yeah, let's go to Canada.” “We basically went because of bore dom. We were waiting for classes to start, and we had to do something," Wooten said. “We were looking for some thing big " On a long road trip, rules are bound to emerge. Wooten said they agreed to split any speeding tickets acquired on the trip. “The guy in the back could sleep. The guy riding shotgun had to stay awake to keep the driver company and the driv er couldn’t drink,” Wooten said "The whole way up there, we kept looking at each other saying ‘Can you believe we’re going to Canada?” The feeling of disbelief is one that Ford Stokes, a senior marketing major, knows well. Last fall, he and two friends drove to Atlantic City. N.J. Pure chance led them to their desti nation. They decided on Atlantic City by flipping a penny on an atlas, Stokes said. “It landed on Atlantic City and we were gone about 10 minutes later.” Despite penny pinching, the students lost $000 gambling at Trump Plaza. “We came so close to having only $6 to our names.” Stokes said, “but we won it back." All of our road-trippers agreed that the best aspect of their trip was having no deadline. “We made it a point to stop every time we wanted to,” Wooten said. One Boot Factor Five game “Boot-a Bout" is brilliant for its simplicity and deadly for players. This game was cus tom-made for any gnarly dnnkin’ joint A pitcher of beer is passed around the group, each player drinking as much as he desires The beauty is the game’s only rule: 'The player who drank just before the player who finishes the pitcher must buy the next pitcherBefore you think that this sounds boring, consider the amount of beer you would be willing to drink to ensure that the person before you has to purchase the next round. The Complete Book of Beer Drinking Games" is a worthwhile investment for anyone who believes the sole purpose of college is to drink and have fun w Authors Ben Rand. Andy Griscom and Scott Johnston spout beer at each other YOU GET A LOT MORE THAN MONEY FOR COLLEGE SERVING PART-TIME IN THE ARMY RESERVE. loimne the Arms IV-erse n .'tie o! the -murts't w.- to help pas soar ssas through - olhve. In t.u t, son s .in e.irn oser 5lYs\V through the Montcomers l. >1 Bill and sour Reverse p.is durinc .i standard eniotment And. it sou h ise or . 'bt.un a tederails injured 'tudent loan, sou mas quality tor a poseminent prsvrafit that ss ill help repas up to Xs'.tW ot it tor sou. But sou uet a lot more than not none', in the .Anns lAoerse. Yu: uet ha mis on tnnnine tn one ot oser _ V -kilo . skills like niixiem health iua- tes. hniques, enitmeennu. toreiun lan^uaeen, ennnnolovrs1 and mans others Yui pet the prule and i ontideru s' that . ome ss ith t.u kline a toueb job and dome u well And ■< r\ u e w till tin.' Aran Redone win hi-lp vou develop the maturitv .inJ veil div ipline it take' to 'iK i eed in i olleee and in !ile. 'ton a!*' eet t In' -.iti't.u non ot knovwne \ on re helpme to keep Ameru.1 or.me IY'ide> > iimpletine iVnn .niii AiKam ed indiv iklu.il Iraimne, vou'll umi.iIK -itve juo oiu weekend .1 month in .1 nearby Arim Re-ene unit, pin tuii week' i>t Annua! rr.umnp. bitiki out mori'. See vour Arms Reserve re. ruiter BE ALL YOU CAN BE.' on.ill 1 -AY l SA ARMY ARMY RESERVE