Editorial Allow SHIC, Clark to make suggestions N You can credit ASUQ President Andy Clark and the Student Health Insurance Committee for sticking to what they believe is right Despite the apparent public discontent with SHIC’s call for mandatory student participation in the ASl’O's health insurance plan, and the University administra tion’s subsequent nixing of that call. Clark and the committee came right back with a similar proposal, this time moving for mandatory participation with lim ited right of waiver. SHIC claims mandatory participa tion is necessary to ensure the continued existence of ASt'() health insurance. That determination to save student health insur ance may come at some loss to Clark, however. On Jan. l!.r>. Phil Nebergall and 14 other students submitted a letter to Clark stating they intended to recall him from office lor his handling of SHIC’s decisions. The recall drive was later suspended after Nebergall and Clark agreed to go into mediation Currently, Nebergall wants the students to vote on the mandatory insurance proposal, and he wants the SHIC to be bound by the decision or me suruems. A iiudliug exercise in student democracy? Hardly. This is political pressure at its ugliest. And whether you re for or against mandators student health insur ance. you should abhor strong-arm tactic s to dictate the opinions ol elected leaders with the; threat of run ning them out of offic e. On the dormant recall movement first. Nebergall s threat of rec all is preposterous and ill-founded. You re call an elected leader tor corruption, or dishonesty, or incompetence (dark’s crimes in the SI lit’, matter, il any. don’t measure up to these standards. Nebergall reac lies lor justification; he c laims that (dark’s summer employment as a State Kami Insurance Q> intern has Ic'd to a conflict of interest, despite that it is The Pru dential Co that underwrites (he ASUO plan You don’t recall a leader for simply voicing an un popular suggestion Klected leaders must he* given some latitude for entertaining proposals, of all sorts, without being threatened by the immediate consterna tion nt the constituency Otherwise, you fac t* the same sort of toadviug to popularity [lolls that’s the current vogue m the White Mouse Also, rec alling Clark will accomplish nothing He is hut one member on the1 SiilC. whic h would presum ably go about its business even without its most voc al member Recalling (.’lark cm the insurance' matter alone ignores and insults the success of his work in ASUO. ()t course, this is all slightly moot, as Nebergall has c urtailed the- rec .ill movement provided the stu dents vote on the NIIIC proposal But here too, Nelier gall is making a lot ol unwarranted noise l lic- problem in contention here is time. If a special elec lion is held this month, as Nebergall originally wanted it will cost about $8.1)00 in iiu idental fee monev out student government doesn't have The ri dic ulous attempt to remove (dark then bee nines an ex pensive. harmful one And if the election is held in April, with the general elections. Nehergall’s threat of rec alling (dark is worthless (liven all this, one begins to wonder what tin- point of Neheigall’s election would be first of all, to our minds, the student body’s resolve on this matter al ready seems overwhelmingly c leui to us The vast ma jority of i'wcntld letter writers have said they hate the idea of mandatory insurance. If what’s already appar ent is confirmed by vote, what of it? Nebergall wants the’ student vole to forcibly dic tate what SIIIC’s recommendation should he. Well then, o In have SHIC7 lake an elected leader, that body should he allowed to make whatever recommendations it feels are best for the students Advisory committees smli as SH1C exist to explore and propose policy. If students don’t want to hear and consider what SHIC recommends, thev short-circuit tire: whole reason for ihe committee’s existence. Remember that, in line end. it will he the- Universi ty administration that dec ides to decline or adopt SHK’ s proposal There is the students' final relief, and efforts to fulfill or stop mandatory insurant e should be directed there It does appear that the administration is leaning to yvard accepting the mandatorv-with-limited-right-of vvaiver plan But there is still time for students to voic e their own opinion, either rvay, in our letters column and at public forums such as the one at 2 (0 today in KMl' (ientury Room A v/' / /// tXJR MISSION. IP yOU DECIDE TC ACCEPT IT. IS TO BRING THE SOVIET UNDN INTO THE MID ECONOMY TOffORKSATE REFORMS THROUGH PERESTROIKA... THIS RECORDING AND YOUR COUNTRY WILL SELF-DESTRUCT IN FIFTEEN SECONDS... Letters Bandwagon \x ,i (iic haul Anaheim Rams tall, I ha\ I- nothing Imt i ongrai illations tm tin- San I lancisi n piers as I hev ' poured it mi m then final tun games In a st me ill Hfi 1 t \lthougli I is|ii'i led mam trui1 Plel Ians In exult in vi( to is anil In- giiod winners what 1 saw was .i piipulatinn oxplo sum nt 'post*) -Pier tans Dude I so been a \inei tan ever situ e I i nillii stain! \\ rnni4 These penple have been -Plei Ians ev ei sim e tiles started In u in I liese posers an the same people u Ini were the big Mall.is tails ill 141 at ie si linnl Kememlier them ' \lthough football allegiances hav e little vv HI 111 m the name ill life I simpls ask some people In quit being so damn trends and i heer Ini a team S OU hav e liked all nl sum lih It this team is the -Piers iniiglutulu thills, tile agnllS nt the “Os Is anile hut should never lie ini gotten I klinvv it IS vers eaSS In i heel Ini a team that alvsaS s vv Ills, hut slum seme i haiai lei and north and gel nil the piei handuag on I’nsei i'lei tails sui k Mark Marties I’nlilii al si iem e historv Abstinence Anti ahnrtmnists sin h as ( liris helsu ((>1 >1 Ian i 11 mention the plethora of birth i ontrol .iv ailahle I ’ntortu natelv all methoris nl hirtli i iintnil otliei than abstinent e are less than 100 pereent elict live mi hiding surgers Smile methods have side el lei ts The pill till example i an i a use heart disease emotional illsturham e a weakened nil ■ mine svsleni and more Smile nt the safer methods are less ei tei live than the pill So i untia i eption is not that simple Heing ahstinent until one is reads tm the lespuiisihilitv nl parenthnnd is not eass Mails people are nes ei reads lor pm enthond That is the reason so mans adults i an t remember their i hildhnud enough to re late to i hildren it vv as so painful as a result of the inox i usable was that i hildren are viewed and 1111.ilril And bring abstinent until lllrtit11>>■ tlst* Is diffil nil espe cially wlirn unr s si'll esteem lias liri'ii lowered In Ibis adult i hauvinislii sm ietv that allows i Inldri'ii tu br giv rn thr ini's s.igr that llirv air not ()K ])rn I'lr It is hard lor sunir people not to turn to sm w lirn thru natu i a I talents, i reativ itv and run g\ have hern disc iplined out id tlirm What about adoption ’ ( Iratr a i hildhranilg th.d dors not catisi1 intense pain or put thr uiotlirr at risk ot death (alwavs a risk| hladdri d,image post |iartulli s\udrnmr aggravated prr inrnsliii.il s\ ndronir. rti and then talk about adoption Meanwhile, let’s not mi lease late stage abortions In dragging pirgn.int women through i.ourl with iiimnikable. restrir live abortion law s Ain e Bern Kugene Examination I lie a Ination debate is e\ tremelv emotional and is be i oining more so all the time It s disgiaieful that children w ho ale too \ oung to i ompre liend the issue ale being used In the .intii hour groups to birlhei emotion.ili/e and . loud the emotional aspe. ts of the problem 1 here were main . hildren present at the "Mobilize tor Women's Lives rallv in \o vemhei brought b\ their par ruts who held bloody looking, dismembered plastu dolls and veiling murderers" at the pro i lion e man hers I hose i hildren appeared ter rilled andtwere living; its no wonder thin were upset In sui haiiinfusing and volatile situation whu h was i reated h\ the heh.n ior ol the right to lileis 1 .suspect the reason for the larger turnout at the recent anti i lion e rallv was simply the tai t that so mam i hildren w ere present Main light to liters have pel son.il agendas that narrow I v de line moral ” behav ior and in fuse the abortion debate with shades ot racism, sexism and homophobia I'hev consistently atta. k the i harm ter ot women whu Im .1 varietx ot reasons 11ml themselves in the untortu mile ( in umstam c ol hex mg to i (insider ending ,i pregnane \ A group tinit needs to bolstei t hen i .inks h\ manipulal ing voung i hildren and using them to skew rational discussion, in addition In imposing then reli giihis based moral judgments on others, deserves nothing but distrust I suggest evervone involved w ith the right In lile movement closelx examine some ot the othei baggage being piled on to die basil (juestion ot a woman s right to i ontrol her ow n bod\ Kristen Hrandt Iugeue Discover Although I am leasonablx sure some ot m\ former instrm tins would be distressed to read ibis I admit to the ignoraiu e ot not km iw tog w hu h \ ear I lie Magna t i.irta was signed ot e\ en. alas w'hii b r.ountries signed it I am exi ee'dinglx pnuni. tberetore to i laim knowledge ot the dales ot the t n il War and names ot eat h ot t be all states So w hat ’ \ on nun well ask Well there is (was and al w n\s shall bf'j a group ot i ivi( minded indix iduals testing i ol lege students the length and bre.idth ot this i.ountrv on these x erx subjects On the b.isis ot these tests lliex ( iailll a Irigllt ening amount ot ignoram e in these important mallei s U idl l nllege students ot to (tax seem to tie inundated with other trivial matters sin h as i nmputcr operation and lan gliages the ( omplexilies ot soi in is (inoinii relorm. and AIDS \tx tattler has liai helor degrees in si ieni e and an liitei lure and pnlitelx requests mx assistance loi Mu rosotl Word Although I do leel that it is admirable ol these indix iduals to feel thex must propel our ed mation li.n k to the basiis I stronglx assert that these basics which lliex were forced to learn should be lelt to us to seek out and disi ox ei Uric a I .ere h I’sxc hologx