PARSONS SCHOOL OF DESIGN Special Summer Programs Parsons in Paris June 30-August 13 f-,im IN; Left O.n*. explori ■ i in-1 o.U .I,.. „,i«'. ■ the Dordogne. visit the ritas’ o' r*?r.a.v«»iK:* art k iusca.o, ( our ' t.ide pamlng drawing. i .y a i the libera irt: iudent iyct e to spend the last two .veekr, Cl! the pr< gram f-t‘ U'.lugr e or Corto; I Italy Photography in Paris June 30-July 30 . )( .... md tin raft 1 , t 1 jraphy the ty that ha red great jraphers tor ’! year Guest lecturer mdv tst Pat i gaHenec supplement the curriculum Fashion in Paris June 30duly 30 ttie M ctury ic-it i,i.uttcnpoMry tie!ut iui'ucti ‘astsc' desigr1 through in Pam asm : ' and i oHeot ons Guest iectuiers and visits ■■iii"-;' -: Hie •. ,c : j ff'a.i in- tiart ‘ fee t,c jran at. are daily classes ' '.!• History of Architecture and Decorative Arts in Paris June 30duly 30 • at)1 a .it t'.e tf" .vned Maset' dec Arts Docoratifs Ih-s n>0 .••an: fix u‘.ec .< ft!#1 tMcti>t, >, Fro: n an hlecture and turoi>eandecorative .t'ciii'i.ti in- am ’ lucied act summer. Students V 1 V*' i ; . " i V. |u * 1 ■ . I i' uti? and F , |F) I' 1' U Modern Paris June 30-July 30 jar ' '1C tu’,1 f ■: i, with d;avj, th.'-i program tixcaee: an the ii .ei'iiniei■: el Pan ; " .e ■■.. Jem i iei ,i (1830 to the t>rt" eiit) Paleolithic Art and Archaeology of the Dordogne July 29-August 13 ; )a i, :a,.v,('v.c! ■ uear tfietuwr. ul litii Ly/iet, ie !ayac ' •• uthwestern t i are devoid.)! - ;e. *uii?' c g .poled vccts to the areas lamous and less mc. ei■. i.vci f irr-r ’ ■ . ave- . 'u ■ le. C .fc ' .]■ ■■ I a cr excavations History of Architecture in Italy July 13-August 11 heritage of Ita.v . studied ;n Home Florence and Ver ce. where • >;i c 'e present,it •; : are •' ade by Palm of ‘a. ally History of Architecture and Decorative Arts in Great Britain July 10-August 10 The. tour week curncuuiT , ..vecnq ffte years 1600 1900, c iflered m London cevera e« cvor,:,’ learby ’own; and, c ", hawses Graphic Design in Japan July 16 August 14 Design students and profess,1m,if AM d *s .t‘< the Centeno" ’ A Jat ■. mese advert!',.i q andgraph,c dosejnthrough wt*r«shops snv..r and pro t" :.i : , ■ s - nattyf- w ■ , • ■ Stud eun ■ IgaBeryv t ■up; -.emen; the i anculun a' ’ e",pt ac.'e; t'a- ■ / t - ■ tie'cid' ,,ca arts i much contemporary Ja; toe dee p Parsons in Israel July 23-August 19 Offered iru o'l.iboia! n wth* ” Be.cii. •'« ; . t Ar*- a u . • n the program provides ari r depth introduct* major . tecith-c ;••• tance, to the rudiments ot arehats . ; a. pci-’ ■ ,c j t. s- • ■ ; ‘ ,rt ’ re; neSer.’aiiOn Parsons in West Africa July 2-August 1 and August 4-August 25 Workshop' •: 1 era's . ■ ,r ; w-' rt'.u.. • ■ ' ,dt ' V '■ r’cf- and i" i • .!i several Ivory Coast v llages wfiere these uatt; can t»e studied in ttie r original content A photografihy - arm ulum exart * c techniques of documen fat.on and reportage n reg i.ns, / great beauty and . uitural C vers-ty ’ he history of Afecan art and arch.fiH 'ure i r.o s oHered Addc < c.p rdy n Mali may tie taken as a sep.iraUr opt i ' 'a- .lairitn.atu; , T the Ivory Cc'.is' program AH pr Kjrains riclude round tnp a-rtare i ,«a,odatior.s and kind transfers Academ.i credit .s avaiiatxe to qualified stuile' tc For more mlurmai'on please retu'n the uw- n or call (212) 741-8975 Parsons School of Design Office of Special Programs 66 Fifth Avenue, N.Y., N.Y. 10011 Please send information about Parsons in Paris Photography in Paris Fashion in Paris Architecture & Decorative Arts in Paris Modern Paris Paleolithic Art Architecture In Italy Architecture in Great Britain Graphic Design in Japan Parsons in Israel Parsons in West Africa Name Address I C!y Stale Zip CP 65 UO DORM RESIDENTS DO IT FREE. ODE CLASSIFIED PERSONALS!! Monday Feb. 5th thru Friday Feb. 9th !!FREE!! !!FREE!! !!FREE!! * Place in person at Room 300 EMU before 1pm each day! * 15 word limit (Standard point size please) JUST MENTION YOUR DORM NAME TO RECEIVE YOUR FREE PERSONAL! Other FREE weeks in elude: Greeks • Feb. 12-16 GDI s • Feb. 19-23 Foreign Students Feb. 26-28