_ _ Oresort Daily_ _ Emerald Mnml.l\ I I'lim.ii \ l .iip'ilr l )l *’U> >1' Volume 1i1 N'umlici * _Inside_ ■ Lecture on cultists, Page 4 ■ New Zoo needs you. Page 5 ■ A thrilling loss to Cal. Page 8 ■ Women’s streak ends. Page 9 The debate over some form of mandators student health insurance is reaching new levels Phil Xeheryall has launched 'an attack on ISI (> President Andy Clark's proposals. Insurance uproar comes to a head 15v Denise ( lit ton Emerald Asmk iate Editor The matter of student health insurance probably i mild he named the headache of the I'lHM-'iU ,ii adetltu \ eat 1 list, students lai ed drasti tally increased premium rates in the [dan tillered by I lie I’m dent i.d to and A SI ( ) at the beginning of lail term Then, in early Dei embei the Student Health Insurant e (aim mitten rei oiiiinended to the ati ministration that students he required In participate m a itttt percent mandatora insurance [in igi am t he administration ret eiitlc rejected this controversial pro posal but Si lit . now is suggest mg a plan that would make in mg 1111• student plan without a carrier Hut I he lea si know n u nnkle in the insurant e Issue I nine in (lavs ego when a sjinup nl slu denis i m ul,iled and then withdrew a letter t ailing for the reea II e|ei t it in i it \St () Piesident And\ I dark Dated |an ..'tc tile letter was signed In la students who i laimed to he frustrated w itli (dark's approach tu the msur alH e Issue The lettei addressed to l dark, read in part. Based on our understanding ot the AS! ( ) (amslitution we teel mu him violated vuur inandale is an ad \in ate ot the Students at the tiuversiU o! Oregon dour handling ot the AS! () Student I lealth lnstiraiK e ( oiinmttee s 'Those students who choose not to have insurance because they are too low income to afford it are going to be priced out of school' Phil Nelwrgall sura net* mandatory while giv mg students a limited right of waiver, the rood it ions o! w hit h have not been determined Moreover last week lie Pru dent ial ( ai annouru ed it w as pulling out oi tin* student health insurant e market leav it“s|>mis jin I il ifN .mil (it'c ismns hav r mailt- .1 Him kfi \ i ii pm dent sludfiit .11 t ion lh*‘ lotter .uliiftl lhi«t slu limits have not had adequate in put m tin- insurani e process and th.it (1,n k s I'lH'i intern ship \\ ith Stair I at ill Insurani . Iwis i re.iti’il ,t i until* t ut interest with tin' insuraiu.e selei turn prt m ess t his along u it It yum advo i in \ ut ,i mmuliituiA msimmct! plan w ilhuut .i volt' of tin- stu limits vuii an- supposed to In' representing leave us no ulhei Id. inrsi liul lu vr m k fui VUlll remmnl Irolii ultii e tin- Iftim mill hided l l.ii k lias suit r entered into Mu- \St () uu'ii Ml iuii |in igi.iin u ith iht- Iflti'i wtileis' S| a ikis man. graduate student Phil Xehergall t ins us all is nut a reflet tiun ut flu' \S1 (i as a whole ui I lie u ink that the e\ei lit i ve ha dune in other areas this year Whet gal! -'.ini in an interx iew last week It s all altai k on \11ci\ s polities on student in suram e Although I he rrc all iiiitialivr was withdraw n (an i 1 thr i untmumiH stnloinonls ihiil 11n-\ don ! u .ml mu h a plan has ho t oiiio disturbing. \ol>or^.ill said A wo .m it And\ ('Ini k I don't like that thrown out: ‘Well, I'm a poor student and I can't afford it.' Thu only reason it should be debated is on principle alone and not on affordability' — Andy Clark tout orris that sparked i! an* still ver\ much a part ut flu* stucliMit health insurante issue I ii.ii < ui ah* i epresent at inn ( lark s prrsistcnt advornt \ tor a mandators health m.sur plan despite students ant e .ii hiii', as ASI ’() |in".ulrnl \\,!• ,nl\ i n at my ninndatoi \ insui am r and u r tidt that u as i . imt!n i id his mamlnti' as \sl (I pn'Miii'nl bn ausc [stu drills dun i want a mandating lurn to Insurant i*, Paj*i* <> f-rot; Iriiiht) Hints another i ustonwr tur the "world's greatest joke hooks" th.it he sells on l.lth Avenue. Frog uses humor to send a message Local figure finds humor in unlikely places B\ Sam Nilverstein I merald t ontributor Frog'- Broun acid while wool cap 11.i^ a blue enamel pin shaped like Saltern on the hum lies Ion.', hair and heard surround a pair oi llm k glasses his jeans suspenders and putlv down coal suggest some i ounler i iillure i ourt jester And as lie walks down I llh \venue selling what he i alls the world’s greatest joke I.k it s t leaf th.it itunii a is Ills trade Hut I rog (a k a David Hems Milltti the nii k name lirsl appealed in high si hoot and ae guesses it has to do w ith Ins si rati by voii ei is out he insists not lust to make .1 11 s 11.a I ■ it ai to make a point People will listen to huiltui It makes you think and sou rememher it loo Non might even repeal la joke) a lot ot tunes d sou think it is espei mils hums I rog says lie is concerned about "tile ens iton ment. nuclear accidents, the cutting ot old grossth tor esls " He also lists the Kiserhont researi h park and the homeless as ssornes At the mention ot homelessness I rog s < omit de men not lades slightly I Se been homeless Indore I have done it toi a ss illle so I knoss svhat it s like to lie I lived on the streets ill Herkeles It’s hard to find a jell I lint he starts lo lighten up Ii wasn't like I u.u In me iml mi the streets all the time I hail friends It s nut nn llrst i Iihii e el something I want to ilo lie tiiiishes, reluming to hio.nl grill Ills sense ol luiinoi never tails him tor long It's still easv lot me to he humorous. I log s.ivs who lie si rilieil his lalhel as a Inn 11 |okeslei anil ilaillts to have h.iil a gleal u 111 le ill V a 111 lev illi I ' III joke about 111V own situation and make It a little hettei tol me l ing studied journalism at Ohio Iniversitv m \thenS tol two veais 111 I'll... lie said lie got i atlght up in the spirit ot the times and dei ideil it vv.is time lot lav el and see the i on litrv I mg tnsi iiiov ihI east lo \evv York ( itv where he use tit 11' to pav tm an I as! Village apartment through .1 SUCH essiun "i odd tolls and 1 a little panhandling He then headed west to the San I ram 1st o liav aiea lie tore entiling to I ugeiie in in '* lie now rents a I aw rein e Street apartment and earns his keep In selling his joke hooks and hanging promotional posters tin WOW llall as well as lasing i are ot the landlord s i hildreu m t asiolially (•’rug published his Inst joke hook ill l'tftti at the Turn to t mg. Page "•