'C ANNOUNCING THf. OWNING Of BCICMJ VIDf O "r Ng • */•! • ' Al PACINO, n LfN BANKJN JOHN GOODMAN •Sl'SI'KNSKm. M < !v SU»r Marlin • I <«m HuUr • fc . * M Martha nimpU>n • hranu kf/»f i trTTJt4'in,i"7Tr ■ miwiwmih yil I M t W OO *OV? II TS DOIT ACAJN MHOAT A SATURDAY AT 11 >0 ADM |4 ADV 15 DAY Of SHOW %*-•*• o#> »•*« ■ j' If 4*-*** A /- ac k» *» r LATf SHOWS STAAT SUHOAY ^ ST! VI MAHT1N ItCk U !«»»!.' - Sjvto i Ki Ynvnlhood Tickets fit at CMU main tfMk, Record Cardan, CO World and Face iha Music MO far Clrcla of Cold - recaption with parlor man A boat aaata (Cl re la of Cold ticket* available only at BMU main dock) Proceeds to support tho tCVA Foundation's blindness work In Nopal Encore! Singapore students sponsor play Sini>tipori' \iijht to hrnrtit Itx dl ( hjritios H\ Sing ( li.in I m ore ( nntnlnitor (adi'limting Am,in . 'Ii \ i-rsitV VS lli Ilf (111- ' hI ,i diiinnr pl.i\ .mil dam i- In in^ sponsored In (Ik- Smsjiipiiir SllllllMlIs Assoc iation on Suit da\ I rb 1 I rum <> |> in in I a m ,il I In- I All Ballinmji ( Ini i'(''ll lm tin- 1'i'hi s is I., gel mini- Amur ii an s!mli-ul in \ ohi'il in our ai t jvilifs sii (hat ivr 11 a \ * • a holin' iliulrl slaiuiim: of our (iilfiiri'iH os Mini Silica pom Students \ssui i a I iiiii I’irs iili iil I\n hard ( lug Nirtga|ion an 1 ’niv•• i sil\ slu limits want lo do mom Ilian nisi get a degree. In- addl'd ill |iri'\ ioiis \ ears fin- Singa [him Students Assoi nation has sponsored various cultured limits with traditional themes lo tllu dam is and stage slums i s j 111111U d 1 *1 (fiig a ■ i 11 i 11 i I'liilosopln 1‘olittr al Si i mn f I’svi holog\ major w ho v\ roll' I In |ila\ ! all t in la dial will In ]in h irmi d al film \ I'tii s o\ mil I wanted In yy rili* something lli.il u .is |>ri>i411-s.sivi1 i rmIciji• purary .mil relevant In what Ntngapi Hi' i ult HU' is Ilk'- li idiiv Something lli-il wasn't .in.ha il . Ini said ! 'i said thi‘ plav dual' vyilli ilium ill rejection and about tnendship bonds lb.il i nrri hr v ond I'llinn in rai ial difli'i 1*111 as Mam Asians have identity i risis and wr losi* ourselves hr i a11si* yve air tiying lo pursin' tills illusive i oik epl ot Western ai i eptaiii e I he plav is abiml being what we were meant lo be bn ause all Iblligs ill life ry eiilually i omr lull i irr le be said (aimmenls regarding the play have been mixed Asian ti lends end up saving llial it s an and \\ bile play u bile vy lull' 11 lends say llial ll s .! pm N'.ian play ! Y - aid The play was y\ nlten tie i ause the lives of \sians are stones loo lull ( He le' is a play llial to ei y Asian on i am pus should see lie explained GRADUATES AND SENIORS PEACE CORPS NOW HAS OPENINGS FOR SPRING AND SUMMER PLACEMENT INTERVIEWS FEB 5th & 6th ALL MAJORS ARE NEEDED! PEACE CORPS HAS AN OPPORTUNITY FOR YOU. ■ Cl CO* 4* For application and information contact: Career Planning & Placement 244 Hendricks Hall, or call 686 3235 NO BIDS REQUIRED I hr cast of ' l ull ( arcin' in i Unit's Singaporeans. i linear inns I KI \XX • II ( I) K \\\ \\ I I 11 \ Ml Mil I I’KI/I S |l I IK \\ I I \tllt IIIKSI • i) \\t i nun ioi1 iik \\n wok11) hi \ i i i iino-i'oi' XI XI) U 4 I I.HKI AK\ I mill KMl HAI.I.KOOM TIMK: t>:()0 |>m to I :l)i) .nil l’K()( I I l)S Wil l III DOW I I I) I O I I (.I NI MISSION \M> IIOSAXN’A ( Mil I) OKNTI K ■r'MB' • •• *AP; )Mf T',,. So ;i . - .of- .o,»-s a pot •; I.. untied in ;•/1 HI frength and Jrv ? * t“>. ellence Ms mane «s divided into five representing democracy 0.1.*• ; . jus''- »• .i d eguaiity Its ya/e is fixed firmly on the tasks at hand and he •nd t trie future 745 8522 • 125 S.W. 2nd Corvallis tfVc Mtitie 0 THE RAZOR BACKS!!! c V 4 Fri. Feb 2 & Sat. Feb 3 ^ ^ Coming Soon. a Feb. 16th CRAZY 8's * 8th year anniversary A & Norton Buffalo (downstairs) a g Feb 17th Ramblin Rex Sweetheart > Boogie Bash! II I si) \\ SK.II I $395 HU). SU.II I Vmu ( ru/ (hukrn .V Hi ur.:.'. $395 I lit KM)U Ml,III f CttlK Hi! «V $495 mil* w Mt.ll I Hl«; Kib> sys s\l. A si V \K.HI \ i• *2" Steak, F ritN A. Salad • lam '(wi