Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, February 02, 1990, Page 8 and 9, Image 8

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    Birkenntock I
I) , • l\»'| I : ■ • V \u lit' ! :
i < hi if1 >? t«ibU* y» mi f* 1 *,n
m ontjinnl k l I‘»m|
wiMi An< i dis< !l>» b*
nwv look of 17»it k»' n .! • u k
• ,i!ui*»ls <!t< n ? 1 *'
111 MV I'olofS .liul XK-IVW
.mi ."iTTTSBSSi Mon. Sat. 9-6.
Corner 5th & Pearl Sun. 115
Playing the
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and learn how to take care ot
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A 4 week workshop
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Lifestyle Planning Program.
Meetings are from 3:30-5:00
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Health Center Medical Library.
Call 686-4456
to preregister and for more information.
Enjoy a Healthy
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Dine to your hearts content.'
Healthy y
Healthy ^
Healthy ¥
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It Tnne For The B« .1 v
Expires 2/14/90
|J TacoTime
It Time For Th.- Best v
Expires 2/14/90
It s Timp Foi Trip Best v
Expires 2/14/90
Culture, spirit of Anasazi lives
on in Canyon de Chelly exhibit
B\ Julie Dei ker
I nt ore ( onliiliutor
I’liul" 11 j > | »< it t ii ii 11 ies .irr i it l rn ii i si tint a I. but
feu in.ui,Hu in u• |>11 s.'iil t he l Mu- win kings ol it
t ulture
(■.n\ 11-1j 1 • i ,iu the C.imnii lb f'hollv \.l
Iihim! Monument m ntirlhf.istt'rn \ri/tmii .is
■ hi opportunity In turn ttii Southwest l.mti
St ape mill .1 series id Iif,lilt Hill pilot! Ig 1 itphs
tll.lt fSploll til' jl.lsl
Tilled U .lit im: in tin- ! outsteps ot the
\nasuzi, ( tlitir Photographs I rum tlu-T .ilium
iif < lu'llv llif exhibit tm display .it tlif ! in
yersity Museum ni \'<itDrill History IV.Unit's
( ib.ti lirome tttltu pin ilugi.iphs nt rock paint
tugs petroglyphs landscapes and |>i>rfr.iits
t iinvim tlf < belly ts lot .ilt'il in tlif An.is,i/i
region "t mountains .mil plateaus nt’.ii tin'
Itmi i urnti's .ire.i where tlif borders tit Sew
Mexit o \ i i/i in.i I !.i11 am) ( Tilorado nifft
itplfl .III I illf 1 li.lt i. ii.il I \ kunwii \ 1111 i it .i n
l.mrlsi apt photographer tiiuk llif pilot''graphs
timing trips to tlif ( am on tlf ( hr ily in I hr tall
nt Mil! ' lUHM ami tHM'l vvllllf Ilf u as tf.it hillg
llif III hnt'ss 111 till photographs I tilois ft ll
ors thr sr.ison Autumn shailfs ol orange and
briny tl srr p tin i nigh tlif la I id st a pi ■ and emerge
on every sort.n r creating vivitl ullages ot ua
tuir lout liril h\ an am if nt hand
Highlights ot detail are at t rntrtl against
plates nt solid i oloi t routed In thr ever t hang
nut lands! apr \ egelation tisrs triumphantly
out ot t i.it ks iti thr immense t .invun nulls
and sparks ot vibrant shades ol green enliven
sheets ot stone
i lit photographs also depit t details ol pit to
graphs displayed on tile t anyoii walls yy here
am lent marks describe a history, ami painted
skeletons bet time tile remains ol a culture
I’rimtlivc tlrawings ami etchings ot humans
sometimes representations ol families dunce
at toss t ml,mis ol nit k anti hide in the ret esses
ol the loomlatlolls
Photos ot \\ i>,ithri oil roi ks .mil weathered
tat os m tin1 portraits sm li as those of ('Imun
i o'. Yebaxe and tin* \a\a|o people speak of a
past that is not forgotten but lies otehoii into
the earth and in the memories of its ant.esters
This pictorial history seemed desperate Ini
discovery . and Top let s camera seems the pet
toot medium tor imprinting the fusion lor all
to see With his ■ anif i a I epier re. . .ftis a t ill
lure that longed to he remembered and existed
in one ot the nation s most beautiful i timers.
l ilt t am on is a magical beautiful and
xx ild pl.it «• To pie i saitl. "While exploring its
cliffs and valleys. I became aware th.it the spii
it ol its ant u til inhabitants still resided there
The Alias,izi inhabited the ( anvoil tie ( helix
lot about 1.0(10 years, from the fourth to the
fourteenth.i enturx and leil abundant ex idem e
ol their culture in rot k paintings and t arcings
Some Wiasazi were anteslois ol the modern
llopi others of /.uni and ol must ot the native
people ot the Kio ( .rands \ allex ill \exx \le\i
I best- I rat es ol an earlier t ulture seemed to
reveal the deeper beau tv exen sarredness ol
this spot I'eplet sail! U lot attet ted me the
most while hiking and exploring there was the
residing spirit ol the Anasazi who lixetl in the
canyon for oxer a thousand years and left
abundant evident e ol their t ulture
lepter manages to r apture the spirit ol the
vallex m Ills photographs, revealing the
Anasazi t ulture while presenting the he,mix ol
the landsc ape that ret circled it
I’epfer is a I'niversitv graduate and a resi
dent ol I ugene Ills phologiapliv is part ol ilia
|tu c ollec lions in the United States and Ku
rope, ini lulling the Hililiolliet|iie Nationale in
I’aris and the Rose \rt Museum in Waltham
Massac huselts His work is represenled h\ gal
lei les in \en York San Francisco. Huston
( ai me I ( alii and Kugene
Walking in the I-outsteps ol the Xnnsazi
x\ ill he on display through I ebru.irx 1 1 in the
lobby ol the University Museum ot Nntinul
11 istorx
Landmark bar holds tradition
()u net’s u nut to i htini^e
iitmosphcre, di\'orsit\
Hv I rin (i.iv in
I tiler,ild ( unit iluilor
l,nne lire die mahogany bent lies
.muI ' !.idles lull \eu Max 's lay
ei 11 11 pel i tin bus i ness ,i mi I ms it .i 1
l\ the same plat f
hi hide l.iniim.ii h Iniem bn ill
in ; ■ " is It if , lied .it . .11 I I till
An .uni is being i i inside i ed lor I be
\.ili. iii.il I lisloni .d Sot lelv Seild
hist .i n in die Oregon laving Or
gani/alion, the New Max's is trying
In improve llie atmosphere .ind
i hu:i e iis nid reptilul ion .is .in .ill
mule Ii.ii
\i Inti kins .mil Knb Hailey Max's
new managers .ire hoping In .illr.it I
u unite diversified t.rovvd including
I 'niversitv students und more «tnii
We re not living In be the old
Max s I'll,it's something in tin
| i.i si lenkins s.iitl "People realize
Its never going 111 be llle same
W . ; t .'nine but k to the \l,t\ 's til
twenty years ago when? we re more
in lout li will) llie I miersil\ slu
The managers u .ml to i reale a
t omloitable plate lor everyone In
enjoy while preserving a tew ol die
old one ol a kind traditions like
"peanut night " i’eamil night is
when everyone drinks beer eats
pe,nulls and throws tile shells till
die floor
III! \ew Max's IS ottering live
mik and roll nuisit Monday
through Saturday night with a
immimun nivei charge (ranging
trout Si to $.1 depending on tile
We re giving .111 alternative to
blues with an attiuslit night on
llimstlay nights Most hands
I hough. will he i in k and roil with a
Fill (ihnln
I'hi' mi /icrs ill \r i» linin' In lilrntl Ihr nlil tomliirl nt llir t.iii’rn
h ith .1 linin' tin rrsr i ran il
Iittli' 11.1111 edged lmisii occasional
Is jenkins said
I 'nisi'isils slinli'iit Natasha Hi,nls
said another bar neat i .unpus is <i
giv.it nilsi urns there will he more
sariets s\ Iiimi I vs,mt in go unt .it
Along with now music flu- Now
Slav's is gmiig to serve lunc h in
i onjunc lion w ith then imighhors
ladle's Market Hailes said that the
\esv Max's is going to In- a plai e
i ompatible w ith the ec ononis
while exposing people to great live
rntrl laillllli'lll
Sllli r ll oprtirtl thr t.ivrrn h.is it
tr.it lt*tl simir mm i.u rs is well .in .i
tru rrguhns who urrr disappoint
rtl whf'Ml thr olti M«l\ s t Insrd I.ist
\ p 11! ()nr ivgul.u \ * 11 i.m \tln.in
t uminriili'ii th.it tfir iroprmng |S
VNOIltlrjful. ciriil hr hoprs th.lt thr
IlfW HU lifts I <m Ill.lkr .1 go <>j ||
Another longtime t uslnmn M.n
Iriit* limits s.utl shr believes rvril
though thr h.u is mnln uru ownri
ship .imi thr genera! atmosphere
It.is i hanged Itii thr better it's still
.1 Inmir ,iv\ ,i\ 111 >m homo
Local bands perform benefit concert for KRVM at WOW Hall
It.nl D.nldir
i* ill iwrform .it the It Oil Hull tonight .it it.:w in a benefit concert lor radio station. KKIM
■\ Hh»u
The WOW Hall, 291 W 8th
will host a benefit concert lor
KRVM tonight
The concert will feature
three local dance bands
Agrosoul Bad Daddies and
Falling Spikes
These bands are combining
and donating their earnings to
the local community radio
station. KRVM
Showtime is 9 30 p m door
opening earlier at 9 Admis
sion is $5 at the door Tin
WOW Hall IS loi .ited on th«
sorrier of 8th Avenue and Lin
coin Street and is wheelchair
Friday. Feb 2
j Richie Cole and Freddie
Hubbard will perform a Friday
Jazz Concert at the Hult
Center's Silva Concert Hall
tonight at 8 Tickets are $15
and $12 50
Saturday. Feb 3
Ballet Folclorico Nacional will
be at the Hult Center s Silva
Concert Hall tonight at 8
Tickets are S8 50. $12 50 and
$16 50
Monday. Feb 5
Eugene Symphony Guild will
be at the Hult Center Studio I
at 11 45 a m and 5 45 p m for
a Listening Series Concert
Preview today
Thursday. Feb 8
Shocase Free Noon Concert
will feature A Road Show
with Hope 8 Crosby today at
12 15 p m in the Hull Center
Prints, Sculpture and
Photography by five
University fine arts students
will be on display in Gallery
141 from Feb 5 to 9 Artist are
Rick Simpson Mike Randles
Rarnon Murillo, Tallm.idge
Doyle and Ibrahoem Wahab A
free public reception tor the
artists will be hold fn un 7 to 9
p m on Monday, Feb 5. m the
gallery, located near the
courtyard of Lawrence Hall,
1190 Franklin Blvd
Paul and Kay Buckner will
display their sculptures and
drawings at the University s
EMU Gallery from Feb 5 to
23 A reception will be held
for the two local artists from 7
to 9 p m on Monday. Feb 5
The event is free and open to
the public
Charter of Power Granted by
Liberty The Framing of the
United States Constitution i
the title of an exhibit of 13
panels of text and
illustrations at the L ane
County Historical Museum,
740 W 13th Ave The exhibit
will last through Feb 25
Admission to the museum is
$1 for adults, 75 cents for
seniors and 50 cents for those
under 18
The Golf Course as
Landscape Art is the Idle of a
landscape photography
exhibit by New York artist
John Yang at the University
Museum of Art The exhibit
will run through March 11 It
will be on display in Gallery
1A of the Museum
Jack Wilkinson Artist. Philos
opher, 1913 1974 is the title of
an exhibit of paintings by the
artist in the University -. Mu
senrn of Art s Galleries 1C
arid 1D The work will be on
d' ; ay t'unqh M ir, n .1
Walking in the Footsteps of
the Anasazi Color
Photographs from tfie Canyon
de Chelly is th*. title of a
photography exhibit at the
Museum of Natural History.
1680 E 15th Avr by Gary
Tepfer The exhibit runs
through Feb. 11
1990 Spring Poetry Festival
competition sponsored by the
Oregon State Poetry
Association is seeking
submissions Prizes f dallmg
$400 will be awarded to
winners in seven categories
Poet's Choice.
U n f o r g e 11 a b I e C h a r a i 11 • r s
Haiku. Satire Wit. Baseball
Inspirational Religious
Themes, and Winner's Debut
For contest information, write
with a SASE to OSPA
Contest. 1645 S E Spokane
St . Portland. Ore 97202
Dili I y I'n ic'i <1 Id
f C l c iss i f i r c Ls
— FALUliSl —
IJ( bmmittee
£) Musical Arte
Contemporary Flutist
Sat.Feb.3,1990, 8 PM
Beall concert hall
$8 gen./ $4 0.0. student
Elute: 10AM-i;PM RM19S Music
Composition: 1:J0-3:00PM RM198
m m m » w m mmm.rn.mmmm ■
The KMII Ret: Center Presents...
Table Tennis
( anne slum vmir skill at this \( I I (i mi petit ion
Winners Ini the lin.ils in I’m ,ilello. Id.ilin
mi I cl) dd-LM All transportation .mil l<uleiiif>
will lie provided
Dale: I eh tnl.
I ime: \\ (mien t-a
Men ,'i-7
I’l.u e I Ml Kei ( entei
( )nl\ S I III) In fitlei
Siuii lip ,tI the Kei ( i-ulrl
Resumes, liraeliures, Intsiness yards,
stationery . . .we do it all.
I ittcr I’crteet (iraphns 888-4 181.