Philharmonic flutist to headline three-day symposium of music The 1 im ersitx s Si him! of Musk will linsl si'\ iiinsit .11 events beginning tonight in i hiding .1 three das llute svm pnsium .i i hihlren's in in ert .i I w .is at i epted to tin- New "i cirk. I’tnlharnionii (to lies! i a lirii she was t, is the principal piccolo with the lift hestra and a giadtiule ol the last man Si honl ot Music I n Lets Im kiiulman's rer dal ale S..1 tin students and seniors and SI lot tin general publii I lies are asailahle at the door I he s\ inposium i ontinues on Sat linin', leh t. with the pre sentation ol a inastei t lass and re< h\ Hut 1st and compiisei Ktihert Dir k I In k w ill demonstrate con temporari ill II -s it and .want garde ter hmi|ues loi the llute I lie master class will begin at Itl a m in Room I'll! nl the inir sn si hold I hs rer ital w ill be gin it H p in in Heal I I (Mu eit tlall I )ii k is internationally know n loi Ins t ominnnd ol e\ tended lei til!H|Ues till llute and has presented solo i mil erts ol his music throughout Kurnpe and I lie t tinted Stales Ills presentations have been i harm terized as I timplelels iniginal. musii ally diverse compelling and humorous In Ins rei ital. I In k w ill demon spate the flute ter Itnitpies ol playing more Ilian one note al am given time and ot sustain mg phrases minutes on end Admission lo tin mastei i l.iss is free In kets Ini I he re i .nr Si lor students .mil sc niols .ind SM lor the i;ener,d | > 111) I l< lit kets w ill lie ill .III I lie door l lie three this flute sympn sium ends Sunday 1 eh I with .i Itule muster I l.iss designed loi high si liool players I lle m.e.tei : !.;■ ■ d! he ■ d leied h\ I nil i i sit\ mush pro lessen Kir hard Immhley and will begin at 1 p in in Koorn Ihfl ot the nnisii si hoot It also will feature the I in r el sit r s I lute ( diolr \duiis Sion to tlie ( lass is tree I he ttiitsii school s ( dill dlens t dun ei I Series |icrlor iiltini e will he held Saturday I eh I at III til a in in lie,ill ( out erf I lall Ille theme id the i mil el t I ' I low Musk Was Invented and will im hide a narration ol I lle Man \\ ho lin elited Mu sti h\ the I ’niversity School ol Musii Dean Bernard Dolaoski Music.ti aei ontpam nielli will lie hv the 1 ugeue Syrnphonii Hand. direi ted Iw I’atrii k ( asey a I im etsilv mu sn professor I lie ( hihlreii s { mu ert Si nes suhlitled larelr Slusit for 't oung Listeners helps tie velop treatise listening skills lot youngsters ages i D1 and their parents I he programs generally last hn about one hour l it kets lot till- show are available at the door and are S i tot adults. S-’ for i hihlreii in Si tin a family I lle 1 ai ultr \rtist Set ies re i ital w ill he performed hr B.u bar.i Baird on Monday I eh i at 8 p ill ill Beall ( ami ert I lall Biard will perform on the lurgend Ahrend org.m Her re I ital w ill leature a r\ hmisii ,d • uurU’sv |ihi>l< I o/n/iosc/ .mil llulisl Kolirrl Du k mil /irrsml .1 m 1I.1I .mil m.istri 1 l.iss //us ixrrknul .is /i.irl nl Ilir I nixri'.ilx Si him/ 11/ Wi/mi s thrrr il.n llutr swii/iiisi'imi parade ot iiiiish .uni v 1*1 m* b\ U Albright entitled I he kini; i»t Instrunmnts I hr 1 t mm ement pint o is .in .itter I nmate panh1\ of flit world ol pip* oi gan and tin* *u gamsl Narrating til*1 perfoi mam e is Ki« hard ( l.nk. I 'm veisiU as sin laic pmtessoi ot iiiiish and dlHM Ini oi < studios Also on tin* program am works h\ Huxtehude Hiaiuus Hav v in ami Hat h Admission is available at fin* dooi toi students and seniors at S.‘ and toi the lynn i! publu at S 1 I’he student ja// « one ert w ill be on i uesdav I eb t« at H p m in Heal I ( uni.t'i t Hall tin bided are perdormant ns h\ tile Oregon Ja/Z Septet and tile Oregon fa// Sestet two student ensemble*, from tin* ja// studies progt am Hoth groups lire duet ted bv Steve Owen I’niversitv assis taut professor of iittisit I In* nun erf w ill feature student ( ompositions and an mgr meuts 4 with a immbei of I a/./ standards I he foe us ot i-ai fi ensemble is on developing mipmvisa hon<) ami S 1 t.'»(). an* a\ ailable in aih am «• Irnm tin* i lult < rntri bu\ nttm r nr at tin* dnui mi i nm *• 11 infill Stmlrnt (list taint In ki ts an- S t ami S . A I ret' | mill m In 1111 <- li\ Mai lan Smith I mvi'rsitv assistant iiiusii |iiiill*ssiir will 1111*i i-i11• llii‘ i uni ml at in Kiiimi I'lH nt tin- lllllsil .1 lllllll Featuring: It&ly, Matrix, Colorly, Kenra, Framesi, Paul Mitchell. 30% OFF ) ALL MATRIX AND VAVOOM PRODUCTS 20% OFF ALL OTHER HAIR PRODUCTS 1 Color Corrections 50 W. 13th • 686-1435 Expires Feb 28. 1990 • Not Valid with my other offer ^ ^ o'^.o<' * jz> • ° /