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Flattering passport pictures, in full color, in just 60 seconds When it comes to your passport it realty makes sense to travel first class And you can - with beaut ful color passport pic tures we can make for yoi in a matter of minutes - while you wait Our mstan passport pictures fully comply With the new U S Passport regulations and they re aood tor other ot* oai documents too Come in soon We 'Vi speed you on you' way CAMERA CENTERS Campus store only 849 E. 13th 344-8890 ALL STUDENTS ARE INVITED TO AN OPEN FORUM WITH: Prksidknt iMvi i s Brand Noon Tuesday February 6 EMU Fir Room Moderator: Marlene Drescher. Director Office of Student Advocacy Another in a series of opportunities for students to meet with the president and discuss issues of mutual concern. Ageni \ III. I'x.lini; tesolufion asks I in* .ulminisli.ition In fun c the ( I \ in sign .m .iffirmative a. linn statement s.n mg they tin imt disi mum,ilr mi llir liasis of sexual orient.itinn The i omnntlee will meet Monday .it 11 |) III 111 tile A SI ( ) i iff n e \t I li.it meet mg mem liers will lift tile if t hev sljnultl tt'ttline ieIeretires In the (JlA ,iilit Ini us the resolutinn nil h,i\ ing .ill poteiiti.il i ampux re iTnilei s sign .in .if firni.lti\ e a. tinn st.ilement I lie amended fnnn nl the res nlutinn will he voted nil <11 .1 Senate meeting next Thursday night ( h.utpeison Tiffany Weed mged .ill students wishing In \ mi e then opinion on the m.it tel to i .ill the student senate nl t li e finest spe.ihet Tim Hughes said lie supported the idea ot mi hiding all re. miters on the resolution lie also urged the senate In send a stinuu message to the administration U hat we're asking run In do is \ el \ simple. Hughes said A\ e need vuu In send the sin e-. • si poss.hle statement In I’lesident Hi.md that says Please make l.arn Smith tin dim tor ut i areei pi,inning and plat eluent. do Ins dut\ Please make him uphold the slatr laws and th«■ (Oregon Administrative Rules). I’leasi make sure he asks eveix smah emplover to sign a legal doeu men! that s.ns the\ agree not to disi riminnle against an\ I ’ni \ el sit \ studejil based on am extraneous tutlQ1 Hughes said he guaranteed that the ( l.\ wiin 111 m.ii sign sin h a statement A sm mid guest speakei Shannon Olivet. said the ga\ and lesbian i ommtiuih feels that a statement from the stu dent senate would he ver\ pow eiluI and moaningtul "We need help We need widespread representation and some hedbui k about how the general campus dues (eel about this ( llivei said As it stands now guv men and lesbian women have im prulei lion I hen i ights are not prnlei led iinilei tederaI m state laws "Hut Ihe\ are prulei ted hen at the I dm eisltv uudei the OAK rulings So as a student hoik we have to light for that prulei t ion. h n am one w Ini here i nines Campus dog patrols resume B\ Bon Hoskott I tiler.ild ( imtriliutor t illl11lUS dug tlW HOI s (110 ssarned lh.it I..int (’mints Am mat Rrgulatiuri will losunio its patrols nl the t nivoi.sils area Mniid.n . said Animal U olfaio t tllii i i )uil\ I mi h l nisoisits patrolling ssas nut a stipulatmil in tho \\ urding nl a i nutrai I tho I'nisei sit s had ss illi l.ano ( inints and tho t its Hi r.iiuuno It ss as nos ol spot it loil in tin 11 ml i .a t that I ,ano ( i m nt s A in niiil RoguIntiim ssas supposed tu pal ml tho I ins oi sits I inr Ii said This led tu a suspension ill iiatmls iisoi tho suminor and into tho si litn11 soar as tho run tiai t ssas being rossurdod, she said "Wo ssant tu lot tho students knuss ssliat sso are up tu," I mi Ii said ( its ordinunt os that ss ill bo onion od mi i ampus inr hide i i THE ULTIMATE INDOOR TANNING MACHINE Feat Convenient Relaxing Affordable SunShower on campus >> »■"*« i tations lui unleashed dogs mi lit eiised *i(>iAs .inti dogs that .lie left lied nutsiilr (while siillii' one is 111 i lass, lui example) even il tin' ticil dug is licensed "1 In■ (ah ut huge lie anil tin I'ni\i■ rsit\ want us to hr ven stru t with thi'sr polit irs I ini h said Reasons loi llir oiilinaiii e are lor the s.lti't\ ol the annual ■ as ivi’lI as people I ini II salil \ on nel ei know u ho is go ini; to i nine along she said ot the I led dog oi d mam e 'Some one i mild untie the animal < a it could get soaked in the ram oi i mild gel too hot in the sum met The reasons tor lit fusing yoiil dog .tie selt evident she said It a dog is In eiised hut i tin mug loose "we tail get that dog home she said ( itation amounts lot dogs running .it large m tor not hav mg a In ('Use are S la in most i uses, she said I .it fusing and rallies vaccina turns are available at the l.ane ( uimti Animal Regulation (II til es at .197(1 U l ust Ave l.l ( fuses are S i per vear lol neu ti led oi spa\ed dogs and SI ’> lor dogs that ha\e not heeii sterilized. 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