Competition <■,,nii,ua,(< ,n,mi>a^i 1111 to (i eoinv; Into the round ot questions halts s.iid tiles did manage to answer three questions r 14» h t gis me the I mi ei sits team > points U lien it was im turn and I I 4IUI Il'NV Mil I niirrs/ti stuilrnl ( .mil\n '.t/u.irf, nil .iK.iin\t ./ I niiiT‘%it\ ill It ii'-liini’lon (nntf*t.inl in tin' Sml.) Iri k BUSY? GET TAN QUICK!!! Fas! Convenient Relaxing Affordable SunShower on cam pot iw UplMW H »WM * Engine Service 1000 S Bertelsen Rd »8 tugcne OR 97402 One Block North ol W llthNolantnd PIjjj Speed : x n Vo^sujgonService pr AT ,edr 342-3952 10% Student Discount VSQOWJ) LOSE EStfebo <-^ooo^Vi CocP t uh*e^r v*\or<~ co->v answered il righ! I gol tn throw ,i pio in nn opponent's tat e I altv said I nfortunaleh In liir end 'il lilt- It 91111(1 ('niVelsitV til W.l'dl inglmi .’(Mi points .inti (he 1 1 nivti silv “I Oregon still had "'t points Muring llif Imntis round I in • u inning In,nn I'mv ersitv nt Washington t r.i \ i ’ 11't i through It's in .i liinin and t tillfi tfti ntiintnTt-tt lags worth various amounts ul nioni-v i.illV s.lltl l iif w innings wnru limn tin nalt'tl lo llitm t ollege s si luii,n slop til lilt silt' s.lltl \inelv si\ students I roll i t ul legos around I lie Ion part u I paleti in I lie Ilapmgs ol ( ../ /ege \l.ul / Inii'r (,’o//ege \/.it/ //oust' will ail on Saturday 1 eh 1(1 at H in a m on KI HK t htinnel » hi iugene FOOSBALL TOURNEY!!! EMU REC CENTER SAI MK ird ISIRY: $1.00 AC U-l \( l I Oti.ilitvinu! Winners yo In rei;inn.ils' \l /’(H MtllO ll)\HO' It sM-.jntrl.ih'>m \ I (Mly.tny; ptmulrtl tils >> „’4 Cat's Meow Jazz & BIues Corner C . i I t C (M l i I ic ati's! S|)t‘( ()rdt‘rs Cil.ullv! Ill lllc I I Shops Fihh & PiahI • Eu<,«m 686 8/4^ FLY SOUTH WITH THE BIG BIRDS. Flying south for ttie winter isn't just for the birds There’s no better way to warm up. calm down, and beat the sleet And there's no better way to fly south than from the Eugene Airport Fly to Mexico. Florida, or sunny southern California We have flights headed for sunshine and sandy beaches everyday And the fares will surprise you." Fly from Eugene to San Diego for $10 LESS than from Portland' To Mexico City - same as Portland to Miami - only $ 10 higher Call your travel agent today' And fly south with the big birds this winter. EUGENE AIRPORT ' 14 day advanx»» purc'Mst* tar©*- Saturday • jr ! ' • -*V uxjuifed Otht*f standard fosinctto/is app