University Animal rights organization meets tonight Nil ! I l\( ;s Westmoreland I enants (iouni il meets Sunday it n til in Ihr U estmorel,uni (iummu 1111\ Kuom Students for tlit* Klhii at Treatment of Animals im-i-ls In _Et als_ night .it fi in Knom IOJ (lilhert Association for Retarded ( it izens will li.ivo .in i>rii*iit.11■<>11 meeting lor and li ()SIMK(.'s (iore (.roup will hold a meeting and < oftee lloui lodav at l >0 at the hoinoma l entei 1-414 K ini aid Si l aith ( enter ( ollege- \ge fellowship will meet tonight at 7 10 ill the IN 11 Hen l.iiulei Koorn Women Exploring Spirituali ty group meets today at 10 p m in I Ml t enlurv Room I) All women are w eli nine SPEAKERS AND LECTl Rf s "( hile s Transition to l)e moc rar y " is the title ot a slide presentation hv the University student delegation that wit nessed the Deeemher 1‘IK‘I t hilean elei turns It w ill he In'ld .it I .ill p m in the I Ml ' Hen!i■ i Knum MISl I I I WIOI S rharisniiilic I’ravrr lnl lowed Ii\ Mass will hr hrlil In niijlil from ’ In ‘i .il I In* New ( I'litiT. 1 H id Kmi r.ild S| "Healing and Wholeness" a tnontlilv sen ii r nl u orsliip spi11ini)11'(! l>\ ( .1111(111'. Intcrlaith Mmistrv ami the Molropnlitan f amirtiunilv (lluin Ii. will In held lonighl at li at the knmniua ( i-nlri 111) kiln aid SI ( nltrr Ilnur i lirlil r\ i-i \ I i trnni 1 tn l> p in m tin I All IntiTHiitiunal l.mmgr I rrr i iiffri■ .uni Ir.i air srrveil .mil rvrrvnnr is ui-1 i mill I’rr-I aw So* irli will li.m six11 up shi-rls .IV.ill,(tile tuil.iN m Hmmi I il l ()ii^iin I l.ilI tin law i I.ism's on I ft) t> ur Stuili-nt ( .imp.iiun lor iii.i nil'll t will Inn i ,i nun viii 1**111 i' ilisi ussuiii .uni invcsli i*,i!i■ prim iplrs nl non vnilrin r .it t in (AH Oregon l);iih _ _ Emerald !• < > It..x 11» ,.lM f nwrald ,•-! M.■■ ! IV Mir ■- 1 • 1.1 the Of eg---n Di .ter Vule : .,, ■ j vV ■-•!.■ Kr*, vV ■ r' . General Stall Advertising Director Assistant lo the Publisher Production Manager M ' ■ • M, Advertising Coordinator t Classified Manager h * or Accounts Receivable Circulation Newsroom Classified Advertising Display Advertising Production Graphic Services ")wn! Uaiie 886 S‘,t t 88S 4343 686 J7 1 a* 686 A 18 1 Looking for a good dent? Read section 130 in the classifieds ( I'lltlll \ KiUllll I I hnilline tor sulnmttmg I I ■ iIs In tin• I Mirr.ilil Irani ilesk I \ll Suitr Kill is iHian tht' il.i\ Iwfare inlblii.ition It .i/■» rim the d.i\ at the event unless the e\ent incurs betare naan rlc.isc submit I t «i/s the il.n be lore the\ .ire to run im/i \a lues at events with .1 ilan.itian or .lilmisshill i u ill not he .iviefiteil l .mi/ms rients .mil those si tunluleil lie,nest the I'Ublu iiliim ilnte will hr given finanti I he I inrr.ilil lesenes tile light to eilit until es tin gr.mmui .mil st\ lr _Correction_ In ,i stnrv m I IhumI.h 's / mrr.ihl. Sl.ilr Ki“|>ri*srti I. lt i Vl* l .III I lost it.k.l \s n.iini* was misspi'l |1 In krls .III* l|IV rll ( )lII• tiff’ll IT VI11 rs mil . 11>I>ri 1X1111.111'I\ I ill In kt'ls 1 >«■ 1 dtt\ Tin* /• mrmld ii*v|tt‘ls tlirse 1 * 1 mis ,mil .i|n>lnv;i/i's lor .m\ 1 imliisiim they rn.n II. 1v i* 1 .msi'il THE FAR SIDE By GARY LARSON Suddenly, second-chair granite rock's jealousy of first-chair granite rock becomes uncontainable. DONT WORRY ABOUT DRINKING & DRIVING... ' WE’LL DRIVE YOU SAFELY TO & FROM OUR PARTY!! So don’t worry about a designated driver... Bring a party of 4 or more of your friends & We’ll be safe for you. FREE FOOD 4 H il.nh i LIVE MUSIC OUR NEW PICK-UP VAN will pick up in front of the U of O bookstore from 8pm-2:30am on Friday & Saturday nights. Springfield "> n Main St. 747-0 107 •»' »vSXW*v *V •» *V*v' ®v A**>X*V *1 j UNIVERSITY COUNSELING CENTER f LECTURE SERIES { Feb. 6 Shelley Reecher j and her dogs from j Project Safe Run y Walton Complex, y Dyment Lounge y ( Feb. 8 Penney Hopkins ff from the American Red Cross j “AIDS Awareness” y Walton Complex, v Sweetser Lounge y \ Feb. 13 Debbie Reed ; from Planned Parenthood ; Becky Moore from Right-to Life y Walton Complex, y Hawthorne Lounge ; Feb. 15 Judy Vergamini ; from Lane Community College ]■ “Assertiveness is A-Ok" y Walton Complex, { McAlister Lounge Feb. 20 Cathy Siegmund from Serenity Lane “Family Dynamics, Substance Abuse, and Relationships” Walton Complex, Clark Lounge Feb. 22 Pearl Wolfe from Womenspace “Sexual Discrimination and Abuse” Walton Complex, Adams Lounge Feb. 27 Jean Rubel from Sacred Heart Hospital “Eating Disorders” Walton Complex, De Cou Lounge March 1 Dianna Kale from The Office of Multi cultural Affairs “Preventing Discrimination” Walton Complex. Smith Lounge \ ALL SPEAKERS BEGIN AT 6:30 PM Walton Complex is located at 15th & Agate St. j CO Sponsored by University Housing. For more info. c,ill 080-3227.