Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, February 02, 1990, Page 2, Image 2

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State of the Union
address confusing
Just when you think you know what George Hush
is all about, ho turns around and dons something that
i nti lies everyone by surprise
Alter liis 1'l‘tl budget was unveiled Mondav.
Hush's State of the Union address Wednesday night
was generally v iewed as anti -r Iimat it Leaks from the
White House said the president would disc uss edm .i
lion goals lor the year 2000. and do a general overview
ol Ins domestic agenda A nic:e. typical State of the
Union speec h Unexc iting and boring with few spec it
ic s full of rhetoric
Hut Hush had other ideas, and announced bigger
troop c uts in luirope and a new call lor .1 1 011ve11li01t.il
.11 ms control agreement
Instead of c larifying his viewpoint. Wednesday's
speech lost made Hush more confusing than ever It s
hard to toll just wlml he believes in lbs vagueness is
now more difficult to interpret than it ever was before
lor instance his proposal to withdraw an addi
tioital all.tint) combat troops Iroin Uenlral Kurope 1 ame
as a pleasant surprise. Last June lie proposed to w ith
draw only at).U00 t S troops from Western Kurope
With the removal ol these troops, all of whom are sla
tinned in West Germany, the I oiled States would have
IP').UOO troops in Geutral Kurope.
Up until his speec h. Hush had said he would not
support deepen cuts in NATO troops. Key Democratic
ollic ials pushed him to make bigger cone essions. but
In' refused, t 'util Wednesday night It is good to see
that despite rumors ol a shake up in the Kremlin, Hush
is still mm ing however slowly, toward 1 unturned de
tense 1 ills
Hut uliili' hr mane concessions in troop levels Ins
su i .11 led "peace dividend" budget failed tu live up tu
his oratory With onlv a 2 percent cut in the overall de
lense budget. Hush seems to he sending mixed mes
i sages to both Ins allies and the Sov let bloc
In the past. Hush has been .n 1 used ol dragging his
leet in foreign poliev decisions, seeminglv content to
let (mrbaihev set the arms control negotiation sched
ule. W hile Ivastern luirope crumbled. Hush had a wait
and-see attitude; satistied with staving on the sidelines
while others made decisions. Comedians moc ked his
"prudent'' image
Instead of setting a com rete. coherent foreign poll -
i v Hush has stalled until events run ahead of him. and
lie is forced to leapfrog forward with startling propos
als The troop cut plan is a prime* example.
As lor his domestic agenda. Hush reiterated his
stance drugs bad. education good Hut while In* budg
eted billions to fight the drug war. the self-stvled "ed
ucation president" has continued to let higher ed as
well .is the public education system full apart. He lias
slashed Cell (hunt appropriations and lot the education
budge! stagnate
Hush said Wednesday he wants to make America a
leader in math and science' bv the year 2000, but be
isn't willing to pul up the money to finance it
So Hush's State of the Union address, seen in hind
sight, seems to consist of a thin layer of political elo
quence bac ked up with large amounts of vague, mud
dled proposals. While past presidents have always re
lied 011 the art ol the amorphous polic v. Hush takes it
to the extreme.
W bile one 1 ail applaud the new troop cut proposal
Hush's State of the Union address was typically un
satisfying It will he difficult to support any of Hush’s
polic ies until there are real proposals on the table to
hack up his verbal commitments. And that doesn't
look to happen anytime in the' near future.
Commentary Policy
The Oregon Daily Emerald welcomes commentaries
from the public concerning topics of interest to the
University community.
Commentaries should be between 7fi0 and 1,000
words, legible and signed, and the identification of
the writer must be verified upon submission. The Em
erald res -ves the right to edit for grammar, style and
length ii necessary
Commentaries will be published as space and
time permit because ot these limitations, the Emer
ald’s commentary' space cannot be used as a forum tor
debate and response between individuals or for mat
ters that are better dealt with in the letters section
Writers may only submit one commentary a month.
Too many
I,links like tnil main. letters 111
ausxxer Inn- for lull' ill a ai
xxord i'ss.ii hull' let mr cross
as many nl tin' complaints to
111\ |an ~11 lettel as possilili
x\ till a leu ilul11 i‘i t statements
I nst when a prison t houses
to engage ill sev tile female has
no absolute gum.inter that she
\x ill not hei nine pregnant
1 heietore sun e sex is not at all
a necessity, one .should always
hi' prepared lot a piegnant x be
hue engaging Is that too lough
toi any ot \ on inlelln tuals to
follow ’
fix prepaied I dou t mean
have the number of an abut
Intrust handy It is a fact tliat if
any procedure is exei nted
xxlui h destioys xxdial if instead
i arrd toi would have bn mill' a
human being xx e have an ai I ol
inuidel I bis is not some open
ended statement folks A lot ot
people xx ho would have been
my f i lends simply are not here
That s \y hat it s ,dl about
life is not i heap IVrhaps many
of you think it is because the
relationships you have are so
shallow you really might not
miss a particular friend if they
lust weren't here any mole
I hope tills lias made some of
you think I guess some think
that maybe I gist xvrile to ever
i ise my "logit xy hip or to in
lunidate or antagonize As I
have said before I really xxisli
to leason xxilll people personal
lx but it seems very fex\ think
it xxorthxx Idle May Ire they are
really gist afraid to be responsi
bit* tor their (relicts at a person
al level'
Hull Weigel
l.uh tei h
Pay attention
W hen tin' I niri'ilii editorial
i/i'il |.111 !1 against thr Mush
budget |imp(isal tm .ill tin'
faults i't tin' IjihJ• ;i ' lIn", |n i:11
ril mil. thes torgot that the ! ill
rr.tld is a school ness spaper
ami lias some responsibility to
pas attention to edui -at tonal .it
lairs I hr proposed budget in
cludes i lilting of Pell Grants
and a level o! growth in the ed
uialion budget t.u heloss the
tali' nt inflation
( )ik r an,nit. edui alum is gel
ling the short eml of the stii k
trollt the eiI nt at inn president ”
and the Inwr.ihl forgot to men
lion this
\\ hen tills Inidgel is re
worked the senators who will
he representing ns are the same
senators who went belly lip at
hreaklast with President Hush
and supported the exportation
nl students to a (ountrs where
then lives are at risk flood ul
Huh and Mark
I he Ijinr.iltl needs to pa\ a
little mi ire attention to what is
going on that affei ts students.
he< ause w e i an t hold our
hreatli waiting for the /register
(In,mi in our senators to tiring
it up
Ivan t i ishherg
Hard work
I Would like In take this op
portiimtv to congratulate some
individuals tm their hard work
and commitment to the student
bod\ here at the l 'uiversitv
\nd\ (dark was instrumental
m getting |)i Harry Kdw.uds to
visit our lainpus and speak on
the sad state of sports and mi
noi ities m Amei n a As an t at
wards desi nhed 'pathologii al
liberal. I found his present.!
turn a pelted follow up to Do
thr Right riung and much
more enlightening than the
host quarteibai k ’ controversy
i urrently raging on these
M\ only regret was that mure
athletes amt Alhletii Depart
ment olfii ia!s did not attend,
hut I guess that was part of !\d
wards' point Regardless, his
ver\ pieseiu.e signified to me
that student government will
no longer he ininpletelv sub
missive to the A I) and pel
haps even ipiestion their "di
vine1 so\ereignt\
Karen Itubb, Kris Petersen,
'hella stir hel and \\ ill White
ha\e hied themselves and their
lesuunes dry m order to make
1 eking MM the sura ess it has
he. n It uas mv distini t privi
lege to vvati.h then efforts pay
off into this worthy endeavor,
and anyone uho attended any
ot the month s events knows
what I mean
[ know il has not been tin'
l\mrr<il(i's normal heliavioi to
assin jali' am tiling positiv n
with thr AM ( ) I'Aeculive so lat
this vear hut I hopu this will
sen print because thi* people
mentioned above i ertainlv (le
serve some kind of ui know I
edged i red it
( hristopher Mat/
More Montana
There will alvvavs be those
people m the world who hale
the San I rani isco Piers I don t
know win mavbe the\ re |iist
jetdous ol the Miners suet css
but to dem that Joe Montana is
the greatest quarlerbai k evei is
simplv a i ase ot bias
1 t ouldn’t believe Mi< Intel Si
moil (1)1)1: |ail -III when he
tried to t onv int e hinrnild read
eis th.it Don Majkovvski was a
bettei t|iiarterbat k than Mon
tana Simon stateil that the aliil
itv to make a comeback was a
majoi tat tor in tile greatness ot
a quarterback. but a look at just
one season doesn't t ut it
Simon tailed to look at Mon
tana's entire t areer (list last
\ ear. Montana had eight (.time
bat k victories compared to
none tor Majkovvski In two
games (Bengals and (bants!
Montana threw last second
lout hdovvns tor the vit lorv
This year. Montana had si\
compared to Majkowski s
eight I'hal's 14 to eight over
the past two years, and it’s tar
more over their careers And
nobody performs under the ul
timate pressure, the Super
Bowl, better than Montana
Comparing Montana and
Maikowski is like compering
|oe DiMaggio and lose Canseco
Majkouski and Canseco are
good. 1 won't deny that, hut
Montana and DiMaggio are the
greatest ever at their positions
Montana is a shoo-in tor the
I hill ol l ame 1 u ish I could sav
the same lot Majkovvski
Open youi eves and he a
good sport give )oe Montana
the credit he deserves.
Matt Morin