Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, February 02, 1990, Page 16, Image 15

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    Transit (,,niimu‘<<
from P.ik«' 1
I hr It)nn**r the system ii.i'lv tin- i lieapm it
sii'l' ' ^(cl/ii said l)iu i’ ll)i- i im system is in
u till its iiiaiuteti.ini i f,n ililics the iipt-ralmnal f.i
tillin'- .mil computer l.iiililns 1 In- i usl «i 11 > 11,
down dr.iniiilit .ills
rhi monorail system e- i nmputer .ni(iim>iltkil
with i tirs monitored lhnmj<li .i central command
station. u Inn' .1 i i ml nilli'i \ iesvs I lie position .mil
piiiu’ii-ss ill i*<ii li \i'liIt 11*
Si d/o s.ihI ih,it vandalism is not .i i tmsulera
I mu ,ts isk h i <ii lol l ’- aiitomatn allv is iii‘\ i‘i
mini' ill.in Ivmi lo tliri'i inmuli's Imm anv station
.uni is cfjuippi'd with ,i si iv,im alarm that slops
llii' i ,n .mil nolifirs tin' i immi.mil sl.ition
In mlilitiim. the svslimi i an hi- passenger ■*'
ti\,ili'il .illi'i hours Sii'l/u s.uil su lh.it passim
aurs vv.uillIH; III liavi'l at (Ill a ill I all ailnali
ihf vchit Ins ihi-msi'Uus
Si nl/.o i minii'ii'd pollution i|uesliims In slat
mu dial Ins monorail sysitun i- < l«*i Irit .ills pro
pulled Ih' said ilia lHr.nl system is the hast
iihlrusiye ipndiov a\ syslem in I'sislimr i' and
dui-snl i imlrilmte In visual pollution lieu arise it
only ii sos ii^hls of yy ay mviii'il l>\ I ho c tly
\lthough Kngono doosn I hayo ,i liafhi i mi
i I ui:i problem n \v i il\ nlfn i.ils nonl In ah
<Jii--. transportation issues before problems o<
i ni Stol/o said adding that preliminary plan
ning hit tin- projoi !• would laho thin to live vo.lis
Oregon is lislod as i»no tho llio Ion most do
strahlo plai os to livo so pooplo will !»■ moving
lit. " Sc i*|/ii said
N< ol/o said Titan I'K I Systems is iiii roiitlv
myolvod with monorail projoi.ts in \ou Soil
Now |orso\ 1‘onnsvlvania ( alilorm.i ami I nk’
l.,mo taainty faiininissionot |orr\ Kust, yyln*
invitod Si ol/o to I tigeno to disi uss tin monotail
svslom. said ho wants In got liugono Springfiold,
and lain- ('.minty otlnials togithoi yyithin tin
no\t two months to dist uss transportation pussi
Si ol/o yyas si hodnlod to moot with i iy i<
loadors and i ity engineers .it a Inin hunn 1 huts
day to dismiss tho loihnttal implementation of
tho prnposod sy s|om
( ontimii'd Horn P.i^r I
! iii'ii- li.i-- Iii'i n .1 w uii'
■ .1 i;i- . it n ,K I ii ii !i i t hi |>iii k ill-,:
,11 111 lull- Ut'lll l.lllv llll till' III!
I l,l< t till >,11111 tun- Hill ll.l\ I- Dll
Iiii \ i Ii- >.,ilrW U illiitm-i • .ml
U lllhtlllN Is H||jll!> III Sl-t l 1 | I
int'i'lilltjs uilli llilt;ll|nil III Hill
ii'.iilrrs In lit*,* iiss i iinicins
lln>\ It,tvi* with thi‘ stun tun'
.uni In* \i Ii- sali-tv
Willi,iiii* s.iiii In- .ilsii plans
In ini'i'l w till i il\ uilli nils In
ilisi uss tin- t li,tm;i's ili.il will
h,i\i- h■ iii- in.I,ii m iin siii-i-l
r — ’ 1
sui i mi in I ni'.: the p.n ^ ni'.: sir ik
t U1 e
rin* I ni \ 1*1 sil\ is c urientk
w attmn lot an .in quahU report
nil th. t»'d • * 11 * *• fv. (if fill
}M u| Misi'tl g.uav’r l in* Mjinil is
jj,ni ni ilii* staini.ird piiM edtm
nt measuring Sim result* ol
draw i1154. new Unlfii into an
area Williams said
l ilt* I mversiK del idi-d to
build a p.uking stru< tun- idler a
two - \ «*cii si tit 1 \ bnimi dial the
I ‘uiversitv liad a need Itn 1 JtMi
additional ji.ii i. iin; jil.it i"
(’In* proposed \ltltM Slrt’i-1
gaiagc is part ut a lung term
plan ili-vfli.ijii'ii In Ibu Smith
\\•»%wt ( .impiK 1 ’I.mtun<' I him
nutter tol Mir southwest < * »l lie!
• it i .inij>us \ ! ‘ii 4 stit(1 \ t• iumt
the highest demand Ini parking
was m this set linn nt t ampus
i he proposed >H'i spai e ga
rage would onl\ pro\ ide a net
gain ol IM 4 spaces All hut two
ol the tennis courts are allead\
1 >e 11114 Used .0 parking lots
?"> t I'O t h your doll.
I>\ using coupons from
the Oregon Daily Kmerahl
Skateboards (,,niim,ed,mmPaKe 1
Sk.itrho.ililm s m.n snun hr oil thr strrrts am/ onto onr ot
III sk.itrho.irilinit /i.irks. it thr ( it\ ot buurnr follow, rr
i rut tin oinniriui.itioii'. ot .1 t.isk tram
Mu- f.it\ count il will Milt1 tin a littal recommendation
|inili.itilx si 1 metime 111 late spi inu 1 a eat l\ mimnii'i said 1 .mu
Matsushita. |mli!it inlurniatluii 1 ourdinutor tin lingerie i’aiks
Kei rent ion ami (in II lira I Ser\ 11 rs
In the meantime, the piililii will have two opportunities
In 1 uininent 1 hi plans tm Hie fat iliI ies I’hc 1111111 Parks ( .mu
miltee will hold 1 puhlit hearing tm the ret ummendaliuiis
!eh J at ai j 1 111 in the t .ilv t iiuiK il Chambers .it ~~~
Pe.irl St
Everybody's got a
hungry heart...
You get 15 playful words for only $3.00.
Heart Throbs can be placed at the UO Bookstore, the EMU Main Desk,
or tMe Oregon Daily Emerald office at 300 EMU.
ART #: .
HEART THROBS will run Wed., Feb. 14
Deadline: Tues., Feb. 13, 1 p.m.
lovable art for an extra $1.50