Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, February 02, 1990, Page 13, Image 12

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Wrestling squad to host Vikings
I'rr.sh oil its third [dacr imish
in the (>kI<tliont<< Si,tli- I ou hn\
('l.isMi last \\ rrkrml. tin (In'
gon wrestling t < -. i ■ i; will hr
hosting I’nrtland Stair tonight
at 7 to p m In Mi At (hut
( null
I hrgon hr.it Portland stair
ij12 \nv 10 in I ’oil land I’hr
Vikings, t li hn ihr season
air Ird In \( \ \ 1 !|v II nal ton
ally rankml uywsflurs Hiodum k
I rr and I Ian IJwit^nll
l .rg,. 'I(**1' on thr \ rat . Is
iailKt.>d"'\o I at I JO pounds
Kussrll Is jo l and ralrd lirst at
1 iH pounds
(hc'gon takes In tin- lu.nl Ini .1
nii-i-l In Ashland with Simillern
Oregon St,iir no Saturdav ,il
in p 111 rhr iiic-i'l u itI)
SiHiltn-ni ()n-'.;mi. whit h ures
1 It's in tin N AIA division is
soniolhmtt 11I ,ni ,1111111.il event
Ini Ihr Dm ks Iml was i am eled
Iasi war due to lieuvv snou in
(111- stall'. iIH'Ittdin ' l!i'- I in;eue
a run
Southern Orc.iun is led h\
1-17 pounder Si nit lulinson
(1 Mil. 1 all poimdei lull Mai
shall III II 1*7 putindei ( Iml
\\oihUs.mi i I l "il .nul l*Mi
piHinder jim \ n hull i 1 I i f
OrcjiOtl. It'd !>v (In* sixth
plate r.mkmi; nl 11H phtindet
I (.III \ nil.lk Is Milked (Ill HI
tin' Idlest Xiiuiifiii Wti'slliiuj
News poll I lie Dinks .in’ 1
mi (In* season . ! in tin* i’at il
ii I It ( iiiiti'ii'iu e
\ llll.lk Is 1 i . (Ills sea-., ill (ill
lnv\ml In I ' piuimtei ( ml
St 1 dlllTi i! !(l. ] joe K i ssi i...
uii'sllmi: . 11 1'in |iomiils is
I I *i while ( ill |mnun lei (ieutxe
|iillilsloti is | I. |
C onlimu'ri from P.t)>e I 2
Hrandon had ] I points him
assists and two steals loi ()rr
gon. hut .list) had lour turn
o\ rrs
Die I hit hs also sa\ ed them
selves at the tree throw line
making I 7 ot t attempts tor a
I 'I pen outage lor the game
That i omp,ired n ilh a 1J I pei
i ent mark In the I artlinal w ho
sank just eight ot HI attempts
Stanford shot 4M pen ent
hum the tlooi on .'1 “>() lor the
Rebounding troubled the
I Ini ks against the higgei
strongei ( animal Oregon was
outrelioiinded in ,;tt and gave
aua\ imiuerous souring oppoi
Utilities on I lie of tensive end
Ue ins! don't th enough
and 1 didn't get enough help
Irom the guards on the
hoards. Munson said lint
(Stanford's) the lies! rebound
mg team in the league and
we're the worst rebounding
team in tile league
(begun did a great job ot
shut I i ii)( (low n I he I .11 ■ 1111.11 Iii>4
nim inside must nolnbh n
Ii ii il 'I. ill [lotlllii \i i.i m Is note
keele who .o eraged .111 i
points pi'i 4.mu' i 1 lining in lilt
ishi'd u ilh I 1 points ami live
III).II lls
"lb's ilia league s lead 1114
rebnunder avei. 141114 ovei Jll
points a game and lie s a 4re.1t
plavi'i I liegoli I elitei Kit li.nd
I 111 as said I bail In get
around bim a lot and gut some
Ion Is but d that's what it la ki
lo tr\ and keep him Irom si 01
1114 I II take some tools
1.111 as saw the press as a ke\
in (>1 egiiii not onl\ turning the
game around blit getlin the
r i.’ll tails III Mai ( nul l I ill'll
U e did a great |oh u itli |lhe
press)." lanas said That
reallv gets us pumped those
turnovers and tilings like dial
When we gel those tuinmei
and the i rnwd gets going llie
I’d just ( nines alivi
I .Ill as w lapped up the game
nil eh \'o mallei how bad
Intramural Results
Men's basketball
Noon 11.ill fanatic x 7| Motivators 10
Phi Dell II B 5H. I he Dust Patiol in
Phi Dell II-A 18, Cumin s
Sexual ( hoc olale 7 4 No Merc \ i>1
Swatisass ') I Soul Dakola -lb
I n Banc shot ‘H, I )ella l Ipsilon I >7
I hree Days I ater VI, Masoniv Personified >>
( onme s Kids HO. I xpiiss III C
Co-ed Basketball
Alt) In I )ell 40. No Parking SIrui lure 2 4
Men's Rac quetball
lei mmals 4, Sig 1 ps II
Kappa Sigma II 2, SAI II I
Co-ed Volleyball
M.ikam Kai 2. ( ho () Kappa Sn; o
I he I nii in ers 2 I )a Kanakas (I
k \ (irij> of ! )eath 2. DKA I
Sc haelerales 2 Sweet Mashers I)
\ (ill plil\ . v\ (it'll Mill t oil If .t\\ ,i\
tile winner when the hn./ei
Hoes oft u tui i .lies 1 I ue.is
t lleeciil I > 1.1 \ s host to I .llllot
in,i Snnthn <it t p tti ( ,iI lost
OH It I I lull sd.i\ ti i ( tree.on
I III I(SS\I *» <>
our M U
l of O I .(Ration!
607 I.. 13th
Mi i, hi i n II. »/ l ii , m ,
l.nj,-M Hnml in, mill
„ Ilh lubni,HI\ I’ll' . . /. . ’lull
MUl II I : //. I. ■ )(>l
, " I 11»ITS ' ^ 'tils
"(.litis I sIlH
IMltsIl H.llloolls
A mini!
(. r .iI> 41 If mill \ l onu
oil (low n TODAY!!
Ill / ( liH .lit <1 III lilt N( »♦
r.n kini: liiiildtnn 1
/»/»»< k ms I ol Va n t/ lit .ii I ’
[ fitsi l sill • (>0*’ I I Mh
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