I lxm> Cats” Sweatshirt NOW ONLY S24.(>(hI IV. » IMpir.k »V,. j... |l Mu. lu*M IUj.ii Mini I j * r ndc t '■ t ■ « M I VI |i , - \ \ I V V X l m ► ■ * \ • j.jmI i h.. » V . Mi I *. hj. i *"•’ l ■-1 . , .1 jt jut. • i ii. i • * I !•,! I Hl.x III! 1 (Mlllill.' \1 \ ll.'l, , , l .ill I HOO III. 4. r . .11 j-.OS' 4„’K 41 ?h School uwvtftsrrr of omoot* of MUSIC THIS WEEK at BEALL HALL: 961 E 18th Ave A MINDY KAUFMAN. Flute Guest Artist O Flute Recital * Fii., Feb 2 8 p.m $4 General Adm- von Student:. Senior C .-worn. ROBERT DICK. Flute Guest Artist Master Class (Room 198) Sat., Feb. 3 10:00 a.m. FREE Adir sion Flute Recital Sat., Feb. 3 8 p.m $8 General Admission $4 Students Senior C 'svn . 4 CHILDREN S CONCERT 'How Music Was Imented' Sal, Feb. 3 10 30 a m $3 adulls S2 children or 5b lor a family RICHARD TROMBLEY, Flute Master Class for t igh : ‘ flute players (Room 193) Sun , Feb 4 1:00 p m FREE Admission BARBARA BAIRD, Organ Facuf!y Artist Senes Mon , Feb 5 8p.m 54 General Admission $2 Students Senior Citirons JAZZ SEXTET & SEPTET Student Ensembles Tues,,Feb. 6 8 pm. FREE Admission BERLIN OCTET Chamber Music Senes T!iurs., Feb 8 8 p m $13 50 $10 50. $5 50 for Reserved seals, $5 $3 lor sludenls For more information, call 686-3761 (Music School) Recycle This Paper Sports Cold-shooting Oregon takes ugly win Reynolds leads way with 23 B> ( am Si\rsin«l I merald Sports Rrportcr Winning gam<*s .is < ins.* .is pi )SS|()lr StM'lllS tu li< tin* lull ini tin* t ) logon nit ii s baskHbalI h am and I !hii mI.iv night was IK i i'\( opt 1( Ml a tin ! hit k ' mil invviy < jj*|«',ih‘(i Stanford in \h Arthur < mu! it.' •» 1 Srnioi forwaid K«*ith Krvn olds M n|<’(j a y'amt' high J » points IB of thoM1 i on ling in thn m*c mini half to tarn tin-* I )m ks to v It lOl . Oro-mi to h ()o Dh-un umiIi Dull MhIisiii said i hi* gambit* paid oft as tin ! hit U inn od a HI sot onti < all i.ni't'ci two Stanford lummrrs ami took a J > II h ad in a f i\«■ minute span i )tri:un (Jim- up its lead •)i, Pi v\ ilh 11 iimaiuing hut not tor long A jumper In Km n old put tin' Dm ks I mi k on tup id -Id ami Oregon would not relinquish its In,id Ini llu- re m.imilui ol tin game (fregnn s In.id jumped hum 1 limn points to one six times in the hist seven minutes of the ■Mine .is the I )te k ■■ end t ai dr nel It,ided heskets h.u I end lentil \\ til) In l|i ks lett on the elm k Stanford ' |i ih U I ‘.111 li k lot e hide ,m,i\ iiimpei bring lie: the ( ,nd me! P i w itliin one et fi.1 1.1 Oil tin suhsei|tient Oregon itihiminis pl,i\ the ( erdin.i) quic kl\ fouled Kexniiids Kevn olds, who i elite olive in the - ei emd hell to xelvoge 1 hick hopes, hed tin i hem e to seel at least a he should Stenhud get another oppcitlunilx to Si lire I hi free throw did lint drop end Stanford got the rebound It • tough u lieu you've got mV lust tree throw shooter Ilie . Ii.ilil'i i HI I lie line end one end une with HI set-nods to go end we ■ i> ei I i ii\ ei I it si i dim a it a i ham e to win it Mon suit seal When \ om guts are lying nil the Hour in front of Mill, there isn I mm it vwi cun do the thicks pressure di-tense resulted in t.animal forward \ndrew VI.dim . who hail im t two points on the night taking a li tool Iiimpei III,(I missed as time ran not RESTAURANT AND LOUNGE FEATURING Feb. 2-3 CENTER STREET Country Rock On the corner ot Mohawk and Centennial Sprmqtield 747-5145 The EMU Rec Center, is hosting yet another ACUI Tournament on Monday Feb. 5th at 7:00 pm. This time it’s — Backgammon The top winner qualifies for the regional tournament Feb. 22-24 in Pocatello. Idaho. Transportation and lodging is provided! Entry fee is $3.00 and sign-ups are in the Rec Center. Don't miss this exciting event!! i. Srninr tut \\ .ml krith AVi nolits si turd J.i /Hunts. Hi in thi‘ sn unit hull tu hrl/t thr l)in ks s.il\ ,i hj n I uinmri ^tnnlnrd Oregon had another vs til though tai toiiu pietlv undet its hell Lust \ rat 1 dun t k in us it vs i Would haw {tolled l!i,tt tint Krv titdvls said Util this \ ear \\ t have a good |><>i111 guard in leirell (Brandon) .md a good outside shootei m Kevin lis on) \\ e pulled it out in the last si'iond and vse hung in there .ill through the stieti It The Din ks now li.ive won sis games h\ three points or less Time losses have been bv few el than three points as well in i hiding a in if! loss to Stanford .it lain Alto ji■ *»s Iti.m ,i month I think hash all\ it's tin* saint* gamr ur piawd down at Shin ford. Mixon said \\ r shot .1 iittlr hrttrr , hut attain w r H- at home shooting was a trot unis ten tin 1 )ut k s in t hr hist halt ( hr gon madi■ six of 1 \ attempts toi ,i . » pen mt shoot mg Thanks to K r \ nolds thr Dinks brought the pen rutage lip toi thr gamr to }.' prn ml shooting on J I Mil lor thr game Jurn to Stanford, Page* I \ TheresNoHaee Like I lome \\ lirn Ilir renegade Min m |fsus' p.ir.ihle returned home. he miK hud hopes of he mg well (lined ,is .1 slave wind he e\pe riem ed w.ts .1 great surprise (leorge Ifoelimer. college pastor .it Kugene I ,11th (lentei u ill look .it the hen veil I \ I '.ither s response when lie (mile home to I Inn 'l mi might he surprised too Friday night Feb. 2 7:30 1 \M11 Ben Linder Rrxxn (f ormerly the Forum Room) FAITH CEMTEnfeOt El L. OWSHIP