_Sports Semeniuk nearly perfect in win Women over Arizona 84-73 t hr (iiegon women s basket lull team inn its winning slre.ik to loin games \\ ith a win 1ner \ri/on.i Thin sdav in I tu son I lie loss was the Wildcats' tilth straight |ai i|uie Seineimik was in•..*rl\ perlei I in leading the I )ui ks ■ 2 ill the I’,n it ii tut .onleieni e and Ii overall, to the win Setnennik was > ioi li trum the field. IU-lor-10 from the line Pat-10 Women Stanford Washington Oregon UCL A Gali forma Washington ! Southern Cat Arizona St An.'ona Oregon St &0 7 1 6 2 Overdo A t 180 162 14 5 10 8 had 20 (mints 10 rebounds sr\i'n assists ami three steals in { mi mites of pia v ing t into 1 i ma \li t 'artnev w as the Dm k> 11 m 11 i n g si ort*i with 2 1 points and also » hipped in se\ cn rehounds t iti.nd Vanessa Stdden and ( 'elitei Stetame Kaspet ki had in and !’» points tes|)*‘( tivel\ kasperski shareiI the team lead w ith Semenmk m reboundmt'. with 10 as ( ) fee on outlrhnn tided At l/( m.i l t \ \!c(.artm*\ opened st oring m the game w itli a !a\ tip hut Art /ona a nsweretl w ith 10 straight pi nuts li» make if 10 2 w ith < little nvei thti i- minutes gone ()iegon then outsi ored the \\ dd< ats 8 2 to pull w ithin two at 1 2 10 rti.il w ould he At l/o ua s last lead M ime Smith si ored from 10 feet i nit to t le it at 12 1 hen kaspeiski and Mt ( artnev eac h si t n et! to make 0 10 1 2 ( )l egon 1 he I hn ks then went on to take a 10 point lead at the half a! M\ 28 Mr t artne\ led ( begun in the tust halt w ith 1 1 points As a team ( ) I egon shot 1 1 pel i ent from the held h» \i i/ona s 12 1 pen ent I'he 1 Jut k-> dommated the hoards out i ebon ml mg the \\ ildc als 2 2, 1 » Selden si oieiI with 1 *» 0 left in the game to give Oregon a N A T l R A I. w ]•’ I B I* R S Q IJ A I. I T Y jp giCLOTIIING « Iaffordabiy: P K I C H S3 'xmm 1 3 BanVaii 'live I A t li \ •> \ P&ief^saiCSJ1 HP Wki J3&5? ★ tMJNDCRIAND * , HI AT ^OH P A R TIF S AND BlRTMOAvS 5**uincn ah games work QVlUtU VVITHNICKFLS GAMES admission i so STM STRUT PUIIIC RIARMT • EUGENI • 683-8464 I,n (jinr Srmrnmk led the l)ui As to \ it tin \ >it \ / i/nn.i UL ,,i I ■ ■ . . .TT. • .W. ■ « -"IT* « .TT^t^TT* • • ,,®y *^T *\. „ h N ( >** .* M- • 1 I ,~| f^.lurv t . f •'• »■ tv *F f LAUNDRY DAY??? -<hh! ( niiin i (nxi ! 7 | m Milt t 11sti ion ,i( » ! i * Arizona ( r.iwHti in within II ,it >‘i 1H w il h 1 1 I Iff l Itnl ( )t fgon Miiit-il m-vt*n straight In l.ikt* ils hii gf sf lf.nl «»! I In gamr ,i( un -4H u ith 'I .'*» if in. lining \i j/on.i wfnt mi .t mni' |mint ntn iit its n\\ n to pull \\ illim min al t>H * and got in within fin Jit .it il : hut t ould pul! m I ( Just'I 11 s the I )ut ks Inf fight til l* throw s dow ii thf stn*ti it In iMisuiv I it** w i n Si ■MtflU! i k SI Oil'll It 't hi ! 21 • pnmt s in I hi' M'uiml hull, m finding ill in tu»‘ throw s As ,i tfiim ()ifgnu hit I nt ' J i hiii i !\ i1.8 pun.tmi from thf SftllfMUik .i\fl.lgfs H u ptmil • p» i git11m im «ii pfii ml shout mg. hut has hffii on a tf.u m thf loam's hist two ganifs Shf h.is m iiif11 I .mti .’U points m tin* wins nvfi ! t.I.A «tud Arizona, ivspfi 11\ «*l\ Shf It.i lot l t nt .!J shots Ironi thf In-hi .md I I ni 1"» tiff thmw s in tin* two gaums Outird 1 imi Brown 1 *■ 11 th« \\ ildt .its w itli 2 l points to! lowfti b\ Bifiuia 1 icfsf with i:> Dm k \ntfs ( ) - '"11 il l ! til* m*Ilfs with Arizona 8 I with thf Wildcats onl\ win voining hist sfason in I in sou ( )regou travfIs to hempf tm a Saturd.n gaum with thf Sun DfVils nt A i i /1) n a Statf Tom’s Hj Tea House ^ Restaurant^ SZECHUAN/ HUNAN SEAFOOD DAILY SPECIALS 7HH \\ . 7lh \\ ( 111 GREAT MOVIES MO $3 / Tu-W-Th $3.50 LATE NIGHT r-Sa $3 / Su-Th $2.50 | ^ 482 E 13th ■ 0 tl ^ 686-2458 I In to your ears': l)i«i[ yourself out deal on an IBM l*S/2 Ilrlon- \oii jm I -in iwnl iinilrr with work 1111 ^ m-.ii !_'• lVfNoti.il S'\s|rm I Ihhim- Iroin Iim* «1111«*r« * ii I | ».h Li; W, | ft ’ ,|||<1 'ollW.IM* MOW .ll '|MT|,|| low 'link III |H II I > \ -1 (• 111 i i hi n*' w 1111 i .1 - \ lo 11'»■ -ol I w.i 11 ■ Io.h lii I .1 in I i • \\ li.it « lllilli W I Ilf I MM J lm\ MMJI I >s' 1 M Ml Will "•! |i,ld .1 » > III! ll ill'ki ll* holilrr. mil .1 |M»WI | 'll Iji .ill \ f ill lh.it ' Mol .ill V Ml ft .lI'O rill It ll 11 lo .1 '| mi 1.11 low pi n • on ih* m m 'i i \ n ‘ i«m». 1 .... IBM M' ol I 1.1 I'll I .nil -.11 I \ to JM I Mol | 'i III'.* - \ml .i-hIi- I rum .ill llii'. lliiv ul tin- nrn-l |»« tpnl.ir I |i\I I ’ll l| llll III I ' .III- .It. 11 Lit ill" .ll '[Hi i. 11 l< »w JII H l ~ * I >a III I HI I la'll a >111 III ilia- mill! I Hill IIII I- I I III! I.II \ I i. I I • »| 111' III lull.IN. I low Ye \ou ‘*oii»*' to do it? PS/2 it! Microcomputer Support Lai) Room 202 Computing (enter MoihIun-I' rida> 9am-5pm 686-4402