Sports Softball_ Continued from Page H \ ini', about tin' upc oming sea Mill "1 11 1)1' ll.l|l|l\ |{ I I .III .11 l lllll plish \\ 1 ilnl last \ i'.h .mil I hope to work up In lining lift 11' I sill' s.llil | „|st \ I',II I got .1 lot nl It■< i iglilt Inn Ini just piti hi hr \ Blow ll to keep i111 proving this war Junior knsll ( Iknhaia provides solid deleuse at second base to round out the infield. I lie outtield prm ides the team w ith its must stabilit'. and experience I hree seniors \ a ki I r\ leanna king and ( unison w ill start in left t enlei I\n in 1*1,1 \ rt nt thr ) r.n .mil .ill \mrru.m k.itir \\irsr will hr tun k nn thr nwuiul ,is thr Dm As srrk .1 i h.inifnnn shift this sr.isnn .inti right fields respec 11vt*i\ H row n said that s lit * brought ,1 new litt it licit* to I hr i hu ks stvie of prut tn (» ami pl.iv a stvie Ilia! milphtlsl/.es a unified intensity \\ e ha\ • a u to w in nationals, Brou n said ( )iegon opens the season 'sal tirdav v\ ith a dotihleiieadet at Oiegon State (anile time is !J p m KEYSTOM Eugene's westside neighborhood cafe fea turing home baked breads and desserts Mexican, vegetarian, and meat entrees Good food at a reasonable price Weekend Dinner Special — Friday & Saturday Tofu Tamales, refried beans, & brown rice.$4.50 W 5th at Lawrence 7 a m to 9 p rn Mon-Sat 7 a m to 2 p m Sundays Breakfast til 2 p m THE ULTIMATE INDOOR TANNING MACHINE Fast Convenient Relating Affordable SunShoteer on campus «et jmi • •/« i i n» U*»«*»* ftf « ESCAPE UP THE RIVER j FOR A ROMANTIC EVENING | OFFER: Fireside dinner tor 2 | Plus overnight lodging tor only $50.00 | Riverside Inn t JO Minutes From Downtown Eugene i M.P. 2b Mc Kenzie Hwy., Vid.i —' 896-3218] I xpires M,u 1st i Keservatnms Krinnmf \u >\lmk« >i i ,m KH ) \s s Luncheon Specials One of the Most Popular Indonesian Dishes, Sotoayam (Chicken Noodle Soup) 3.95 ( />%'.( s Vr \ I In ( ill ( 1 /Jill >k ■■h >fr* CHINA BLUE RESTAURANT Musique Gourrqet Catering to the Discriminating Collector CRITICALLY ACCLAIMED CLASSICAL MUSIC & OPERA ON COMPACT DISC j_CD's FROM $5.95 SELECT CLASSIC FILMS ON VIDEO LASERDISC i\ Hi i Idvv BRADFORD’S »■ V ■ N W N W N 343-9000 If You’re Tired Of Borrowing A ^ Typewriter, Now You Can Afford w To Have Your Own! fjffyr«n». ■. wn (■’KIN IIV. -.YU I fl i I . ( 01)1 D ()(’( K A Hi iN • I n )KK1 i HO'. Ml Mi IKS T CANON ES-5 22‘J ll)l> M-, ( I OSI OUT 13995 1‘KINIIM . . ; ■ t!( )N Ml Ml >RV rout [)OII KA I !< IN CANON ES-10 {IN 4r, c i osi out I9995 I • .. j.AKA< I ■ ' ■ :K: ( I K )N Ml M< IKS • ! ASY lOl’sf ' C u|)| D i )l'l RA 1 11 >N CANON ES-20 SI 1,1, OKI (All *59 95 < )! !H I VI RVlJA’i 299 95 C l OSF OUT 22995 CANON i THERMAL WRITER TYPESTAR 110 • l'RIMIN<, SYS II M • MORt I HAN ! AN< V.I CAWill ITS • i : u i! c k; k (,< VDRFTAM ,M'» « f V I KYIVV 21c) I8995 SAIJ UO Bookstore 13th & Kiricoid MF 7 30 6 00 SAT 1000600 686-4331