Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, February 01, 1990, Page 8, Image 8

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Contemporary Flutist
Sat.Feb.3,1990, 8 PM
Beall concert hall
yB gen./ $9 U.O. student
Flute: 10AM-12PM RMI98 Music
Composition: 1:30-3:00PM RM198
f-V*- f » i'i .•
5.99 3.99
13th & Kincaid M F 7 30-6:00 SAT 10 00-6 00 686 4331
I 11*- photo
\ll-l’.it III (.lit her lithe ( a\anauuh is tine til eii;ht returners .is the Oregon soltliall le.ini tifiens
the season Satunl.n ,il Oregon Slate
Brown, softball team look to title
B\ Darin I innman
f mrralri ( onlributor
It the suci ess of last \(‘ar s team is any indi
ration. ilevs (begun softball ( oa< li I ami Brown
shouldn't have* am trouble getting e\< ited about
this year's tram and she hasn't
Hrmui who in 1 MB7 guided the Stanford ( ai
dinal to a 1 a > mark and has been an assistant .it
Arizona Stair for thr List two vrars said shr is
vrr\ cm ited about hrr move from thr sunny
souttiwrst to raim Kugene
I m r\( itrd to i oadi Oregon, and I lovr thr
l mvrrsitv Its a great program be< aust* it’s like a
famiU atmosplirrr and I love it brown said
Hut Brown has more than a family alums
phrrr to br rye ited about Stir lias inherited a
team that last season compiled a VI 1H overall ir
cord and finished sri ond in the l\n i f it It) (.on
frrrni r with a I t ' league record to eyentual na
ttonal < hampion 1(1 A
I hr so mill plat r finish cjmilifiril thr Minks
tor thru first ever \< A A tournament The\ vyrnt
on to win the \ortheast Regional, earning a spot
m the ( ollege \\ m ill Scries
I roil) lli.il ( ollege WOrld Scries te.ini. 14 let
tei winners return un hiding H stnrters .tut] lour
(d.ivers vvlin earned I’m It) nr All America Inin
ms With .1 team su rich in talent and exponent e
i miles a great deal iit expel tations lint Drown re
mams immune to outside pressure
"We have to not think about last year and not
worry about what people think " she said I
know what we have and I am really confident in
my team and really i onlident in my stall
The abundant e ol returning talent gives
It row ii good reason to he i onlident
Leading the yyay among the returners is
sophomore pitcher Katie W iese As a freshman.
Wiese led the nation and set an Oregon record
with a mark of 4J l.t Her 4..’ yxms and hei I)
earned run average earned her the I’m 10 1’layer
ol the Year and lust team All A merit.a honors
Katie is a one-nl a kind player and person
She is our tram hi sc play ei Drown saitl
Wiese said she hopes to improve upon last
year's performatii e hut admits she's a little net
Turn to Softball, Page 9
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