Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, February 01, 1990, Page 7, Image 7

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Bush voices new troop cuts
State of Union speech centers on Europe
By Terent e Hunt
Assck itilod Press
U ASIIINCTON (A!’) President Hush ai
claiming the "revolution ol H'l" in Kastern Ku
rope. proposed .1 sharp nev\ cut in I' S and Sovi
el combat ton es Wednesday night anil told a
joint meeting ol Congress that the lime is right
to move tom aril " in Kurope
In his Ii 1st State of the I'mon address Hush
,ilso announced plans to withdraw "well be
fore the end of February the last .1.000 troops
from a font1 of 14.1)00 sent to Panama to oust
Ill'll Manuel Antonio Noriega
Denioi rats and Keplihlit ans alike assemlileil 111
joint session ol I Congress to he.11 the president
stood in ovation when Hush said. '(hie veai ago.
the people of Panama lived in teal undei the
thumb ol a dictator I'odav. deniorrary is re
stored. Panama is free
Hours before he delivered Ins address Hush
telephoned Soviet President Mikhail S (ioilia
i hev to ath ise him ol his proposal to cut l s anil
Soviet forces in Central Kurope to Pl'i.UOD on
e.u h sitle I ..itei Hush characterized ( uirhai hey as
"ret ept i ve ’ and w 111 ing to 1 t insider the proposal
1 he t uts would be nowhere near equal since
the Soviets have a huge advantage ill l.urope.in
military force Idle t oiled States lias HI 1 DUO
troops in Kurope. compared to alia,01)0 Soviet
tori es
hast Mav Hush proposed a .' '1.000-troop I ell
ing and he had said lie would not seek deepei
cuts until l S Soviet negotiators hail finalized
that agreement Wednesday the administration
said it wanted parallel discussions on the deepei
tuts Win the shill'’ A senioi H S official said
I.vents [in Kurope) were running ahead ol the
I he f uropeali troop ottei was the surprising
and popular centerpiece of a sped h ill yvhu h
Hush also proposed loltv goals lot \inerii an
si hoots and prodded lawmakers to approve los
pi.ms tor a capital gams t.i\ < ut and dealing
with ( !«’.m .nr childcare < rime .md drugs
In reaction House Speaker lhomas S Imlry
rmhr.it r«i thr troop rrdm lion pi.m hut said I )em
oc rats would ottrr .1 domestic agenda ot thru
1 iv\ n
With ambassadors from at toss thr world m .it
tcml.mi e. Hush s.m! With communism c rum
bling. our aim must hr to ensure democ rat \ s at!
vane r Wr art* m a period ol great transition
great hope vet grr.it uni rrtamtv
Hush said "Thr rvrnts ot thr vrar just endrd
thr revolution tit MU havr hrru a t ham rrat
turn, change so striking that it marks thr hrgin
mug tit a nrw rra m the world's att.urs
"Think h.u k Hush asked (iongress and !ns
national broadcast audience. to thr world wr
knew as 1UMU began In the vrar sine r ( ouunu
111st governments gave s\.*\ in I*•»!.«iit! l ast t.• *i
many Romania. Hulgana and ( /et hoslnvakta In
such lot alums. Hush said, ‘the idea t tiled \tnri
it a is alive
On his return to the White House Hush wa-«
asketl I»\ reporters how t iorbac hrv feac let!
1 can't t harm trri/r it hut I can just simply
say that he war. receptive but I don't know
whetbri hr s supportive 01 not ! just told him
about it and so we have to wait Hush said
You taut someth 1 ng as t oiupi n a let I 1 •> that
and serious. ubviouslv thr\ need t*> c onsidei it
St» that 's about all Hut it was .t trieodly and I
think productive conversation
In his speech Hush said "We ret ogni/e that
the Soviet military threat m 1’umpe is dimmish
mg hut we see little change m Soviet stiate-. it
moderni/alion Hut the time is right !<» move
forward on a conventional arms a onlrol .»goe
ment to move us to more appropriate levels ot
military fore rs in h mope
His troop cutback proposal won immediate
praise limn ( tmgress Sen Sam Nunn Drmot rat
loro to t mon, Rage 1 2
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