G hUd. yen’s WjWRfcl’ BLACK HISTORY MONTH ! JOIN CIS ON SAT., FEB. 3 FOR LEARNING AND CELEBRATION AGES 3 8 2ND FLOOR (GEN BOOKS DEPT.) 12 1 P M _ UO BOOKSTORE am '!!!!! urn iiif! Ufa (iiu Take The Music With You— With The Latest Portables From Aiwa! If You Need Good Quality For Less... AIWA . t Mi I A- ! H HSP12 PLAYER • AN 1 LUNG MECHANISM SUGG 0 RETAIL OUR EVERYDAY 59.95 49.95 s^2995 If You Like To Control The Music... i AIWA I? • AM/PM STERf '• ETTI • .’WAY AUTO REVERSE • SUPf R BA! S • ANT! HOt i ING Ml C H SUGG DHf TAIL OUR EVERYDAY 75.00 59.95 4995 If You're Serious About Sound... i AIWA HSG-570 • AUTO REVERSE HEAOPHONI STEREO PLAYER W'SUPER BASS • DOLBYB • ANTI ROLL ING MICH SUGG D RETAIL OUR EVERYDAY 79.95 69.95 5995 If You're Looking For The Best... AIWA HST370 • am PM TERi CASSETTE PLAYER • WAY AUT REVEI • DIGITAL TUNER WITH Ml MORY PRC SETS • AM> N . . IN', Mt i NANI! M SUGG D RETAIL OUR EVERYDAY 140.00 109.95 9995 UOBookstore 13th A Kincaid M F 7 30-6:00 SAT 10:0X00 646-4331 » I. _University_ Chi Alpha ministry group will meet tonight in EMU Mi l ! I\< ,S Chi Alpha (Christian minislrv meets tonight at 7 10 in I All (umturv Room I Stop hv the table toduv in the I Ml lor mori' informal ion ( inli' K International meets tonight at ti to m Room I'M Slranli Publii Relations Students Soi.ietv ol Amerii a will hold a _Et als_ general business meeting to I illicit at . to in Room J I -4 A I Inn Opal Creek Defense Coali tion meets tonight at to in T Ml' Suite 1 toi work on an i lent finest issues VeosgreeA i pulilii ation lor the I'niversiK greek system is inviting interested writers and photographers to a meeting to night at 10 in I All I edai Room I Nativ e \merit .in Student I Inion will have an important meeting and gnm|i photo Indus at t p m in Room 1 "iA KMl Students Ini t realise \naili ronism meets tonight al H: to m the I All fishbowl lor more information i all l>H(i 1-110 or i t.' 11 a, \ssoi i,ileil Students ol His turn Preservation a ill h dd .. general meeting tonight at - in Room .’oft I aw rein e Ml.St I I I AM I )! S New lilth-vear elemental \ and set imdarv edui ation otnkshiip loi exploring sin dents will he held tonight at t in rooms 1.17 and l td fed in a I ion ‘‘People »>t the Oregon Coast'' is Ihr title ol ,i work shop about studying at the Ore gon Institute ol Marine biology spring term The workshop u ill he held today at t ill p in in Room 11)4 I Iregon I l.tll Comedy Night try-outs foi the (ireek I lay s of ( hying w ill he held tonight at 7 at the Sig ma I’hi I psilon fraternity 1000 Alder St lawbone poetry and fiction reading y\ ill t.ike plai e today from i ID to "i p in in KMI ’ (ie dar rooms A and H Ihe event is sponsored In the l iterary So i let y Overseas employment is the topic of a presentation to he given In the ( nnnn d on Inter national I dm alumni Km hnnge today at 4 p in in Room 17 I lendrii ks Bible sharing tm using on the Ifeatitudes ut Luke and hoy\ the relate to the struggles in ( mitral Anierii .i begins to night at H at the \eyy man ( Til ter 1H at I 1- im raid St Deadline Ini submitting It a/s 11. the Kinerald limit desk I \ll Suite ton is noon tin da\ before iniblii .itton lit .ils run thr day ol thr rvrnt unit'ss thr event ot ( ill's helon• noon I’lr.isr submit I t a/s thr rf.i I br lorr thr\ are to run milt V tii rs ol events with a (lunation oi admission i liarge n ill not he at.t efitcd (am/ms events .mil those si hedu led nearest the IHlblii alien date it ill be gnen l>liont\ I be Kinerald resenes the right to edit not it es bn grammar and st\ le I ni\ci'Mt\ of ()regon Student Iiciillh ('enter MEASLES VACCINE NOT JUST FOR KIDS Did you know... • Y.KVitH' kulure .imong college .ige peisons.iiul \ oung people .imiuffl for 50fr i»t inc.i'lis oih1' • I Ik- nu'.isk's outbreak this l.ist \e.ti was tlie worst sum I'ISO • Ilk death loll loi measles is ilk- ll I g Ik' si ill IS seals • Ilk Hu,isles outhieak in \tedloul .iik) \shkiikl l.ist spring inelutled student leathers Irom Southern Otegon State Col lege The measles ‘‘shot'’ you got as a child isn’t enough! According to the Oregon Department of Health, college students in Oregon should obtain a second dose ot measles \aeeilie. (Students horn hthiri' I'>s7 would lie e\eni|)l from tins recuinniendatiou), Measles \accinc is available at the Student Health ( enter for approximate!) $22.(Ml. No appointment necessary. !<>r nuiu* mlotmutton. cull . Student Ms .tlth < vnlct mu sc 686-4441 I oohiiui toi ,i ((nod deal.’:' Head tin’ Oregon 0,«il> I morald ( lassitiodv I hii rsi1.1