_University_ PSU seekTTole in Portland's future Governor's report to gauge school system in spotlight IU Peter ( ogsvvll I meruld Reporter I he Portland Slate I 'niverMt\ situation is best desi rilled .in "musll." said t arI I lostit ka state represent')! i\ e and vice president in I liaise ot I uordi tinting 1 niversitv Pdui ational Sen ices in Portland "In the situation right now there is not imn It r.tpid nun e motif." Ilofstii ka said U eilnis da\ We are try ini; to find a solution tii.il makes sense tin everybody Ihe original proposal that the I 'niversiH take m et I'M s role has lost momentum and the pnssibililv ol a merger in volv ing I'SI and Ihe ( begun I lealtli Si ieiit es t niv ersitv never got rolling. I lotstii ka said Proposals from the governor have now taken the spotlight I lofstii ka said ' The governor s report is ti v ing to gauge the eilui ational system in Portland based on what the visions are ol what Portland w ill be like in the In lure ' lie said There are two main points ol emphasis involving higher edu i at ion and Portland s situation. I lu!sta ka said 1 he I u st emphasis is oil pu pating the I a bo i force in Poll land and nurturing it over time Illf* set ond for usrs nn spet iat i/.ed ivsiMn h .int! tst it ka said The PSl administration feels this problem t an be solved In the existent e of t mutinied grad uate st bools responsible for < o tirdin.itmg progiams that draw upon the resoim es ot other in stitutions, I lolstit ka said Areas of strength that the l niv ersitv ( oidd t ontrihutr to Oregon Supreme Court sessions open to public I lie IIii^iiii Supreme I'mirl will heai arguments mi ftiui last's wlii'ii il makes its annii.il visit to the Hniversitv Law Si bool this Luesila\ Ihe high i ourt's visit is part ut the law si hi nils legal wilting anil r esi'al( h program anil also giv es the lot a I | mill II a i h im e In see the i unit in at turn Two sessions are si heiluleil a inmning session limn 'I a m to noon anil an afternoon session from 1 to to I HI p m The sessions will he heitl in the Orlando I Hollis Courtroom on the set mill floor III the law C enter Students enrolleil m Ihe law si bool's legal w riting pro gram ale required to attend one ol the two sessions so the publii should arrive at least live minutes earlv tor seating and to leave the i ourtioom onl\ between i uses I he ju.stii.es will make themselves available tin questions except questions about i uses thev w ill be hearing, attei eai li session Si human said ( ail Miifslii k«i this l\ |it- nl st'l up mi liuii- .1 rl .in hitei tun' nitisii m.iirii.il si iiuii us. llw* piTturining .ills .uni inti’iii.iIiiiimI sliulirs I ll itsl II k.l Silili \V hatevcr is In luku |iliii i- m I’urll.inil i! .ill i mill's iluu n In ,i m.illi't i it mi mm I li itsl ii kn s.uil .mil tlii'ri' is .1 i|Ui‘sliiiii nl u lii'ii'f\.ii tK tills imnit'S is ^ii ini’ In i min' fmiii The Town Quacker Announces University Housing .it the Univer sity of Oregon is now accepting j application for the position of STUDENT MANAGER ACADEMIC YEAR 1990-9 I 1 QUALIFICATIONS: Must be ,1 regular ly enrolled student with experience .is a Resident Assistant or comparable e* (>erience as determined bv the selection t ommittee Must be available to students and staff duriruj most weekrmjhts and weekends Will not be allowed to hold an outside job COM PI'MSA r ION: ’ ..'It*. ,jnij = j i it'Ji! mil \ i / I •!' 1 • • r.h SI I I Cl ION PKOCI NS ‘ • •; M J • » • ? < ■ I ! 1 , t hr ••!>.! . •! 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PEACE CORPS HAS AN OPPORTUNITY FOR YOU. For application and information contact: Career Planning & Placement 244 Hendricks Hall, or call 686-3235 NO BIDS REQUIRED