University— GRAND OPENING I III KS N \ I our NEW l of () I million! f»07 K. 13th • FREE BALLOONS • FREE FLOWER for EVERYONE!! • SALES II , , II .■ , I i \i>11 it. ti, un ' Hitiit-i v I •ill'* ,» ( .11 (Is I sllll I' >■ IMnsh H.iII»hui> \ HUM i ’ (.i .ih .i !i h iiti \ nmii mi .ii the (Mlii c ot I’uhlii Saiclv t oliet ttid limn' than sj (H linn from parking fines tin :ln PUSH HO .11 ,1(11’IIIti s r.ll Drivers nil (..iinpiiv also paid nviM sun nun to the ill's park ing meters during that same turn' I i\ a t )I’S nltii cis ciifori c parking cm campus and give approximate!! lad lukets pel week said Sin'll' Hunter Ill’s (lime prevention nilicer limit er jokes and sunn the mimes doesn't go to her Hut indirect Is it does I'he mourn is used tor sei s iii's and supplies said Ill’s olfii e manager l.iiula Manlev In< hided m these are salaries lot ( It’S t if fit ei s repairs and maintenance lot til’s ■ ars and equipment, uniforms and train ing there's no lug xer ret about it I Innter said Manlev said that SJU.UUU ui Iasi seals (IPS revenue Was used In lelnuhl the met hamsms in the campus meters This mamtiiiaiii e sshuh m tuned last August, (.hanged tin tin lei s mi dies n i epl ou!s quai BUSY9 GET TAN QUICK!!' Fast Convenient Relaxing Affordable SunShowcr on campus «nn • in c <» Megatrends 2000 John Naisbitt & Patricia Aburdene A NEW BLOCKBUSTER OF TREND WATCHING AND SOCIAL FORECASTING. BY JOHN NAISBITT AND PATRICIA ABIJRDENE In A/, ga fiends published seven years ago John Naisbitt anti Patricia Abutdene identified the ten trends that trails formed our lives dunny the lOSOs Desmlx'd then as "the book that America is writ ng about itself " A/egufreods I ni turned oi.,i to lv a trulv piophetic work Now vw iniront the mvthic year 2000. a svmboi »t tile future an. what we shall make of it As the neve miilenn. um bey u- ten new fort es have Iven unleashed which again promise to transform oui world. touching each of out lives, in the coming ten years and in the years beyond l! a Booming Global Economy. 2) a Renaissance of the Arts, d) the emergence of Free Market Socialism; ■1) Global Lifestyles and Cultural Nationalism; 5) the De dine of the Welfare State G) the Rise of the Pacific Rim. 7) the I )ecade erf Women in Leadership; S) the Age of Bi ology. 0) the religious Revival of the I hire! Millennium; 10) the Triumph of the individual Sevcial of these trends will unleash storms of controversy Woven together into the tapestry of Megatrends 20(H) these momentous messages will create an international publishing sensation. GENERAL BOOK DEPT. smwm** UO-Bookstore _ 13ih & KtruMiLl Mr.'JOt. 00 SAT 10 00 6 00 686-4331 In s Yrt the mi-!' vt111 break .ill the liuii' .uni )i’S sends .1 re (Mil person In li\ them .1! least linen .1 Wn'k 1111 iilri s,iid Tn avoid 1 >■ i\ 111 u parking 111 kcl s ,il ,m ; noper.itii e mein drivers shoo id mil (M'S and re (nut the delei I .dong \\ dli the turn 111 live digit serial mimtiei I mm the melei .is soim .is pnssi hie ( In inn In ki ts In i .us parked .it melers is ,1 1 ill .mil dried matter. bemuse tile oft icm s nnl\ look to see that the red llag is up. I limter said Sometimes the meters run last or slow. I limter < ontin ued adding t hat the oft it els 1 an make mistakes ()I'S enfon es all meters on I In- streets bound l>\ 1 .Mil Air nue and lHtli \i nine and 1 ni \eisit\ Street and Agate Street I lie melers on Mill Midi and tHth Avenues are owner) and operated b\ tin lingerie 1‘olii e I iepartmnil I M’S ; h.uges s i )ni overtime p.irking at cl meters and Sill Ini ! ivei! I !I e parking at i melers ( iilal 1 is 1 ,111 he pel 1 t inned Idi petition 1 |larking 1 it a linn, ill ivers should pit k up a form at (M’S. lot.ated on the south side of 1 tall at Ml1) I ! Alii A\e It lake two w eeks to pmi ess a petition: M will he judged m the "validit\ of the i ompl.unt I Itmln said Ol’S enloii es meters Montlav through I rida\ n Y except dm imj holid.ix s and finals week THE WATER •V* •»* • .j <1 »-9 ■' ■' wb of 0'".f t'V assured ■»,.)• thf A-O «*»» qoality ‘ s f*« e'ient Each spo s pp •' fed t , *he * ' es* * *#»' ' :.} oi-ci soMifi/. s' ■ ■ ; i if trv>'; v *r •-.'Off 1* O A f »*' • , r to. ' . 1 fhpf '"gf- s*ork1ci’ f* )'»* *»'ef he’ 'i> yo, v*» * ' •he +tam hubb v a j'ei ©risen vQhOni unli| || 3C p T> Af-«tkdOyS until 12 4‘j A*eker.ds o I' i4*> '883 Garde' A»e Eugene Save S$$ Clip and use Emerald coupons1 m*,