University Counseling offered forrape victims anytime Group stays with survivor durine recovery process B\ Alic e Thornton Emerald Reporter Students who ,ire victims ot r.ipe or incest mav seek help 74 hours .1 da\ seven d.iys .1 week In c ailing the K.cpe ( a 1 sis Network ,it 411") 1)700 K( !\ is ,c set c. ic e ottered to anyone in hane (aiuntv II is tin' states onh independent group that offers c ling «•«>()!«■ that rei rive help at K( \ .ire women. It percent are ( hildren and r> percent are men At ( ording to a putdic ation nltered l)\ K( \ rape is the fast est grow ins' and most underre ported violent i rime in the i onntrv K( \ s statistics report that more than one third of all women in the ( onntrv w ill he sexnalh assaulted or abused in their lifetimes hut onh about one m ten rapes of adults is re ported Kt !N's hour answering servile takes an\ where from too to tiOO i alls even month from people who are seeking i ounxeling Mi I tow ell said In addition to counseling. Kt \ ofters .1 tarielv ol support sen u es and edut ationai pro grams for the puhlii _Correction lilt- lit .Till (IN ADVANCE VI EMC MAIN DESK OK I ROM SSA MEMBERS) $6.CM) (AT THE DOOR) INC I I I IKS • DKIICIOl S SINGAPOREAN HI KKK1 DINNER • Pl.AY PERFORMED HY AMERICANS HAW All ANS, AND SINC. AFORE ANS • I UCKY DRAW WITH V All A HIE PKI/FS (I K. TRAVEL VOI ( HERS) • DANCE WITH TOP 40a AND WORM) BKAT/ETHNO-POP DA I K: SUNDAY 4 KEBRl'ARY 19*10 VENUE: KMl BAl.l.ROOM TIME: 6:00 pm to 1:00 am PROCEEDS Wil l. BE DONATED TO KUUKNK MIS SION AND HOSANN A CHILD CENTER SYMBOL OF SINGAPORE The Singapore l»>" symbolises a people united in their courage strength and devotion to excellence Its mane is divided into live representing de mocracy peace progress juste e and equality Its ga.'e is lued firmly on the tasks at hand and beyond to the future THE FAR SIDE By GARY LARSON , /iei'./ou k-os. sente - 1 clown arJ (M* ycXxr brenK Arvl stop pufcry Curies on each otter Morning in the crypt it opur.lli'il with HI In HU \ »ilmitrrl s \ OlunhTis tnil till I \ i»•* »'i\ t* iu hours nl training tr.u h i-s them thr issues involved with m-xu.iI .iss.mll \« hi it u *n.11 tr.nmuK is ottuml lor volun tms who wish to ji.irtu ip.itu in public spunking oi work on t}i• • phonr lllH's K( \ has horn m operation lol ! \ (Ml s It hl'^.llt .is .1 i»«* 11 rral phour nuinsrlmv' srtvitr ( Was • >pr| .iti'il out ut .1 kiti hril h\ tun wnilli'll ami t>lir man \l» Mi »v\ »* 11 said Attn avvlnlr th«*\ iralizrd I hr \ niri in i to spr< lall/r ill thr piohlrms ot srxual assault Mi ! )<»vvrll saui K( \ •out muni to r\pant! .liul oul^irw others hr ti>rr srttlliu’ -*t its • ut irnt lot a lion im lh.’H I 1'lth \v nmr ♦ CUSTOM SCREEN PRINTING ♦ t ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ * Party Favors ‘ Plastic Cups * Sweats — T's — Shorts ♦ * Dorm Shirts + ■ Printed or Etched Glassware ▼ ♦ ♦ / s. visit our staff artist every Friday J in the store for Art/Design ideas! 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