Editorial Well-meant red tape may lessen service Most students who have looked for a plat e to live off campus have at some time consulted the Rental In formation Office bulletin board in the HMU it’s a service provided tree for landlords, property agents or tenants looking for roommates, and it offers more in formation than a newspaper ad This month, however, students are often finding that the bulletin hoard is covered with ads for places rented days ago. And besides that, there are likely to lie fewer ads put up on the board in the future. Why? A bureaui rali( kink has been added to the system, and it's not going over well with some land lords. The ASIA) Mousing Task force has received complaints from property owners who sav their days ot dealing with the Rental Information ()l(i«e are num bered. When ASl () controlled the off-campus housing ot (ice. a common practice was to t.ike rental information over the telephone, put the ad up minutes later, and let students and landlords would deal with the rest fast summer. University Housing look control of the ASUO off-campus housing office and created the Rental Information office. University Housing is to fie appreciated for bring ing its expertise, professionalism, and most important Iv. financial help to a service that for years helped thousands of students lind apartments and houses Hut on |an. I. University Housing begun requiring a signed statement ol compliance from every landlord, lor every rental property, for every rental. I he state ment includes an outline of city affirmative action law s (widt h landlords are already required to comply with); the signed form i tears University Housing from liabil it y. The signed statement then must he mailed or hand carried to the Rental Information Office, a time-con suming process for property owners, many of whom are students or hold other jobs. Landlords are often finding that by the time an ad is ready for the bulletin hoard, word of mouth has been a more effective adver tiser and the place is already rented It's a pain for landlords anil a disservice for students seeking hous ing. Reminding landlords of their affirmative action ob ligations is not a bad idea. But for landlords who have rented to students fur years without problems with city anti-discrimination laws, it would be easier for every one if the landlord could sign the form once. Or once fur each rental property. Or once a year. And then con tinue to he able to place ads by phone to provide stu dents the freshest rental information. rfl PLANT A BUREMHMT L Chemical-laden grapes should be banned I lic bottom lint' is this The grapes being serveii at the Dmversitv are not healthv not tin those who eat them ami especially not tm the workers who pit he i.di.slii 4HP ill'll’1.mg needs lii lir vehementls ri'|tM I i'll Wl'lgfl Mill tl'll US I Ill'll: IS .111 1 ik reuse 111 .ilmrl it ms put 1 iipil.i sun 1' 1 u '2 *i mi Ilifii statu that I1.11 k lit tilt* good 111 d.n s (ruail hai k allu\ 11 a \ s| tliuiu were luss unwanted preg Main jus Win would tin' munliur ut aliiirtions mi ruasu il these past piegnani ius uuru ilusirud and win would 1 hum be more 1111 wanted pregnancies uuu that abortion is legal 1 Yoii'vu got it all figured out don't \ou. In writing most women tu.iiud tin- i hum' quern us and thus did not put then liodius out for usu In urn one every01 iu with tile right nun us (sight \on I gut it You're saving Mas it alls women are sluts who nuud laws to pmlei t them from themsulves 1 Inn are amoral, but we cun keep them in line with the fear of tin'll mi 11 lltel 1 W ho .in' tin- men lli.il u .ml In manipulate women (xve easilx manipulated imimnsl I xxun (In ' \ mi x i1 i ertaiidx .11 lix .ili'il .1 Ii-.ii m mi' .i health) mir tli.tt X'l'Ue! ,lte^^^^_ I ill III .11 til"'. • iii.iinsl x^^mmnl hi mi'iil.ililx I l.l llolliil.ix ( hemistrx Situations In response in tin' ongoing di'li.ili' .iImiiiI abortion I xv.inl In question pro liters it then posi lion is xxtiollx .1 question ot mo r.il ilx ' ( Ir is il )uslu e 1 Maxtie xou x\.ml evervone In pax lor their mistakes at.i ord ing lo the results ot those mis lakes oi m.ixhe .iiionling to the deglee ot tile mistake ltselt I o paraphrase xxhat someone Hill e said I .el Ihose XX 111 i do not make mistakes he the ai i users ot Ihose xx ho do 1 don I teel that it is xx hollx a ipieslion ot mmalitx though Manx people xx ho xxnuld lie hurt lix making alrortiun illegal are minorities lixing in large i ities These people i an hardlx atfnrd abortions now .mil il it is made illegal. where .in- thin evpei tcil to Imd tin time 01 mone> to raise i hildreii' Most niinoritv i hihiien an inti 'I ti i W III.III1 ot tlli-sr people would not think ot tin- nlisi to consul i l it .in option I hose pi'opli' would In- .itli-i toil In l.ms 111.1k mi; abortion illegal I oi most .1 nti .iliortionists iIim tissiug tin- issue turn mo r.ililv seems mmi' import.m! tli.m for mollmrs or li.iliifs to li.ivi- happy oi healthy Iivi*s 11\ to look .it tin- whole situ .ition In'fori' lire idmg lli.it aboi lion slumlil lie wrong for i uti one It m.in he union foi von, \ou .ire free to make that i Imu e Think about it wouldn't it In- strange it von i ouliin t make that i Imu e Heather I umlherg Student No comparison 1 o Mu line I Simon on his lei lei |l)l>l I,in .'oi about Don M.ilkou sk: Noe ion ! n ■ . t'-e! dumb ' Ih thr wa\ m< e logit You sav Majkouski is better III.in Montana |iist bemuse llif I'iH kets ImmI tin- -biersv I low n du ulous l sing ibis lot*it ltd » v Hu: than 11>1111 Klw.u sine t the I ihargers bral thr itliiill iis llils \ r.u 'inn sav |ui* Montana wasn't I hr In-si quarterbai k m the league Iasi year:' Win should siimrcmr ubu srt the ill time qiiarteiliai k rlfii inu \ rating, in a unanimous I’m Him I selei Iuiii (voting is dont! h\ tbr players ami coai lies mind uni. mil tin- fans) br thought of as grrat > 1 guess most of us. in i lulling tin- \l 1.. art- just naive Simon Majkowski tbr best quarter bar k m 1'IHU-’ Huh! Hr wasn't i-Vi-ii tin- sn olid best Rams quarterbai k Jim l-ivi-relt bail nun li belter stats than Majkow ski \ml more importauth I a erett's team went to tin1 plav oils Mujkmvski is better In the i hitch? N i',i right |usl look at "I In- (!at( h" game in 111 01 Iasi mm is Slipi'r lion I lo sis1 how i lull li Moulana is Let s look al Majkouskl's plavoll re i.ord oh. we t an I. lie's never been there. Besides it's hard lo ( nine Irom behind when vou'rc be.iling the best teams in the league by 118. J7. and 45 points Simon, when Majkowski has four Super Bowl rings and three MVI* awards lo his credit, then mavlie vou can compare him to Joe Montana jeff Kberhart journalism —--Letters Policy_ Letters to tlu" editor must bo limited to no moro than “50 w,mls legible. signed and the identification of the writer must be verified when tin; loiter is submit ted. 1 lie Emerald reserves the right to edit any letter for length or style