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CAMPUS OWI ( 1 ION LNI\ I KM 1 > III S i* I K I I The Best Off Campus Prices! 720 E. 13th (Hext to Dairy Queen) Fife __ ( ontinucd from Page 1B i)u( ks had wli.il it took 11> make a (omplete turnaround from !,ist si'.ison "I'm not surprised y\ e re u here v% • * an■ fir said I flings have worked out and If seems positive tll.lt ue 11 make ffie M I \\ itli I de Hrandon and freshman Aaron Johnson Ore gon appears to have a bright basketball future Although Munson hasn't given much thought to tin future he likes \\ fi.it it fluids in store ' You’re so o)h( ej ned with wfial s happens ne now .ue! ad just mg to the kills you have sometimes you don't think about the future he said It s been hard to implement things Ihm ailse we’ve had to firing in junior college players in the past and you just get them straightened in the fust year and then you only have • mi \eai left. Munson said To know you have people for two to three more years gets you f»» stall really thinking I he fans at M.ic ( unit seem to think a lot of lift* already At n 1 1 if s hard not t»» he thought ot I ill- photo Freshman lorn.trtl Hoh litr h.is ninth' .in immetliate inifint I this season, hint knit; a te.im-hiuh ■shots and .n er.it’im; 4 !) Imints .1 t>ame. ^ 1*1 7011^ C ontinued from Pam* IB fun r a i ouple <>f | > I * i \ ers that an* i'\ rii toucher In guard St mm forw ard < enter I ran ( dak w ho led tin* Ba< 10 m re hounding List year (10 2) .i\ el ages H. points and H i. re hounds ft) pari* th«* Sun I)«• v 11s lumor guard Karen U ( minor Ins a in 2 per gdini1 mark w fin fi un link'd a point 10 rrhound. right assist game against \ri/ona I'll** I hit ks own tlu* series (7 {) with the Sun l)i‘\ils .uni defeated Arizona Stair in I with enc ouuters last \ ear \s t.u as tfu* ()regon t amp goes tilings air looking prettv good toi lfrm\ and fus ( lew The Dim ks air riding a three game winning strrnk. inrlmi ing a sweep of tin LA schools fast w r. kr ml it Mai ( ourt ( 0 rgon overpowered l S(. HO »H to get off on the tight foot and thru dismantled a tough 1(1 \ squad HO 00 rhr outsuie shooting of thr Dm ks was phenomenal against 1(1 A starting w itfi senior guard forward fat qnir Srmeniuk’s *!4 points and ju mm guard frnnifei Bourn s 10 on hiding four thrrr point lias krts I flr I hit ks lead tfu* Bat 10 in 1 firrr point pert rntagr w itfi a 1 ASUO LEGAL SERVICES FREE LEGAL SERVICES — Legal Services handles a wide range of legal problems from Divorces to Landlord Tenant Disputes. — There is never a consultation or settlement fee. — Legal Services staff members are experienced, qualified professionals. — Legal services are FREE to U/O students through ASUO funds. ALSO: The Office of Student Advocacy offers non legal services including, but not limited to ACADEMIC AND ADMINISTRATION DISPUTES Contact Legal Services, EMU, Room 334 (Third floor above the Fish Bowl). Or call 686 4273 to set up an appointment. DON'T SETTLE FOR LESS! !•) 2 pen cut mark I In- reason behind the perimeter shooting test (tregon pul un against the Hrttins ss as the tena i unis defense 11l.l\ ed h\ I K I A t he Itruins sand u k lied the I )ui ks lead inn si uieI semur i enter Stef.iiik- hasperski hasperski is averaging 1H H points a name and Id rehminds hasperski linished ss it h It points and ses cii reliounds anainst ltd A Idial ( ame alter a Inst hall where the n loot -? renter did not i‘\ eii release a sinnle shot something she has null evperien< ed one ot he! 111 in in her ( areei I earns i an take vom name assas in certain areas hut it alssass leaves something else open lleins said That is the good thing about the team light mm We toll ml and ( ap itali/eit on is hat (l'( I A| gave us " Idle return ot sopho more guard torss ard Slaii Uallenhorn, who ('.oath hlwin Hfitly has the women's basketball team on a three-game win streak as they head south to play the Arizona st hinds. was suspended (or two games tin \ iol.ition ot to.ini ruins .util oil soini1 depth Inn h to llio (fro Him belli li against I In- I A squads WoHenborn gives tin* Ducks another rebounding force willi her 4 4 .1 game mark w hile i hipping m on (he si oring end u it li H 7 per game Oregon is currently tied for thud plate with ltd.A in the Pai 10 with .i fS 1 record The Dm ks are 1 I ."> overall ami are i> t when plaving awav from home A sweep of the Arizona m luiols would give llu' Dm ks .1 dclimlr IkkjsI for I ho postsea son Tim Dm ks have mil swept in Arizona since l'IK7. where they nipped the Wildcats f>7-tili and sipieaked by the Sun Devils H.i H2 in overtime "I or us right now. we re go ing down there to win the games which would he better than last year." Heim said. "Last war. we split down there and ended up third (in the i’ac lll) " A sweep would put the Dm ks .1 step ahead of hist year. I leinv said. Stock up on from the UO Bookstore. T