Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, February 01, 1990, Image 13

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    Tliursd.n . 1 Vbruarv 1. 1‘i'ni
Oregon Daily Emerald
H.iskHh.ill I’iiigMin
Making a Point
Sophomore point guard Terrell Hrandon will le.ul
the Duck.s into tonight's game with Stanford in \l.n
Court at 7:10 p m anil Sunda\ '.s I 00 p m encounter
with California
I'hnlu l>\ Martin Thii-I
Fife drawing attention in first year
Fans adopting 6-11 frosh
Bv \shlr\ ( onklin
I merald Sports Reportei
\! h loot ! I it would hr
haul t<»i anyone not to draw oi
ti'Ut ion
\!,i\ that explains w h\ thr
fans in \!< \rlhur ( ourt have
ad<iptrii freshman Hob lit*' *is
their tavonte this season it s
haul to understand hrc ausr the
most striking thing about kite
besides his height .mil dint
blocking .ibilitirs is Ins quirt
ni.iimi'i ott tin* i ourt
“It's gru.it « nming out ami
seeing people with li.inness
supporting vou even though l
don’t know what I did to dr
ser\ r it I lie said
1 get a lot of attention on thr
< ourt hut the people 1 hang out
with like in\ In ends don’t
think it’s that big » deal th.lt
i m a basketball playei he
U ith his r.h\ going, mild
mannered temperament l dr
(.lines himself .is well oil the
( ourt as he plays on it Make no
mistake about it though kite
i an he deadly on tlie court and
li>ves to w in as mm h as ins
111 ta( t tile lists one ot his
goals as (list to kill ( Hrgon
State he I ore he leaves ( )rr
t he home < »nut tans have
loved l ife since his fiist Mac
( ourt game an upset ol then
\o ranked Arizona that had
people believing in ( begun has
kethail again
In that game I ite played a
major role oft the hem h bin* k
mg two shots in the final mm
utr to sec.ure a t»H l> t win
Sine e then, I ife has ointin
tied improving with age ami
has worked Ins way into the
starting line up starting the
Ducks last six games and pro
viding (hrgon y\ itii some
mill h needed strength inside
(,’oai h ! )oii Monson said
f ite s inside pla\ has been a
pleasant surprise this season
Hol» has a lot ot potential m
t h!■- tr.igur \ Wilson said
It's lough to ntmi' in this
league and c ontnbute right
iU\ as , espet i»Mi\ v\!i♦ *11 vtmi re
.in inside p|a\• • r
Hoh this i onirUnited miiiic
s< or Inn has s< ored in l i
points in a (owple nt names
Munson said just hi-, pros
eiu e In turn around and shoot
.11 his height is .1 tin; hu Ini
I )espite i arrv inn onlv I M »
pounds on hr- t> I 1 liame I ife
has been a iu.i|or ton e Kilt* h.rs
111o< ki d .i train leading '
shots setting .i new Iteshman
si lioiil ret onl
I le e. fifth on tin* squad in re
hounding at t hoards pel
game and despite his deten
sive prowess and the more no
table olhei offensive stars stit h
as I rrrell Hrandon and Keith
Ke\ uolds I de has startl'd to
• • merge as ,i si oring lineal as
well, si oring l H points per
i oiliest
I (list do w hatever I tan to
help the team I lie said
II their is an\ one thing 1* lie
nerds to improve upon it s
pmhahlv adding weight and
hulking up I ru lug men m the
Pai 1II w righ 1M » pounds and
both I de and Monson sit the
need lor him to get bigger
lh next \ear I’ll nred to put
on about '() pounds l dr said
and h\ m\ senior \eai I’ll
lin'd to put oil about 10 la
pounds Kighl now I'm sup
posed to take a weight gain
drink and drtuulelv eat more
a lot mi»re ol the g< »■ »d sttilt
I don't think there s aii\
question that he I! get bigger,
Monson said We have him on
some liquid protein diets hut
that's kind ot hard to monitor
during the season.
Although Idfe had an out
standing prep c areer at Mt I ha
bin I iigh Si bool m ( mu old,
( aid the same high s« bool
that produced former Stanford
star I odd I at lit i I lie |iist
hoped to lit in this season
I v, isited .i few other Hat 111
Hull I ill
schools hut till* people 1 saW
.imi talked to it t Jri'gnii that
w ,is were I ti lt the must i om
tm t.ibh* I itc salt I I was r\
| M M t lllg to pliiv (this \ (Ml ) tint I
thought all the pla\ mg wmihl
just hr adjusting to things
Monsmi ha*, hern plrasril
w till I itr * [das hut sees m*s r 1
ill thing's that nerd improve
mr lit
\s must freshman hr s hrrn
v rr\ 11 icon si stunt. Munson
said I lr needs to hr mure ag;
uressivr. gam some strength
I veis now and then hr tarts
standing1, .iiound hut I think
that resells ho( ^ to lug'll si I100I
when he was use to shooting;
over guvs t> t and «* 1 instead ot
W'USS ti 1(1
I le need*. to ( (ill! rutl.lte
more .uni not hr so irlaxrd at
times he said lie has good
timing’ as evident hs his shot
blot king*, hut sometimes that s
a del II mr lit hei a u » lie doe*. 11 !
move his {ret and rets out ol
I lie also had some douhts
about the ( heron piogiam attei
the Dui ks were K-.- 1 overall l.isl
season and t lain I lie I *.ic 10
1 had a lot ot d< milt bn ansr
jiroplr were sas mg, ( )recoil s\ .is
the worst team in the Mai 10
and then .1 lot of papers pit krd
ns lor last lie said
( hit r ! lit* saw the make up of
the tram he said lie knew the
lurn to Fite, Page 4B
Ducks head south with streak
By C am Sivesind
Emerald Sports Reporter
A three game winning streak
is on the line as the Oregon
women's basketball team trav
els south to ( lash with lire An
zona sc hools tonight and Satur
l he Dm ks fai e the Arizona
Wildi ats tonight at t> in t in
soil l he Wilde ats are It 111
overall, 1 n in Pacific 10 (am
lerence ai lion
"Someone talked about An
zona trying to play like l.oyola
Marvmount (men|. Oregon
coach FKvin lleiny said "They
have .1 (ample ot yery good per
imeter shooters and they move
the ball up the ( ourt quit kly
,111(1 gut tile ti<i 11 111 till' shoot
1-oyola Man mount is a I li\ i
siun I nifii s li'.im ill.it averages
more ill.in 120 [mints ,t game
Arizona, i iirrenlly on a four
game losing streak, is a much
heller learn than its record
shows The Wildcats heal Ore
gon Iasi veal in I'm son and
i on Id he a hell el team I Ills vear.
Ileim said
(iuard Turn Hum n lias il
lumed from Iasi season's tool
injur\ to lead Arizona in si or
ing with in -1 [minis |»-i game
(.nard lorw ard itrenda 1 reese
adds 117 [mints a game lor the
Wddials while grahhing a
team high 0 I lehoiinds an mil
Oregon leads the series v\ itli
Arizona 7 I Thu Ducks blew
out tlic Wildcats last vino at
\li Arthur ( nurt 87 <i" but sut
lured a !I2-7H drubbing in I in
Arizona Statu is the Dinks'
opponent Saturd.iv night in
I umpu 1 11.- Sun Iluvils am an
other tuani that is hnltur than
thuir rucord shows
Thu Sun Duvils am 'I K iivui
all and I l! in the I'.u III Ai i/o
11,1 Stale is on a two name los
ing skul w itI) then only t enter
uni u win coming against Anzu
' Arizona Stall 1 would sas
is all rii'ii luughei tuani ilh.in
Arizona) a plivsu ally loughur
tuani. Iluinv said And thus
kirn to Arizona, Pago 4B
.. Ii> M»1 1 In.
Srnittr Wit hrllr tlilr hn/trs to tnnlinur lif;hlini{ h/j Ihr /irrimr
Irr tnr Ihr Dm Ls .iif.iinsl Ihr \ri/on.i st hunts tin Ihr rfj.ii/