CLASSIFIEDS Visa and MasterCard gladly accepted. 210 OPPORTUNITIES t *i SKI TRIPS! CROSS COUNTRY SKI ERS, TAKE ADVANTAGE OF LOW COST COOPER ATIVE SKI TRIPS THROUGH THE OUT DOOR PROGRAM. VAR IED LEVELS. MOST WEEKENDS. SIGN UP IN O P. ROOM, BASEMENT EMU, X4365. SOCIAt Sf.HVIC.t INTERNSHIPS Get experience in «ounselmg while e.i'i'uuj upper division I refill through an internship with one >1 the ' il a mg Look mg Glass Shelter Sheldon High School SKipworth Home • Me?’’ to Three JR/SR with .i maiot >r mm.or in the College of Arts and S. ien •. ire ehgiMe Sign up t>y f et. 9 m ?;>1 He r—■■■ ..- 1 Summer Hmployment Alaska !l aie among Hotel w emirfoyme« tf« ‘lu-nux* wtw *• rnenlaty into pfry»»j»»ir pnptftd to worH hai w«sh to i»v>v a beauMui wtkH*mon saNimg w«jM mrtcoma you* ap(>U at«to POSITIONS Bf ING Of fFHfD • Hill PfRSON - BAH I f MOC R • COCK T All • BUS P* RSON • M8MWASHIH • SUP* M VISORS • DISK Cl IRK • lAUNOMt • MAiNU NANCf • HOUS* Hi f PING • WAlfSTAf F • Gif T S»*OP Siinm* tajhyi Mj ( Ooptentom ON CAMPUS IN 11 H Vll WS I I H SIM CAR! f n Fn AWNING Of FICI WM» 1214 FOR AF*F*iJlN ! Ml NT Summer Hue FSogram Arthur* I fcj»t*h i CM AA 100 I A»r V* -rf-«on« WA 96H9 (/Wiiabi sir? wmt* i (Study^tbrcaci ON UO PROGRAMS list* you’ ''«nni >di d-tJ Offiir-ol *-■.*!■«/•'.»! '>•*' vi *• . i-K) OfPjun Mai' ■ i.’Ofo ?15 HELP WANTED PEACE CORPS INTERVIEWS MONDAY. Feb 5 and TUESDAY. Feb 6 ALL MAJORS NEEDED hedultng iina I The World: Get Involved1 EVENTS CREW COORDINATOR Com*? !, !h«? f '-.m C» 1 ‘.utl»? . I Ml • ■ al. (HAUL INt IS f Rl HH9 I Th# Cullural T -urh o 4ft CO A A v. !** INCIDENTAL FEE COMMITTEE Mf MBL H F’< !'.i Ui iN v of N N< >W | AppO aliens J(f available the ASUO '.)» !(' 4 fMU .‘••■i J' - *- ’ API •; Wed I r*f> ' .*! *UASUO IS an A A to tenplu^i W-•<«*. j {ii»> v* ail E|twin Religion-. .«• Mji • i u' ) Vftf.r .! r . . •• tNTf R VIEWS St AMT N1 )W . u«*ed nly apply lh« inter p!«?a‘.«’ send resumt' and , uye. idler !■ College Internship O-von-n P O Ho. 6/OS P n QR 9/?0h Jf G MAM ySt aa torbedie noc.n" nun I - del naefi Ini norge •„»•! Humi im*vj . >;ip et!»" *n >0 4H4 9/‘>4 til i i MODELING ACT FOR TV/FILM I iitJC’ir Pof blind J2? iirtt" i s.o.s. HELP1 We need 1b enthusuf.b; i ! ()»•!■ aU-! "dwdenIs ! = -o; S * 1990 Student Orientation StaM (SO S )• partii .pate " .* 3 • • • no.*- S; • Ap; *, are due t>y *> >;I'M M. I *•! THE OREGON DAILY EMERALD should have a strung Mo afledge „npus att.i •• » d >r id- . De.t-Jime ?.;f applications n. We t 7 at Spin' App.iii at'0»«s in.) j;>f l«-v -i, tion a»e available .it the ODt Off.- *> Su.U* 300 I MU The ODE . a i n n ’i-jr.t.tfi and people a disabilities an? entouraged to apply m HELP WANTED PERFORMING ARTS COORDINATOR Of ADI INI IS V Mi FI B 9 STUDENT SENATE Sf AT NO 3 .••«•! .!«• SEAT NO S i' SEAT NO fi . SEAT NO 13 A A it.'V JNIVERSITY Of ORf t ami Ihr M 1 •' ruyh atj*' !.K I Bot»t)U* .• i !•: f.rtf) iOrt-i a ??o WORK STUDY POSITIONS .Hi K -II C • l" »•* • Hr *rpt< •/>. .1 W.mJ Pf .• ??5 APTS.-DUPLEXES AMPUS »u' ' ed .«• )*• . twin S4 4'P, N p«!n -»-i* . I K AMl’l i‘. 1 WIN*-. . j|«t t i. ‘ • • *,th - i-./- *200 il* , . , 14 > 1009 - ■ 'U ' • ,AHDf N AVI NUt 14- Ml 1860 At OfcR ' HI DH< II M ,i; ■ ! i»Hl M , ! i*.I »Mr* i;t‘, i - Onatie manager I860 ALDFR .• 144 66*)*. I . BLOCKS fROM CAMPUS Studio On site laundry facilities *2 70/mo 34 J 4913 lt*s {;.«•,! S4.’*> mu 444 . i 1‘iTh 1881 HIGH ST ?3Q QUADS 23b HOUSES FREE HOUSE ?VjREAL ESTATE ?bb DORM CONTRACTS ?6fl ROOMMATES WANTED ?6b CHILD CARE 27b EVENTS TODAY BEGINS BLACK HISTORY MONTH Now ii-vh yom What do you know .ihool Black Mitloff i ne tMU nee uenier Presents TABLE TENNIS Come vhow youf *»hill .it this A< Ul competition Winnoo qualify lor the finals in Pocatello Idaho on I et> 22 24 DATf ■ - t : UMf PL ACt I Ml* Mr ' < 'nty S I 00 ! ) enter "LOVE YOUR HEART” It 30am in Cedar Hit* C Also slot •fie F MU Jr* N.i*< >* il M-.i ' NFW F If TH I ’ C . < ! •»n,j,t/y fdm all*"' aodshop ’or «*plo' j students Thur*. I rt 1 *»h(>n TABLE TENNIS TOURNAMENT COMING SAT FEB 3 Time 10 30am to J 00pm Place Gerlmqet 220 uo Awards SMS cash l ee $3 one event t‘> all Contact Miranda 34** /‘.WJ spun by Club Sports and U lane O The EMU Rec Center presents BACKGAMMON Tournament Monday, reb 5, 7:00 PM At the EMU Rec Center i * he b.p a.-»•■»•» qualities for the -«• { .Kjnal tournament F eb 72 24 m P. ■ ■ .Itntlo Idaho I rat *.{>< r! jt and : i ». OC inil s jm ut . .1'r ’* fhr • MU ?75 EVENTS CULTS IN THE 90 S Speafc«M f r K*nl BuTlncr Pi.i« r NiM*Mn*n renter WVl t When Mon f et> ■■ 'h Time iWPM Them* i« no cost i or mot* inform* lion < .ill 14 J rO.’l CYCLING TEAM Tho EMU Rec Center Presents FOOSBALL AC'UI Qualilymy* SINGAPORE STUDENTS' ASSOCIATION CHI SI NIS YIN'. | VANG "FULL CIRCLE" SINGAPORE BUFFET DINNER Play p«rlo»roed by American Hawaiian and Singapore student-, l uchy Draw Pfi»e% Dist o Dance SUNDAY. FEB 4th, 1990 EMU BALLROOM 6:00pm 1:00am JR MTS IS ‘>0 lidvinepi m lh 00 (at door) ?ao ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT University Theatre Second Season presents LYSISTRATA January 24. 25. 26. 27 February 1, 2, 3 Arena Theatre Tickets at Robinson Theatre Bo* Office 686 4191 S3.50 General Public $2 50 Students LIVE IN CONCERT THE SKATALITES THURSDAY. FEB 1 9PM EMU FIR ROOM S3 UO ■students SS general public J.. ».•! . j at 0 *- !■ •' A Cultural Tor uni Production 780 ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT :31«§¥: ART CINEMAS 492 E 13th •686-2458 y AHm'iUMl'iNO ThC (V Ifc-loU OlSCOUWl tHOWS s., M.; \\ VIOfO «n»m«*r ; ggg a %s?y. '< *• » .‘00 i .)V* • '*4 ’ 00 A ■I *<«-•' • 41V*!' • »»•.* Nm«* r <1 tM^n Mm « 41 y '4*« !>• 4 ':«• IvM* 1 SIDEWALK STORIES, Tier i a%i mmi Mt<*4 im inn .the little thief* .FESTIVAL OF ANIMATION, r srAArnmu- ttppA r f v'Emm: i i4ii shoiw at Born niMSH KTKVK MARTIN M PARENTHOOD D At PACIMO • Ull N BAHKIN I Si:A OF LOVE UNAl SMOW TOMtCMT • Ml L OUI90M OANNT QIC L LETHAL WEAPON *«• 7i\A#<3ffT ’’ v M • t Night » u« A j 14 4-K V». V., .* »?-■». POCKt 1 PtAYMOUSI PRESENTS OUT AT SEA BY SLAW0MIR MR0ZEK 5PM FEB 1, 2, 3 Podol Ihr.*lr«% 102 Vtli4id Hill SI donation jpptniatcd 215 FOOD & DRINK Personally invites you lo come dine in either hemisphere featuring loods Irom within ■12 ol the equator INTERNATIONAL CUISINE at Eugene, OR prices LUNCH m ■ DINNER •, KJ ■ 00 > n '.*1 146 l 1 1«h C-»H lot reservations (44 M> M 300 COUNSELING f'ROHl l MS 1 III tl»f UnK i i U'l I'-t immeftJ.dRt Jiefii”tjl ■ ... .f - - SIm lly .mli.lfn! ■ .* 1 httt> 44/V 30S SERVICES - GORGEOUS WINDOWS Window C leaning Residential & CommcrriAl • » Ml { i • IMA I * ‘ 'Ml VS