Sports_ Roseburg senior comniTl^o Duck football Oregon will officially sign players Feb. 14 H\ AshU'v ( onklin liner.ild Sports Reporter I he Oregon t< ><>tI>.i 11 te.iin reportedly will .1 major high m.IuioI recruit m two weeks during national letter ul in lent il.o when Kosebnrgs Heath I low inglon w ill sign with the Dm ks I low ington gave Oregon a verbal t out imtmen! on Tuesday ending a lung te (noting i oiliest which also ok hided Washington, i’St and l ennessee 1 lie <» foot a. till pound offensive lineman was one ot the most sought alter in stale pi.nets in recent years and helped lead Koselnng to three straight nppcarani es in the (lass AAA state ( hampinnship game One ul the ui.ljni reasons lor I lowing ton (omtng to Oregon was the opporlu tills also to pailn ipale in Irai k Last year llowiugton was the ( lass \AA stale i hampiou in both the shot put and the disi us besides (housing Oregon I.nisi ol the i ham e In < umpele in Irai h Inr tin* I >1 ii hs How inglnn (In) m> to slay i lose to home In tiiliiilmn I Imv i ngton s brother I rn is .1 iTitisu m,i|oi .it ()n->4<>11 ,im) .i member nl the nun lung li.iml I luyvington will hi1 .in important atldi turn In the foot lull I le.nil .is the I till ks li\ lu lepliiie three starters on the offensive line Hurt l)\kes ( Inis llnskn .mil I mill Kini/ who will graduate I he ,lll(lilllin III llnu ingtoll gives ( he gun verbal i iminiilineiils Ironi three of fellsiy e linemen Last week Sieve Hardin, a (■ h . |i()uinler tinni Snohomish. Wash and lliniiks ( InipiiMii a (i -I Ii() pounder (rum Vista ( aid gave the limbs the word they vmiiiIi! sign v\ ith I begun l hapman played light end and outside hi l in high SI hold as well as the offensive line lie is i unsidered to he an e\i el lent athlete' and was named one ol the top 10(1 players ill the West bv the /ai iim.i Veit s Tribune Mthnugh the iiltu lal signing dale isn't until (ell 1 -! Oregon also got .1 verbal commitment from tjuarterhai k Dan 0 Neil of Milter l)oi High Sr Itool in S.01 t.i An,1, ( <111! () Neil was an honm.ilile mention .ill stale i|iiarterba< k this season and was listed as one of lln- top nine ijiiarlerhai ks in the western region In I he Dine Chip Kepoil si outing sen i< e () Neil threw foi J.l'lll \ards this sea son (ompleting I I of ttt passes lie posted ft tout hdown passes and threw mils two interi eplions \n e\i idh*nt all around athlete. ( ) Neil is a starting guard on Mater Dei's basket hall team that is J I I and ranked seventh in the 1 ountiA In / \s.t /'m/av In giving the llurks a verbal commit merit. O'Neil turned down offers from 1 St and Alabama Dan kokei a senior .it Lebanon High Si bool also has given a verbal 1 omnnt ment to Oregon kokei was an outside hneliat kei in high si bool A not bet instate plavel Ashland do tensive bar k ( had Cota might also i ome to Oregon, hut the Ducks have roteived no word vet New stadium may lure NFL POR'll.AM) (AIM A fund raising drive lias been launched to build a domed stadium and attract .1 National football League fran chise to Portland Led by IJ.S. Bancorp Chairman Huger I. Breezley and Portland at torney Ted Rimstein, chairman ot the Metro Exposition and Recrea tion Commission, the non-profit corporation TLP Inc. is starting to seek funds and land for a - multimillion-dollar stadium to help win a National Football League franchise during the league's expected expansion in the 1 ‘Hills "We're hoping to come up with a proposal to fund and build a league-type, facility which would be conditional on receiving an NI L franchise." Runslein said Tuesday when asked about rumors that such an effort was under way. CLASSIFIEDS Visa and MasterCard gladly accepted. 686-4343 100 CONNECTIONS FREE CONNECTIONS YES, IT'S TRUE CONNECTIONS From now unlil the tnd of Petiruery you cen piece * FREE Connections ed et long e% it it 25 wordt or less Send * note to Ihel specie) someone you would like to gel to know heller or meet lece lo fece for the litsl time or even if you went lo find someone with Ihe seme interests es your own GO AHEAD WHY NOT? REMEMBER, IT'S FREE i<‘ s. " «*t the Daily Imereld ! * MlThi.' i- ., !■ a h i t. ... . .-pled it V »• IV m.1 ; >•••* • ?*.»• i ' t < B. • ■ . PAUL S TO MY KAPPA CO WORKER lest mght wet the BIST'" love Your Boss 105 PERSONALS 1\ "IN HOC” l-\ Thu mee.'i AAR" A* ere going to get vOo' 105 PERSONALS ATTENTION GREEKS GREEK DAYS OF GIVING COMEDY NITE TRYOUTS ARE TONIGHT. 7:30. SIG EPS DON'T FORGET, THE WINNER RECEIVES A CURTIS MATHIS COL OR TV! r~ VXS! Would like lo congratulate then newest mirntxii : D .1 a Julie H I Oi4i>r H | JennyC Wf »-J-. I ■ Ion O d U You guys *i* lh* best* lo** Youf Sisteis AYA l\ Thant vo much for lh* 'aging \no<* Hour Sat uhJj* Lti i do i! again soon1 K \H DUSTIN JOEL & HOB Rove* .up red violets aie hi or I d >*lh *i take youi dad than take you' S Bumslead P S Nice egos' \ \ \ TOMMY I4> H. , M R 11 MAZATLAN • i ' 'Q B p 105 PERSONALS f Ul 5» Th.j ► I hi* a •1 > * Jf •• |.*M, l •*? • I* f «iy.»t t • A';-f.., ■ ' ' FREE PERSONALS t .*■ f wc«fc If it* Oregon f >«»> * y Emerald a •" fffi I'e* i.i .1 *.r 1 • i eftrt>" groups v-* U of 0 ■ 1 -.ticli'Mls .’xUnlii j dr. •on 'r-Mdei'Is ; (Re**? oM am pus fttudftnts for j • Q<' i.i a '.|yt)i*'ili et. FEB 5 thru FEB 9 A , r living .1 doll .in i ii». <• .1 iii'c .« -• 1 1S woidi oi !•»* : jnpv M *' I or1 the name v* Ihpi dorm A. .n! •. i?»u$l t * . .» «•! ,i .,! . ” f On-goft [tail? f i- ■ did o*h •• ■ tide M. t M. I FREE PERSONALS *>he *i five fee! !i»n and giggles an the ! . „ V. f,p. a! the Mouse ' Rhyme And sump today , u re .V HARRY BiHT m: A t TO Yt -U l . AM = V AR £ M Hf i BK> BRO K \U WOW Congrats 34 n«M Theta 4 made it in one temR That* almost ndiculous We aie 40000 proud of you guys" l AW STUDENTS The las! day tc i’u'Ch.isp ASUO MealR 1 • Friday Feb • . !,-... fp ’ ' •• *■ f Ml; f , ' 105 PERSONALS PLANNED PARENTHOOD has a i '‘J ' y •» 99' .1- . u'ale on* i1a, all*' a missed period’ tm I u tier unbiased counseling i .t U4 9411 PRIVATE HELP F ROM FRIENDS Fee* Pregnancy Testing BIRTHRIGHT M7 B6S1 SCOTT M. AND SHELLIE H. CONGRATS ON YOUR ENGAGEMENT LOVE, E.S. AW ME MBERS PROUDLY ANNOUNCE THE 1990 INITIATE CLASS ji*tt W I MC L M Greg M Paul M Stirse L Malt K Sieve M Gama A Congratulations Brothers' no LOST & FOUND l OAT LOST Sal '■•■ghl ,tl Mat s Eh *e .. ■ t► Nunn I . Ftpvw . rl $ •• : ( *S- IN l MU h i k '• ■ i .,1 - ilMir.i 1 in the • -.»* Pmaii? 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Doonesbury BY GARRY TRUDEAU An as i APT) caATt YOUR P05I VON, buj comb on. rue invasion UJASN'l CANNY QUA YU S CAU- - NOTWN6 IS1 iUHY 7AKU n OUT ON HIM' because me enough? mt/cns Of THIS region nave hap 'v ( ENOUGH, MR ujuAl? proconsul IN 1901 THE u s sew TROOPS TO COLOMBIA, IN 1907 TO PANAMA, IN 1900 HONDURAS DOMINICAN PIPUBUC ANPPANAMA, IN 1904, DOMINICAN P£PJBUC AND PANA MA, 1906,OJOA. HOT, HONDURAS, NCNKAMOUA, 19V HONDURAS, 1917. U£LL? ueu* BAPi-UCK Ht'S A H/STORY RUT