Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, February 01, 1990, Image 1

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    —^.Oregon Daily_ _
I'lntrsd.n I rbruar\ 1. 1‘i'iu
Kiig(*nt\ (Jrcuoii
\ nltimc '11. Number 'Ml
st iriu r
Taking the high road
atrium in Willamette H.ill provides ,< seenuniih endless stain use leading to the hulls ot
I hr hud.him. whit h uft'U i.dlv opened Ot t I a. is still undernninn finish!up tom lies
Photo In Mark Y Ion
■ Where meter money goes, Page 4
■ Hosticka on PSU, Page 5
■ State of the Union, Page 7
■ Softball looks for title. Page B
Paulson receives
misdemeanor, fine
Hs Dan i isler
1 merald Reporter
\ I .an,- (aiunls ( in u it Court |<ir\ h mm I l ms ei >
l\ student D.nn.ml |un Paulson guilts Wednesdas mi a
lessen i harge ill ilisorderlv i nmliii I 'll ' Mas > i ll i am
pus ii.irt\ Paulson ntigitialls i h.Mill'd svilli riot
11 ir
I’uutson i ri p ii".Ii 'i I i in nit‘i i i.i t * ■ sentem mg .Hid uis
jijveii oui' seal id unsupervised priili.ilmil i in nit
i unit judget leorge Win III IK Ii .ilso ordered him In p.i\
,i SJ ill I ini'. Ins at I nines i lists .mil S'11 In i in lim
sist.liu i' 1111 it I
I *ii u I si i ii iipti-d Ini the lim- iiiste.ni ut it.unis
Tin' si\ pri son 1111 \ dei idl'd I’mdsoii s i .ise
U ednesdas muruuig one das .dti i tile trial st.nted
finding him guills ol the Class B misdenn armt
\ Class B iiiisdeme.iniil Is punish,ilile mill up In
st\ nil mills in |<ul mid or ,i SI Ill'll line Rioting '■ i
I lass I felons piinisliiilile isitli up to live ve.iis m
prison and <>■ a S I oil lii in line
I 11 at (disorder Is minim 11 is real Is v\ h.it he did.
said I las id 11 ill. Paulson's eon rt-appointed attornes
Paulson dei lined i liniment
\isu arrested tin rioting at tile Mas i I errs St and
1 llh Avenue parts su re 1 uiversits student Shells Ma
lie Hannah. Cnmmuiuts I dm alum Progr.im student
I dl\ in t Br.idliei i s I nis i-i - its ot ( a!donna Itei k e|es
student just'll I hemline kuicmgoskl, and I ugene iesi
him to Paulson, Page I 2
Fake IDs targeted by new OLCC enforcement
OLCC will cite minors at doors
of campus bars in crack down
H\ Pal M.tl.ii h
J-merald ( ontribulor
Miimi-. w ho usr alli ii d hi biniouci 1
tm ;ns til jib'ntif ii at mu In gam act rss to
local drinking rstahlishinrnts should
know that tin ( llrgmi 1 ilium (lontrol
{ iiininissitm plans to ir.uk down on
t Iu*m‘ iitfendns
t ,,iry Sandslmiii a Imal ()!.(!( 11 ■ | »n ■
sentativr s.iui tha commission v\ 11!
make itv. pirsem r (alt In stationing pan
11 ir at liif i Im a itlNilidi.il' II soilironr
is i aught m nr an 111
that is not thiur m\ ii tht*\ u ill be issued
a i itatuni Saiulslroni said
II convicted ilia prison iv Im was is
surd tllr i itation i all br puiushrd In a
fine of up In S.' .on In addition to 11n*
(Mi l s citation, tin- 1 Irpartinrnt ol Mo
tm Vrhil Irs i otild suspend thr prison s
driver's licrnsr Im up to our seat
Sandstrom said anvonr who loans
tlirir 111 i an br just as liablr as ttir pri
son \\ ho lisrs it
minor nin\ also be liable it that imiuii
happens to get into ,in aiiident. S.iml
strum said
Minors who try to «'nt<*i ,1 hai i'vcii
w it bout using lake ID tin* also guilts oi ,i
< nine Sand Strom said It is .1 violation
mm h like ininoi m possession I la*
Mil* violations *10' punishable b\ a fine
ot up to SJall
The ( )l.( ( has targeted mam ot the
bars around 1 ainpus i.uido s Hill t
1 tth ,\ve Rennie s Landing UN kin
(aid St and lavlor s 8‘M I 1 tth Ave
said Hr .uidnl that Mill ( amp J.!(,)
St Springfield also Is trecpienled l»\
main students
We (lave been seeing .1 toll ot tills
slut! s.indstroni said It h.is been
happening primarilv .it liars around
i ainpus lint it is not exclusive to that
It IS net essan to give out the 1 itations
at the time that tile person uses the ill
Dine tile I!) has ... coniisiated it is
It is called misuse of a driver 's license or II) card
and it is a Class A misdemeanor. If I give you mv li
cense and you present it somewhere. we are both
— Gary Sandstrom
It is 1 ailed IIUSUSI' ut .1 ill i\
i ensr in II) i .ml .mil it is ,i t lass
ilcinismiii Sandstorm said It
vim m\ In cnsi' and you present it
w h<‘rc \\c .ut* both ipnltv
A person wlii) lias loaned their
ITS ll
A mis
I give
II) to a
hard to prove .1 1 ase. Sandstrom said
Don St arpelli. owner of ('.uido's said
lie supports the ()l.( !(' plan
"I love it.' St.arpelli said I was one
of the instigators (Violators) know that
the\ are breaking the law and tliev
()!.('( representuti\es will he posted .it the doors to i ,impus-area burs, sin h .is
Pennies landing. .mil will issue i itations lor II) inlrai turns on the spot
should be punished tor it
St arpelli suid the behavior subjet ts
the businesses to tines and penalties
when the\ haven't done anythin#
wrong lie added lli.it the (trot ess ol
having to thornughls t.hei k Ills .mil
i unlist ate some ol them slow s dim n the
prut ess ol letting people in
‘People who haven t abused the s\s
lent suite I bet ause ol those that do
St at pelli s.ntl.
both St arpelli anti Ion i uHrani h
owner ol Rennie s Lauding agree that
this has been a tonsistent problem
However, unlike St arpelli. I.alirunt h
tines not think the t rat ktlow n w ill hase
unit h long ter m ellet t
It w ill lie a deterrent this I ritlas attei
this art it le tomes out LaHraneh saitl
Then nest week it will be less anti a
mouth horn mm then1 won't hr am nt
ini t at all
I a Hi am h fools tlm mils pm maiu-nt -o
lutiiin won lit hn to lusvor thn drmkini;
aj4«» 1! son i an t not flit of thn prohlom
thnrn slionhi ho somo kmil of solution to
i ontrol it Im said
| .aliiam It dons support ill it s nttoil
to pnmsh thn minors using tlm laku II)
ratlini than thn liars lln said nun ninth
oil he has nsml m rnsponsn to lakn IDs is
to sum! d to tlm poison s p,trouts
W ililn thn possilnlits of minis dug a
s_’ 'am Him might si-nm stilt Sandstrom
said tlm ()l ( I ssas not out to got kills
"Wo just ss.mt to knnp thi'iil out ot
liars Sandstrom said Its gotting this
information nut s\n ran allow tlmm to
inakn tlmir ou n dm isions I Ims i an do
i nln ss Imtlmr il is worth tlm i isk