Regional Portland blues musician deLay booked for coke possession Failure to quit using drug one of many shortcomings I’OKTI AM) (AIM Portland blues nilisii i,m I’.iul del.a\ told his parents ami triends he planned to quit using couine on Ins tHlh hirtlid.n The promise came too late l)el.a\ was arrested last week on federal drug i halves and he more than likely 111 spend his birthday Wednesday in the Multnomah t minli luslii e (lenter jail 'lie said 'I can kii k tins I i an do it rm sell I'm going to u alk aw ay Irom it on nn birth day.'" said Ins mother. Man delaiv I)el,a\ and his wile. I’eggv eai li face five criminal t omits including conspiraiv. dislribu lion ol cocaine and possession ol i oi a I ne with the intent to d istribute it. "They have been found to be a danger to the i onimunilv and they’ve been ordered held pending trial. Assisi,mt 1 s \ttui ne\ Kenneth ( H,mm,in s.inl Mmui.iv 1‘ has twin si heduled tnr Nliirc ti t t. In* s.iiti However llii- tli'l .ivs filoci ,i motion Mondnv ,ip|>i-.i1111n for ttifir release. lir s.inl Main goals in de!.a\ s tile have tii'fii i lit short I tin- to w Ins mothi'r s.iul u ,is thr influiMii a ot triends who viewed si Innil with ion t • >111 pt del.av i|iiit attending school shortly Ix’loi(• he was to graduate from Milwaukie High Si lit ml in 1 'Mi') "Ile 111111 high si liool to weeks before graduation lie I ause the\ dIIIII I think it v\ as cool to wear a suit and go up on stage to do that \tar\ dehay said r.iul del.a\s marriage lol lowed a similar route Atlei he and l’egg\ del.av married in the\ lived togethei about five years lie fore sept ii. il mg I he\ remain lint have lived together onl\ sporndit alls Min e the imi h I'lHIK II is mulll IT s.llll rhrnughuut Ins life iimsii rein.uni'll the une sle.nK mllii em e on ilel .n All,ill ilel..i\ bought Ins son .1 drum sel when Paul was about Ij lie remembers Paul some times would sit down at the drums as soon .IS be got home from si hool lie has alw avs been ben\\ and he pounded out all Ins Iiustr.itions one time when .111 ■ it h let it ilirei tor made Inin run around the si liool 11.11 k Mian ilel.av said Paul del .n was still in h 1 vth si hool when he began teai lung Inmseli to p|a\ the hariliouii a His lather said he soon dropped the drums and began pla\ mg the harmnnu a m Ins lust baud \Iiveil IIlot 111 Supermarket taking credit cards SA1.KM (AP) Short ol cash .it the ( he< kout stand? No i hot ks. no t .‘lieer ms’ loo t.i|)|)c(l out to buv I'w inkies? lust pull out tlif plastii <11 id say "(lharge it Specially simps .mil stores have taken i redit cards all along hut industn ollit nils in Oregon sa\ they believe ()t cuffs Super Valu in hei/.er is the lirst supermarket in the state to ,n i ept Visa and Mastei (lard And I d like to think it will make it a little easier on the i redit shoppers espei i.illv on davs when people are short ot cash,'' said store owner Andv ( )ii utt Steve Met mid the president of the Association of Oregon I ood Industries said he was not aware of any other i omen supermarket in the stale ai i epting i redit i aids Slrohei kers. an upsi ale gotir met gn« er in Port land lias been ai i epting ( redit i arils for eight or nine wars said store manager Steve Peters Oscar hatm spokesman foi the food Marketing Institute in Washington. I) ( said a lew supermarkets in large metro politan areas in California and on the Past ( Hast have been ai i epting credit ( arils lot a lew s ears Hut katov isn't sure whethei it w ill he( ome a national trend Credit cards have been slow to gain acceptance in the gro (ci \ industry be< ause hanks ( barge Z to a pen enl for han dling ear li purr base too high for the industiA s low profit margin of 1 or Z pert cut Mi (mid s.iid "People gel a good price for food in this nation Mi < mil s.iiil ' Thit\ rt’.ilK don't helieve though ()n ntt s.nd tin' t !i>111nii‘11 i.11 Bank is waiving Ins li'i's Ini llir first three months \ttnr that lie is hoping to negotiate with tin1 hank, tor rensonahle fees he said Bridget llanagan tin- pnhln allairs manager tor Safewav stort's in Ori'gon and southwest W ashington, said tin' i ornpanv was watching opi'rations that ai i I'pti'd i rod it i arils "Hut so tar we haven’t seen a lot ot demand lor it she said t he jur\ is still out liu that Arnie Atkins the owner ol Atkins Thriftwav stores said lie planned to wait and see how I )n lilt s experiment woi ks It's a coni ept that "s heel! thought ol lielore, hut nobody's ever went out and gave it a !i\ he said ( )n nil said onh a handtul ot people used i redit i arils during BMBM m Oriental Buffet Lunch Downstairs £> Try Our Dinner Upstairs Hours: Downstairs M lh II 00 7 00 . Sa II 00 4 K Closed Sundsyit Hours: Upstairs M r h 4 JO 10 00 f So^OO 10 JO 9 9^\NG F/e SPAS Private Outdoor Hot Tubs and WOLFF Tanning PRESENT THIS COUPON FOR $2.00 OFF any rental INCLUDING: * HOT TUB or * GIFT CERTIFICATES or * TANNING PACKAGE 1110 Main Street Springtield 741-1777 ii Ojytimc Si'hr ircg $10 hr ) vc& iSun Thuri) Sl/tir ireg $10/hr / l»c> (fn Sail $10 hr ircg $1?'hr i Rates are tor 2 people iifi^ ^CENTHt the lirsl wrrk i In- mm ri \ hiismrss is net tillg In hr mi mill h mmr i inn |irtilivr with mmr .mil mmr pliivrrs mil llirrr. On nil s.utl "Ami llir Iri lmnlng\ is |»isI grill ng mi i iimprtlllvr .IS w r 11 Kodacolor and other C41 films Developed & Printed 2nd SET FREE Two are better than one. Leave it to the professional, honest staff at Gerlach’s to handle your photos with care. There 's No Need To Worry At: Atlrr hr <|iiit m hnol he |t ntii'tl ,i group i .illt'il Drown will) l.lnvti limi's and |nn Mcsi. ami In- pl.iVfii with tIn-in Ini mint' Ilian livt- \f.irs In ttn- mul I«l7(ls lit' fnrniftl lllf I’anl tlt'l a\ llanil llif livt' man Irlut's liaml lias glint' through M'Vfral pt'rMmiifl t haugt's m I • yt'.irs lull tlt'l.n A vim .tils anti harmonii a plaving alua\s It'tl tin- groups sound I ht' liailtl lias rt't unit'll In c alliums tlislrilmlfil In ( nininal Kts tirtls in I'urllantl I hf la In'I s nn it t ti is Its m i sin in Ii.iv i' .1 ( i Ret tut! M.irx tlt'l,.i\ said her sun lulil her about three weeks ano his h.iiul seemed re.itK Ini .1 Inn break .inti tlmins were iiiokmn nie.ll lie silk!. We re luuiked Im the next six months we're I>1.1 \ inn in heller t lulls in Inn nei rooms .uni we |itsl i.iised oul |U i( e \\ tiel ,i\ s.ntl \oW he's been hooked else w here It s not the end ol Ills I lie hut it 1111 nhI he the end ol .111 ei.1 lot the hiind s.iid I’.ml limes the itinup’s drummer .mil business \o I ’.in I ilel.iv no I’.uil del .n The Town Quacker Announces University Housing t the Clnivcr sity of Oregon is now accepting 7applk ation for the position of STUDENT MANAGER ACADEMIC YEAR 1990-9 I QUALIFICAIIONS: Must be a regular ly enrolled student with espenence .is a Resident Assistant or comparable es pet tent e as determined by the selection committee Must tie available to students and staff during most weekmghts and weekends Will not be allowed to hold an outside job COMPENSA1 ION: 1 uti.-m Siu.l.-nt Mi i, i. • ■ i• !'•« ioom and boaril O' .Jrt ami i t 1 I'1 i i 1 a .h r |m-n. 1 SELECTION PROCESS: Mill j>. ,|m t.bimiiy I.' .■ I -hold hr complelrd by I hr rnfi <»l W inlet trim MANDATORY ME E TING: I m .lay I M Ipu Hiiiisinij Oltn • .ill 'll thill Al’l'l (CAT ions: Sre available at tl I Id I the H 111 - yy iltun Hall Due I rbruary 19‘JO. t>" later thin. 5>pm Only 2 positions available Am / qual ()pi*ortunilv V/umjfivr A« ht>n / mplotrr Enjoy a Healthy Satisfying Meal With These Special Savings ii TacoTime 1401 Villard St. "Dine to your hearts content." AHA endowed products Coupon Healthy Soft Taco $1.29 jl TacoTime' It •» Tim#* For The B#*st'M Expires 2/14/90 Coupon1 1 Healthy Soft Bean Burrito 99e J| TacoTime It Time For The Besl’w Expires 2/14/90 Coupon 1 ii Healthy Chicken Fajita Burrito $1.99 IJ TacoTime ll *, Time For The Btsl'M Expires 2/14/90