Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, January 31, 1990, Page 8, Image 8

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Oregon returns to Mac Court to face Stanford
Bv Aslilt*> ( onklin
I mer.ild Sports Reporter
Tun teams liyhtinu tm .in
upper division linisli in tile i’.i
1 ill) 10 ( olllereiH 1’ S(|liare nil
I htirsd.iv nielli as (Jri'unn hosts
Stanford in Mi Arthur ( mill .il
7 i'i 11 in
Tile I Ini ks ,it i 1 in i'.ii 1(1
.11 linn .mil 10 H iH. c i,ill .ire
lilih iii tin* ((infcri iK r whlli*
tin* ( .toloi.il is sixth v\ 11It ,i 1 I
I'm to m.ok 1 "i iivit.iI)
()i• ■ u1111 is ri'lurttiiig lullin' .if
Or 111.ix mu 1(1 \ .in<l I 'S( hi
Ijis \11x:i■ 11■ lost iM'i'k Iiisiok
In the Hnniis .mil Im'.iIiiik I hr
I robins fur their firsi road win
111 seven tries this season
Meanwhile. Stanford was lieniK
swept tiv the Ari/una sr hoots
(In Thursday the Itmks will
IIS to avitnn*' a >*f '(> loss to tile
Cardinal last month alter
Hoard henm Atnmani hit a
shot at the htl/zer and also
Flying south for the winter isn't just for the birds There's no better
way to warm up, calm down, and beat the sleet And there's no
better way to fly south than from the Eugene Airport.
Fly to Mexico. Florida, or sunny southern California.
We have flights headed for sunshine and sandy beaches everyday
And the fares will surprise you.*
Fly from Eugene to San Diego for $10 LESS than from Portland1
To Mexico City - same as Portland to Miami - only $10 higher
Call your travel agent today1
And fly south with the big birds this winter.
* 14 day .Idvrf'u t* purchase Saturday night May required
Other standard restrictions apply Sut>j<Kt to cf a' g«* Without notice
Irving to mil .1 fi\egainc losing
streak diitiltg back to 1'IHB
against St.niford
Hnth Oregon <in«i Stanford
are surprises in the ( onfereiK e
rai e tills season
Mam people pic Led the
I tin ks for lust ill tlie 1’ac HI .it
ter finishing t 1 .r> in i onterenc e
action last veal and 8-21 over
The ( aidinal also wasn't e\
pec ted to do too nine h this sea
son after losing four seniors to
graduation, including Todd
I ic liti w ho w.is a first round
pn k in the \liA draft
Sophomore forward \clani
Keefe leads Stanford with a
211 t point per game average
and also giabs 'i 2 rebounds a
game In the earlier game lie
tween tile two si hools Keefe
had 2,1 points and 12 rebounds
Amin,mu adds 1(1 I points
foi the ( animal while forwards
Deshcm Wingate and Andrew
Vlahov loss m ‘i 7 and u -t
points per game respec tiveh
I he other starter is guard John
I’atric k
I lie I luc ks w ill continue to
go with the same starting line
up the\ have used since the last
St it m fort i i ontest
Point guard !*■ rr«• 11 Brandon
tonliniii s In li'.ul thr I>iii ks in
si tiring .il 17 2 points per (4.11111'
and assists uilii li li a game
Hrandon is on pai e to break tIn■
single season assist record anil
lias a good shnl at the snplio
more season si orin(4 rei oril
I nrtner I)uck (4reals Ron I.ee
and Stan l ove rank ahead ol
Brandon lor the highest si m ini;
a\er.i(4e tin a sophomore with
111 8 and 1 7 H points per name
lespei Ii\ eh
Keith Reynolds and Kevin
\li\nn also .11 erage 1 I 'I and
12 7 points per game respec
tiveli Reynolds has averaged
I a.8 points since his return
from a knee injury while Mixon
is diming oil a 20-point game
against l\S(
I enter Rii hard Ian as leads
the learn in rebounding at 8.1
pel game and adds 1 1 7 points
an niiling freshman forward
Hoh l ile has set a lien (resit
man rei ord lot him ked shots at
Oregon with 22 and leads the
Ducks in field goal percentage,
shooting Vi 7 percent from the
C entral Intelligence Agency
l mqiic professional opportunities tor those seniors and
graduate students in the following disciplines and at the
degree level shown
\M4»I* Mllrfk'S
Humiuss Vdiniiiixlrat miii
( hrmivln
( iHiiputer \ Info Nu ttu
I l lilMMIIk \
► nrrdgn I .angujigi^
InlcritalMiiial Kt Litmus
Malikmain \
PlllltH .l! Si H IM l
PuMu Vdminisf ration
INm hnlot' t
Degree Levels
\ V V
\ \ \
\ \ \
\ \
\ \
\ \
\ \
\ \
\ \
\ll initial assignments are in the Northern \ irginia
area. Some require foreign travel. I'.S. citizenship is
mandatory. I Mended applicant processing time.
Obtain vour prepaid application from the Career
Placement Service, Hendricks Hall. C omplete and
mail it bv FhKRCMO 15. 1990. Qualified appli
cants will he interviewed at an earl) date.
\n t < >f'f+‘itunil\ W/m.'Ufit, \< th<n f ntpkn^r
Featuring: It&ly, Matrix,
Colorly, Kenra, Framesi,
Paul Mitchell.
30% OFF
Color Corrections
50 W. 13th • 686-1435
Expires Feb. 28. 1990 • Not Valid with any other offer
■* A0