I'htilo lit Ntiilrr Kjitirri MEChA director Eddie Heanes. nlting with supporters Irnni MECh t. tiroes I ni\ersit\ President Myles Hr and In join in the bin i ott id grapes Grapes C ontirim'd Irom Piigi' I He.mcs said ( )nl\ ( apian is still legal MK( ,'liA has set up inhumation tallies regard mg the use nt pestit ides mi grapes and has com due ted presentations .11 various middle si liools in the Kugene area, Komero said ■ 'We'll be gi nug to I lie different hind serve es In eut milage them to .ilsu b.m snipes Kmiiem said President Hr.mil agreed the <|iicsticms raised b\ Ml I h \ were legitimate and said he u mild i| i pruai h the issue alter conductmg smile research Continued from Page 1 dowment ^iirs in support graduate students I his is the tusl lime the I ’niversilv has tiimleil lei low ships tor graduate stu dents w illi I imersitv hinds Mi.111\ said Hradv s si,iv 111 vi w .is inn tingent mi the passage ul the I llilnn llluil Ini I \i ellem e Hill h\ the Si,lie legislature m I'lH'l hi' s.lid This lull III,ill lies the e.ll lllllgs nil qu,ddv mg pm,ile endow merits given to the I 'niv ei si iv for the pm pose ol enli.im mg t.u tilts positions l lle gov ei not has lei out mended the i ontinu,limit ol this program said 1 niv erst Iv I’restdeiil Myles lliand Hr.mil was pleased to see that it w as a T niv ei sit v pro lessor that was named to the chair It |S good to see the lilt inanities prolessoi lo hold this i hail is one ol our ow n." Hi and said l lle I .ti lion and \\ illterta Sav age Visiting I hail w as responsible for bringing three v isrting prolessoi . to llte I niv entity last v ear and one visiting pn ilessm has been si liedtiled loi lilt-, vear Von Ilouti'ir said Tlii' original gilt ol S .00 IHMI lias I>«••• 11 mi trasril to $1 million undor tin* ITi dou mrnt loi I ai i• 11• ■ iu r pro glam Von llouti'ii would not sa\ w ho tlif imst visiting pllltl'SSOI Will III' llii' ilistingmshi'il prolfs soiship ill Kussian latma tun1 l.augtiagc anil ( ultuir is tunili'il li\ an unon\ moils s.’ ill 01II) grant maili- to thi* I mvorsitv Inundation last month llii' donor wislius to in m. on aimm minis mi tlm mu pliasis is on tin' program ami not on olio ilon.ilml thr mourn said Mbrrt I rung In id ot tin- t mvoisiu Kus M.m I)i |iarlnn'iil l lii- 1'iidou mi'iil w ill In' list'd mitialh to In mg v isit mg Ini turnrs in Kussian to i nmpus and I'Vi'iitU.lllv w ill prov iiln loi an I'lnini'ilt si holar in Kussian lining n. imi'd to a purmanunt posi lion I Im new distmguislii'il pmli'ssoi slop will Im llim mill.mi n I In- I 'nivrl sit\ Kus si.m Program as I Im i milm nl Kussian stud ms ml )ngi m. 1,1'tuig said Hepatitis ( ontmucd from f’.im1 1 Iir would not recommend |iuli lii izing the mi ident il tin* same tiling happened in ,i ri'sl.inr.inl I’titnisck .iiiil one nlliri health investigator ins|»(»< ted llic dm mg tin 11 it \ alter health cenlet reported Ili.it ime nl lilt- work els was inlet ted with hepatitis Pelr.isek said I lie likelilinnd nl t r.i i ism is si Has The Right Career Package For You. REPRESENTATIVES FROM THE FRITO-LAY SALES ORGANIZATION WILL BE INTERVIEW ING UNIVERSITY OF OREGON JUNE GRADU ATES ON FEBRUARY 8, 1990 AT THE PLACE MENT CENTER FOR CAREERS IN SALES MANAGEMENT. INTERESTED GRADUATING SENIORS AND UNDERGRADUATES ARE CORDIALLY INVIT ED TO ATTEND FRITO LAY'S CAREER OPEN HOUSE ON FEBRUARY 1, 1990 FROM 7:00-9:00 P.M. IN THE STUDENT UNION BLDG THE MEETING WILL BE INFORMAL TO INCLUDE CAREER PATHS OF RECENT SALES ASSOCI ATES AND DISCUSSIONS ABOUT PAST SALES/MARKETING STRATEGIES. One t>f the Best Bun Ijir^e C Hrpimitums m Amermi -Fort uiU‘ One of the half dozen most powerfii/ /<»/< es in \meriean business -hi Start h of F xiilUiut * IMJNDCRIANP * JjWI ATI OM MAM Tlf S AND BIRTHDAYS 54*1/1 nr n augamiswor* £VIUtU WiTMNlCKKS GAMES ADMISSION -1 so STM STRUT PUillC RURRIT tUGERE *613 1464 BUSY? GET TAN QUICK!!! Fast Convenient M i*! a 11 n g Affordable SunShower on campus wmi'iui i tm umum h « . GREAT MOVIES ►Su-Mo $3 / Tu-W-Th $3.50 LATE NIGHT Fr-Sa $3 / Su-Th $2.50 IU8i492E13,h GP-fc** Filling, The Saga Continues WEDNESDAY NIGHT at TRACK TOWN PIZZA Get a medium (12”) One-Ingredient Pizza for ONLY... (Just ask (or the Special) 95 (Add*) Ingredient .70) Why settle for less... than the BEST!?! FREE DELIVERY (Limited delivery area) 484-2799 1809 Franklin Blvd.