.Community— 1’holn Ih Sr^n Pi^hin I hr i,„,ls nl llir Ir.nlr Ini ,i n.itiirnp.ith .nr mil th.it ilillrrrnt Irnm thnsr nt tun i riilinn.il hr.ilrrs Age old medical practice offers a new alternative B> Bob Waite Emerald Contributor Naturopathic medic ine is not .1 form of new ago healing It is an age old ineilu al practice that combines modern medic ill tec liniques with older natural remedies inc hiding good health and diet habits, said l)r (.ar\ Dreger. ()re gon Stale licensed lugene uaturopathii doctor I he Naturopathic Health ( are ( enter at 11Mr> Arthur St looks like main oth er medical clinics a one-story building nestled on manic ured grounds divided into a reception area business office and patient examination rooms The of lice houses two of iaigene s live natur opaths Dreger and Di Debra Marlin Hellevdle Dreger said he was drawn to natur op.ttln because he witnessed two .1111 dental deaths on operating tables as .1 former hospital employee The trauma of llns experience he said led him In the naturopath college 111 Portland in scan li of gentler medic al methods \c 1 circling to a clinic pamphlet, Ihe naturopath seeks less intrusive methods of health practice' like less reliance on knives and needles to heal humauitv s varums ills I he naturopath s substitute foi sharp metal objec Is is ijatuial medic me that stimulates the both s healing proc esses Dre ger said mam people see Nils be cause then have been to medic al doc tors without good results 01 because their presi 1 died drugs have side effec Is \ Ds presciibe natural medicines that are more gentle Dreger said (omeutional medicine has rejected n,ilur.it medicines. he s.iiii. because pi.mt medicines cannot be patented "There are limits to our medicine." Dreger said "We don't do major surger ies When a patient calls in the middle of the night with a rupturing appendix, we rush them to (a hospital emergent \ room) Naturopathic mode ine has a long his ton At ( onling to a November lfIMti ar tide inSItnlhuil Srlf-Caiv magazine, na turopathy was founded by Dr Benedict Lust, a 1 ‘Itfi century physit ian. Lust believed "the human body pus sesses an inh' rent ability to heal ilsell through the mi’i hanism of homeostasis restoring the balance in structure and function and adapting to environmental i hanges According to Afet/fovi/ .S'e//-Cure, l)r |ohn Kellogg, brother of cereal i timpani founder W K Kellogg, adherent of I.list's "nature i are" method and itiein hei of the 7th Day Adventist ( hurt h. de veloped Kellogg's (lorn Flakes as the ii.i lurnpath's breakfast lood of i hoit e I rant ine Delmore who teaches yveight control classes at a Kugene Sex enth Day Adventist church, agreed that Kellogg yyas influenced by the ( (lurch's interest in natural cures Kellogg expanded his interest, as a trained phvsiiian. to help form natur opathy as a nexv branch ol medicine that similar to the Adventist’s methods seeks to i lire by teat lung good health habits Some \ Ds I low ey cl added other old et methods of healing sti< h as at upuni lure acupressure and Chinese herbal medit me |)|egei said that while Asian Itirn to Naturopath, Page I-' Everybody's got a hungry heart... ODE HEART THROBS You get 15 playful words for only $3.00. Heart Throbs can be placed at the UO Bookstore, the EMU Main Desk, or the Oregon Daily Emerald office at 300 EMU. ADDRESS: NAME: <0^3. ov & 1$> PHONE: ART#: HEART THROBS will run Wed., Feb. 14 Deadline: Tues., Feb. 13, 1 p.m. ( 1. 2 3 4. lovable art for an extra $1.50