-Community— I ilr IImMii Emeralds General Manager Hob Urban leels the lime is right tin bringing .1 ( /. .40(1, but Behan added that mm h ol the current seating would need to lie up graded Behan cited Buffalo \ew York as an example of a city whose ( lass AAA team has re juvenated its doyvntoysn area The stadium is an am hor lor the entire redevelopment ol the doyy ntown area her ause tile stadium brings trallii to that area Behan said l lle sin 1 ess of Buffalo's I’l lot Field is something that 1 an he duple aled in Ktlgene he added "We'd gel mole people familiar yx ith the doyvntown area and that would rejuvenate all the business in that area Chuck Stolsig. dirts lot of fa i 1 lilies management for the I 11 gene 4| Sc hool Distric t said lit is accepting design proposals from an Inlet tural firms to c on vert (aye Stadium to a multi purpose stadium d he model yve’re develop mg would bring high sc hool football and sot c el into the sta diuni, and the plan includes the single A Fmeralds Stolsig saitl Stolsig said design plans would he compatible with any future det isions to add a AAA team, hut added that the si hool distric t wants to maintain the ambiance of Civic Stadium. Bill Sloat of Fugenes Plan ning and Development Depart men! said any discussions about Fugene s ability to attract a AAA team are "very prelimi nary," and that the city will Heed III lilKr ,1 ( Olnpi ehele.IV e look .il hugene'-. sports l.ti 1111\ needs before milking .im final cIim isions I think wh.it mmi II sim* tirst •in* ilisi ussions i oik erning funding .uni how ti.iscii.ilI will lit in with othi*r projects anil coninuinitv ni*t*ils in general Shi.it said Hut I think there's dnfinitek an interest out there Kligenethlv (aninill Member Debra Khiman said the council Turn to Team, Page 12 GET A 14” 1 Item Dub) s5.00 CARRY OUT SPECIAL 686-8600 • 1432 Orchard Behind McDonald’s on Villard Socla of Sealood Items not Included No coupon Necessary tt a m 10 p m 2 Goldworks 1502 \N i I hi iiii-t 11 Mon In M) .im f> pm S.ii 10 .im l pm 343-2208 .. at the heart of it V All Work Done on Premises • Custom Design Jewelry • Professional Restoration • High Quality Gem Materials SPKNI) SPKINC TKRM ON I UK COAST Ml I nissisils Hi Ois'gon slinlsiHs arc iinili.il In sninuk-i .1 Spiinj.' I si 111 nl Miui 11 1 Ijmo 1 nl hiiM.nl k prnlsssnrs and li ns ol nuin nlu.il allcnin hi Inli-icsi mi’ s lassss iiu lulls' s muss ssnrk .iihI pi nisi Is m .1 ..iii liills mli-pralsil siiuls nl u-al prnhlsnis nl |K-npls .mil 11.1I111.1I rs'ioursi’s nn ills'Ofs'gnn ( nasi I isc sunk ,nnl simls mi ths ih-vsIs uiihhIi kil Ill-Ill sl.ilinil nl till I Ills i"i nils s (111 null I list Unis' nl Marins Hu>liips in ( liarli'sinn .1 small lisliins’ sillas'i at ills innulli nl Cms Has I uilinn n ilk- sains- as ills 111.nil sanipus Hnnin ami < lulsiaiiilni - insals 1 ns| S‘M) a ssssk Mi us mini malum is as ailabls in Suits I I Ml nr 1 all I’atii ( lump al hXh VDC? ni <4 1 1st I 1 (,10^1 .I|)h\ (i upln KI'M. UK I) Btolo^N M.ti hk HihIovk I ,ib projects < Hioli >t!\ I u-M \K iIi.hIn in Hi.. C'o.inI.iI Problems Research Hi Hi 40X< . Hi 4< . I in imnim iil;il Mmhrs Introduction t«« I inn Simlu-v f i ! ■ *1r! H‘ III ill Ml I f ' K lit ki i .Ilih I ;iniKi ,uk \t t hilt i lur i iV-ucn Studio I .uuisi .»jv A fulls ''In I’nlitu ,11 Si ii m c Iniro i< - I**»li*u .il Sx icik< Intro t»* I’.'litu .iI \nulv vi\ l iclti Stuila n —Spend ;t da\ at the Coast — l our the Facilities —SAT. FKBRl'AKY l»th —Cost $4.00 —More info Suite #1. KMl