University Measles outbreak presents threat to University University's Health Center advises reventative vaccinations By Fisler I mrrald Reporter I'hr l ’niviTsitv is .ell.i innmps \.ti 1 me While the set unit v.ii i I lie is ret iimmeniled fur 1 iirrent slu dents it vvill lie rei|trired III In title ,i|i|)ln .lilts tu the t 'mversi l\ Nell I\ .idlllltteil students W It 111 lilt 1111 •< it III .1 selllllli illlse 1 mild li.ive then sulisei jtienl winter term regislrulinii held THANKS!!, Oregon West - FITNESS - OREGON WEST WOULD LIKE TO THANK THE UNIVERSITY COMMUNITY FOR YOUR SUPPORT!! BEST HOURS • BEST PRICES 6am 11pm 7 Days a Week L 485 1624 * 147S Franklin Blvd ,cross Irom Campus J 111> .iftri .1 one tiTin grai e peri nd said Dr lames |a< kson health i enter direr lor \ notn e nt the new require ment is mi lulled in the .idmis sum |i.ii kels going uul to newly admitted students 'Over the past live years it's hei nine apparent college stu dents are at .1 histnrn al risk Inr measles said Dr David Idem tiling assistant stale epnli mini ogisl for the Oregon Health De part ment Nationally , outbreaks m cur in two populations young non-immuni/.eil pre si hool aged i hihiren and older, lininii ni/eil high si hoiii and college aged populations s.iid ) I ■ 11 Hi a rati I mid ser\ ii es puhl ii health edui ator v\ ith the ( lie gnu I lealtli I kep.irtment “((ail lege populations) live ill a high i out,li t aiea I hr measles vaiiine given in the early 70s IS not as ellei liye as the i urreiil vai i me so that makes them a prime target (•'lemming said t he vat i me administered up EASTSIDE LAUNDROMAT DROPOFF LAUNDRY 70c/Pound 10% STUDENT DISCOUNT 10-‘> 30 MWf 1430 Orchard St 345 6133 tu lust pi it i' in \ tnrongn improper refrigeration s i',it .1 more heat stable sat t ine developed Hei rail said I intliermore tile vara ine ssas administered at 12 moiitlis m stead nl 1V as rei oimnentled nation,ills until 1070. and m bool immunization laws did not go into effei I in mans stales until after students had entered si bool, ss ithout optimal s at i ine t overage lift rail said Measles is probably the most i ontagious disease knots n aftei 11tiy> people up to age or t I |ai kson said II someone's ss ithin shout mg distant e ol ol someone else ssilh measles, lie's probably go mg to get them |ai kson saitl Although no i ases base been reported at the I ins ersils . it s just a matter ol lime |,ii kson saitl partn sil.itIs alter an out break it Southern Oregon State ( ollege last April and Mas I lie ilutbreak ot t lined to svard the end of st bool ss lien tise student teat hers t ted measles saitl l)r (lien Shipley, duet tor ol the student health t enter at St )S( I he teat hers their students anti entire resident:!' floors bail to be immunized, swamping the health t enter ill tile pro t ess Shipley saitl It there is a ease, all hell breaks loose We would be obli gated to sat tmale.' Jat kson saitl "Measles is not a benign ills ease |at kson saitl adding that ot about 12.000 reported t ases m the Dotted States last year, 40 people tlietl from meil sles the highest toll in 1H years About 10 pen ent ol the pen pit* ssilh measles mas tiesclop i nmplii alums ),u kson saitl adding that adults develop mine ( omplic ations ()nr < umpli( ill ion is mflam illation of the lining of Ihi' brain \\ liu h may potentially i atisr br.iin damage. |ac kson said An immunization waiver will be available for the measles it there is a medical exemption based on medical contraindica lion in ai i ordain e \\ ith the Ad visorv Committee on Immuni zation Practices ol the I'S Public I lealth Servic e. accord mg to a student health i enter press release A waiver will also be avail able for a religious exemption based on a person's adherence to a religion, the teaching ol which are opposed to immuni zation. according to the release In addition, no requirement lor measles vaccine will he on forced for summer term only students The new requirement is based on the following recom mendation b\ health agencies including The Oregon I’uhlii Health Department. The Amen i an Ac adentv of Pediatric s. I he Advisory Committee on Imniu nization Prac tu es. and I'he American College Health Asso elation. The Oregon Public Health Department is now requiring a sec ond dose of measles vac c me to be given to Oregon children b\ the age of \2 years llowev er. the1 Universitv will not have a ieduced risk to a measles out break lor another seven years unless a second vacc itie is re quired ac cording to the re lease Measles vacc me is available u ithoul appointment at the Hniversity health center for about $22. |ac kson said "We're trying to lake a pro -ac live stand ' he added I or further information, slu dents c an call the health c entei at (>8*> -444 I m ——M FOOD WAREHOUSE — BULK FOOD & NUTRITION CENTER u IT WOULD BE WORTH YOUR TIME TO STOP it MJB COFFEE ADC.REG OR ELEC. 39 o,’ S398 DON'T FORGET TO COME IN AND SEE OUR NEW DELI & BAKERY full case HfCiP OF CANS 24/12 oz OLD MILWAUKEE BEER $C88 * Dep ~ * P EPSI gg£§ family g 12T 6-PAK CANS $149 C + Dep shop save COUPON wmamammmtmmm cmmfmmuasuni^ MJ ".‘f Expires 2 06 90 M.D. BATH TISSUE 4 ROLL PACK 68 c FIRST ONE 17 Coburg Rd. 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