Letters Eased out Minorities of Iflai k .nui Mi'xii .m hen luge .in' being eased mil ol mainstream \\ lute ( ,ui( .isi.iii Americ .1 It 1 is is I Ilf re suit of "Pull yourself up b\ the boot strap philosophy put into .niton These minority numbers have on this campus dwindled the last 10 years It's time to lake notice that something isn't working We need more finane ial aid and we need stronger affirmative .11 turn laws More than anything minorities on this ( ampus need the com ern of the she dents on this i ampus Racial violence makes the headlines far too often You have to wonder w here we as a nation are heading I thin the country is divided There are those who care not. and there are those who have not. Instead of being together we are against each other Isolation in the cities grows into crime and violence and a soi iely bent on lawlessness The police haven't the time to catch the criminal The courts don't have the personnel to deal with the lawless, and the jails lai k the the n>nin to hold the criminal f ormer Chief lustue Burgei said that justn i* should lie sw ill and sure \\ arrrn Burger's philosopln would mean the criminal justice svstem would hi' streamlined to speed up the judicial prot ess and punishment would lie sure to all guillv parties Instead ol getting oil the hook with no time in pill every one guiltv would he punished with .it least some time in )nil Thai s true at i Ollntahdilv Peter Kona Craduate Corrections No concerns Students tor Kcpial ,\i i ess would like to < larifv some statements that appeared in an m depth art 11 le on Ntvles Brand s affirmative action program |01)1'. |an lr«l SKA has no "concerns" uliout I’res Brand and his affirmative action pro gram SKA represents disabled students on campus and has seen nothing hut support from President Brand As tor ha\ tug a task ton e on disahili tics il is something nr Mould like lo have in die t lit tire Kight now however I’res Brand has onlv been in oltiie lor right months During this short span ot tour hr lias managed to show his > mu liniment to t renting .in ai i rssihlr rn vironmrnl tor disabled students In par t uip.it mg in sui ti things as a wheel i hair tour ol i umpiis 'si \ is rm nuraged In Pres Hrantl s polit les .mil ai lions dealing with dis nhilitv issues We look forward to wink mg w ith him and the administration | ti I it* Holier SKA (to-direi tor Whose issue? Soi letv has done a great i rime against women In i .losing them to he lieve that then can a//im their bodies to he misused without am serious co/ise i/iwntrs (author s italic s) stated Hob Weigel ill Ins editorial "I'srd to lie | Ottt'. fan _’l>| lbs argument is against legalized nlmrtion and he holds that il W()\ll \ were legallv punished lor get ting pregnant then W’OMKN would not put thru bodies out for use h\ am one ■ uni rieno/ie with thr right maiiipula tious ()nr ol thr definitions ol "a! Ion oi to neglec I to prevent or restrain Win should \\()MI \ lime to st>\uall\ res7r.ii/i mrii' Arid situ r when has 141 • t ting pregnant 110I entailed suriou.s 1011 st'i|ui'iu i s ■’ U bethel or not .1 U l )\l \\ 1 hoosi-s to deliver .1 1 Inld it is .111 111 1 redillly sit 1011 s .11 iiI I'lnotion.il issue Thi' problem ol unwanted pregnan 1 ies 11 ill not 140 ,111.11 sim|)l\ hi'i .lusc ,1 l.iu s.us abortion is illegal W ithoul cd uiation and n'sponsibilili men mil I ontinue to impregnate iioinen and II omen 11 ill 1 out lime to hear the burden of the shared at turn ol two people. Many men are taking more responsibili ty lor birth control and some are even educating other men Hie responsibility lielnngs nitli men as n 1 in h as it does uilli women: after all without men's contribution to intercourse (sperml. there wouldn't be any unwanted preg 11am les 111 the lust plai e Margaret Wilson hnglish OSPRIG holding pair of meetings mi.i rises National Student Exchange Orientation will meet tins ,liter noon .it t in the EMI' l-'orum Room. "International Festival" or gani/ational meeting ol the _Et als_ I oreign Students Organization will he held tonight at fi in the 1-All International 1 .ounge \ iennese Ball planning meeting will be held tonight .it 7:.It) in the KVI1 Internalional I .ounge Students Against Apartheid meets tonight at • to in I Ml ( edar Room I Student Campaign lor Disar mament will meet to (list USs American Peace lest and non violent workshops tonight at 0 at the hoinonia Center 1 ■) 14 Riik aid St Bahai ( ampus \ssoi i.itmn meets tonight at t> til at the Ha hai ('.enter. 1458 Aider SI University of Ore gon/University of HI Salvador Sister University Pro feet will hold .1 general interest meeting t<>n 1 kht ill 5 m I lie HY1U ( >,ik Room OSPIKti vvill hold .1 i onsum ei rese.iri h meeting tonight ,il t> in KM I I i nl ii i \ Knom ( A meeting lor .ill groups in lerested in showing movies during spring term will he held lod.iv .il 1 in in I Ml < A*nlnr\ Room I C)SPIK(i s i lean .in to\ii ■ group meets tonight .it ill Room I 55 Straub MISi I ! I..WI C )t s ( I) K()M tutorial tor the KKK (edm at ion) ilalahase w ill he held tod.IS .il III .1 Ml III the knighl I.ibrars s Referent e lie pari meal Holy Kosiirv vs ill Ih* held In night .H 7 it) .it the \evvmmi I enter. tfi"id hmeruld si Komi unit fitness issues lor i allege students is the title ot .1 v\ 1 irkshn|i In he held Iniughl .it II m KMl (!eil.11 Kiuun t Mi nnrilv slllileills .ire ein nur.iged In .illeiid Itr.ullinr for submiltins; It ,ils to tin• Idner.ild hunt i/rd I Ml Suitr Util is noon thrifts hrtorr inililii .iliun f t .1/s inn tlu• this ol tlir eve/il unlrss thr rsrnt minis hi'lori' noon I'lr.isr submit I t .i/s thr 1/.11 hr loir thrx arr to run unis \o tors ol rvrnts u itb .1 ilniuition or .iilnussion ilh.nur n ill no! hr ,11 1 r/itril < '.urijius rs rnts •uni tbosr si brtlulril nrmrst tlir [mill ii lit loll 1 fttr will hr g/ie/i firiiints I hr l-.tiierald rrsrtsrs tlir 1 mill to mlit noturs tor \;r.unni.u ,uul sis lr Oregon Ihiil t_ _ Emerald 1*0 Ho*, *l“» »HK>m <»«««««• Th«* Oft?(j"0 Daily ImrotUJ »•, publishfl M < ! », through f fulay e»i »*pt <1urmg »>»am weeh ml v«ii alumt t>y the Ort* j- n S' * . fc.j• • ■'.»*11 Publishing Co at th«* University of Oregon Eugeni* Oregon Th»* fmoi.iM i*. i‘‘i itinl nufepeniti-ntlv ' the University with Mho*. • • I hi* |hifi.1 fln.o >f Ihr* f ft- Mi ”■ ■ ,»l l Imi i mi 1 a t the* A ihnf Pm - The Emerald is private property The unlawful mho oval or u*<*‘ of papers •*, pros ©cut able by law t clilor ' 1 ■ i •. P< '«*»<-!! M,in.H)ing FdltOf i ditonal Editor Graphics F dilor F ncore f d«lo« Associate Fdttois A11< WrWfMff Don Pnltifn M.u* Ylm Kelvin W»-f t fliior Spoils 1 i1»loi Supplpmunls Editor Ntghl i diloi • rwtMt iv.nr Tra< v Surnmn Dafid J.i> Kson K»'i . VVr. Community " .. student Government-Activities : > Higher f ducation'Admimslration H F futures R«poittri •* .•'}«• I • , A . , - . ( f . Giiru ■ i, > 4th«>rm«r Hawle, Stephanie Holland J,»> (..in' •...-.KM Ai. •• Thornton Photographer % ’• r ' *an 1 Advertising . ■ V > . I > • H » . Vi. A. A . • i • V , ?,« inn Pa-! « . . .1 I m '. Tu!h K'l-.ti btfothor i iI auii) Worm k Production • h a- ' . t- <" ■ . d ■' R , • ' A . ■..?i l otus Child 'am! Oopp iim Fm. n Yvtdiu Gill Jennitor Mirny l mda r ' i• ' * *|! i ■ • Jy »,l • A ,«'» » Mn i " !<• Pn"*.« A- ,i M. r- f,,. m Jrtntjt S« not* * Tim) ‘.n.-pit" Jnnnder Smith Caifltn SSw* Ma't-n t f It ■ !.- u ran saw hundreds i ltd' illars < >n a \ anety (it Apple* Nlacinti ish a imputers and penpherals Si i ni w there's no teas* in K > settle for an.ordinary K With The *» Microcomputer Support Lab 202 Computing Center Monday - Friday 9 am - 5 pm 686 4402 M.uint(ish \tk\ you cm wind up with much m< wv < >1.1 o inipuier NXlth< >ui spending .1 k it mt >re m< >nn * The Macintosh Sale. .Nkw through January 51. C i *•> •«;**<* Vf*r *«• j»k/ ***»«.• j-v *m-.•*» . t- i vf* "»/*.-.* »..