Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, January 31, 1990, SUPPLEMENT, Page 7B, Image 19

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Better bodies aren't so tough to attain
By Mike Freeman
Emerald Contributor
A month and a half till
Spring Break, and it's time to
get that bod into top swimsuit
condition But this is a whole
new decade and that means
that there must be more to
the same old workout of lift
mg weights or tumping
around in an aerobics class
What promises to be all the
rage for the new decade of
ours is the idea of cross tram
mg Cross training refers to
the combination of several ac
tivities in a workout, as op
posed to |ust one exercise So
instead of an hour and a half
of the traditional aerobic s
class, the cross trainer might
do 30 minutes of aerobics fol
lowed by another 30 of lifting
weights, then biking for the
remaining half hour
Karla Olsen a University se
nior, said that the variety in
her workouts helps her to
maintain her enthusiasm and
commitment to the routine
By cross training, nothing
ever gets boring, she said
I II do an hour of something
then go to the gym and lift
weights, ride the bike or do
the Stairrnaster. and on the
days that I don t do one thing
I'll do that the next
Olsen s routine usually con
sists of an hour of aqua aer
obics twice a week, and then
she II run to the gym to do an
other hour of weight training
and more cardiovascular work
on the Lifecycle or
Stairrnaster. On alternate days
she'll walk for about an hour
or swim
It might sound like a lot.
but really it isn't, she said
My workout fits right into my
schedule, and I have the time
I need for school and study
Yes, it would seem that to
have the physique that we all
desire, maior blocks of time in
the day would need be left
open in order to get the maxi
mum benefit from our work
outs This is not necessarily
"People |ust don t have the
time to spend two hours a day
at the gym anymore." accord
mg to Anne B Geertsen, Aer
obic and Fitness Director of
Oregon West Fitness The
90s seem to be the decade
when everyone is doing more
than their share of activity
I >«r ,.l.
,4 well-toned physique tan only he attained uith lots of
perseverance and sweat, hut most feel it's worth it in the
personal and professional,
and an exercise routine must
be able to accommodate all of
the conflicting time commit
ments people have
Geertsen said more and
more couples are coming in
together to work out Could it
be that the couple that sweats
together, stays together?
There is certainly a lower
level of intimidation now than
ever before Geertsen said
Men are taking women much
more seriously in the weight
room and the same goes for
women s acceptance of men
in the aerobics classes
The 80s were more or less
a time when workouts were
put into sex categories, she
added Exercise has become
a lifestyle and the 90s will
prove to make this lifestyle in
creasingly convenient for cou
pies and families alike
So with everything that s
available to us to sculpt our
Spring Break bod into the
drop dead toned and cut look
we want what's the best ad
vice for achieving it all7
You do what's going to
work for you Geertsen said
We take an interest in our
members' desires, and we are
there for them and what they
want to achieve The '90s
means high tech, but it also
means high touch between
trainers and members what's
not popular is not knowing
who you are trusting your fit
ness to
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