Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, January 31, 1990, SUPPLEMENT, Page 5B, Image 17

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Service jobs hot for the ’90s
By Kim Nicholson
Emerald Contributor
College is a time when
many young people make life
decisions about their careers
Where will the |obs be in the
'90s. and what current trends
will affect the future job mar
According to Occupational
Outlook Quarterly, published
by the Bureau of Labor and
Statistics, the fastest growing
industries will be in the ser
vices division of the market
Twelve of the twenty fastest
growing occupations will pro
vide health services, and four
are in the computer field
The services division will
provide over 50 percent of the
job growth in the '90s Infor
mation based businesses will
also grow rapidly, adding 5
million jobs in the next ten
years. The increase of the
two income family is the mam
reason for the demand for
more service based business
Due to a predicted increase
in the number of new restau
rants, there will also be a
growing need for waiters
waitresses and food counter
workers According to the
CAM Report, a career man
agement publication, the de
mand for janitors and house
keepers will also rise
The number of paralegal
personnel — the fastest grow
ing occupation of the next
decade —is expected to dou
ble As legal documents be
come more complex and the
number of lawsuits rises, so
will the need tor legal assis
One trend that will affect
the job market is the rising
age of the average American
By the end of the decade the
median age of the U S popu
lation will be 35, which will
cause employers to intensify
competition for young work
ers and entry level |Ob seek
ers One of the results of this
trend will be more )Obs open
ing in the field of employment
interviewing and recruiting
According to Working Worn
an magazine, psychic in
come or personal satistac
tion will begin to outweigh
salary and title in the market
place Workers will become
more concerned with what the
job has to offer than how
much it pays
Lawrence Smith, director of
the Career Planning and
Placement Office. agrees
Perhaps the most important
trend for successful employ
rnent and successful careers
is that of having a sense of
contributing to something,
making a difference Increas
ing numbers of students are
addressing the need for dem
onstrating their competence
and the need for close rela
tionships. he says
The medical field will see
the most growth of all service
industries, with medical assis
tants. physical therapists, oc
cupational therapists and reg
istered nurses showing the
largest increases In |obs Po
diatnsts and home health
aides will also be in high de
mand. due to the increase in
the elderly population
As technological develop
roents continue to increase,
so will the demand for engi
neers The largest growth will
be in electrical and mecham
cal engineering Computer
systems analysts and compu
ter programmers will also be
in high demand
Another area that holds
possibilities for job seekers is
the non profit sector As com
petition for funding increases
among the many non profit or
ganizations. people with skills
in management, marketing
and finance will be in de
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