Naturopaths ( »ntinued from Pane, h methods itrn not ( onsidered ii.i Imnptilln Ihnv m.n lie m< Iml • in \l) s skills Only two I' S i ulleges thr \ (Inllene of N.dur op.ilhu Medii int- in I’ortUind mid the |ohn Hnstvi < olli'Uf ol \'.itmnp.ilhii Medii inc in lb- offer \l) dcKiffs 1 lif si liool offers lout .mil live \ studs pi.ins lor siu dents who fi.i\ e fulfilled pre medii .d i nurse wmk reipnri'd ol Mils s.inl Robin Hurkf .id minislrativi- assistant dI admis stuns .it \M m I’urtland I'lic i nrrii ilium ini hull's si ml if*, in siihji'i Is sm li .is , mm him lirmisln phvsii s .mil nalurnpath hisl< >i \ .is w i■ 11 .is i imrscs m ihfi Imituiopalln Ipri-parinn si ll hi’ulinK (ni*ilii inrs| h\11ri>1111• r.1 p\ (tin* in' ill hut .mil 111111 in jump sl.irl blood < in illation arid (hr immuiir s\ siriii| anil ullu i na I ii r< i p. 111111 iiii'lhmls Hurkr said I In* t liri’im I nl IcKr (if ()rh■ ntSraEDTLER PRODUCTS 40% OFF MANUFACTURE R S SUGGES11 D ALL B Crescent PRODUCTS J V1 30% OFF OUR C CIRRI Ml MARK! D PRICE 5>smedtler super savers 60% OFF JEWEL TECHNICAL PEN SETS 4 PEIS SET (Reg. 106.00) SALE 42.40 7 PETS SET (Reg. 178.oo) SALE 71.20 9 PEIS SET (Reg. 225.00) SALE 90.00 (3 Crescent super savers FOAMCORE - 30x40 Rt g 3.9&shet i (I 8 -\ND Mo U IDTH) SALE 2,74 SHt T I MUSEUM BOARD 32x40 FULL SHEETS 2 PLY reg3.95 SALE 2.65 4 PLY REG 8.50 SALE 5.25 • U HITE • ANTIQUE WHITE • CREAM . • •• ' M 5 .*• V. M,t . UO Bookstore ART AMD SCHOOL SUPPLY DEPT. sentative m Portland but onh if the purchaser lm\s special (overage Team_ Continued from Page a hasn't been asked to make am dei isions re gardmg baseball's future in Kugene. and dial Wednesday's meeting uas informational Khrman said she is < on i ei ned about the effei t ot a Civic Stadium expan sion on area neighbors as a larger stadium would mean more ac tiv it\ in the community She said she believes the count il will eventual l\ develop lt It, !-, //, ,, h-i )l)l w' I- low ITS *" (.ills w* ( .irtls I -shirts ^ I'lush Balloons & more! (.rail a friend \ conic mi dimn TODAY!! Herr hunted in the Sett Farking Huildinc />/ot A lies/ ot ''.unit lie.lit' FLOWERS AND GIFTS 1 IIIMTSlH • (.1)7 | . I till 4X' IW2 W csl • |7|(| ( Ii.iiiiIh is THE ULTIMATE INDOOR TANNING MACHINE Fat I Conv«m«nl Relaxing AHordabla SunShower on campus