CLASSIFIEDS Visa and MasterCard gladly accepted. 155 C0MPUTERS-ELECTR0N1CS iso SOUND SYSTEMS ONEf R - V P A ' : paid Sr-t-j a til -.pi. •.,» $1 165 INSTRUMENTS Su*U*nof 12 band EQ Sl«»eo Oi>‘veS s»>*.V • OBO wo RESALE CLOTHING CELEBRATE your gi»4i st.. t, Come to Cheiry Pal*. - 6. .V ' i t to'.i .i no • i-.. 190 OUTDOOR RECREATION TELEMARK AN EXCELLENT HOW TO VIDEO FOR ALL SKILL LEVELS WED 12:30PM OUTDOOR PROGRAM X4365. 195 TRAVEL ONE ROUND trip air ticket to Miami FL during Spring Break Discounted 343 1895 eves 210 OPPORTUNITIES ATTENTION GREEKS! COMEDY NITE TRYOUTS ARE COMING UP! FEB 1 ATSIG EPS. BE READY! ATTENTION HlRlNO' (iove-nM.t-nl jobs your area $ 1 7 840 $6'J 4M‘> Can 1602 838 888!) E«|R 12164 ATrebTion ' AST WORK lxtillENT pa* Assemble products a! florae Details (1) 602 838 8885 E*t W 12164_____ A^tYnTiON earn VONfY Rf Aj-N'.i BOOKS: *32 OOO-'yMf .r mi> . v ' « > • . • • BA 12164 NANNIES Wanted tor East ( oast Mil dred*. •* positions available To; sat • INDISPENSABLES.INC 1 800 356 9875 (EST) SECONDARY SPECIAL EDUCATION . R iRAM SKI TRIPS! CROSS COUNTRY SKI ERS. TAKE ADVANTAGE OF LOW COST COOPER ATIVE SKI TRIPS THROUGH THE OUT DOOR PROGRAM VAR IED LEVELS. MOST WEEKENDS SIGN UP IN O P. ROOM, BASEMENT EMU, X4365 m HELP WANTED INCIDENTAL FEE COMMITTEE MEMBER POSITIONS OPEN NOW Appi. aliens are available ■'* IN? ASUO Suite 4 EMU Deadl y- to? apps Wed Feb 7 at 5pm Tbe ASUO an AA EO employe' Women Pe< pie ot Color Lesbians and Gays People with Disabilities and People | ot ail Ethnic Religious Political i Mantai and Veteran status are #n c our aged to apply j JEG MAR iysi aa forbedr* norsAen mm Er det noen fra norge som Aunne hjeipe meg7 jeg Aan beiaie lit! Ring meg opp etter kl 20 484 9754 Bn an_ 2ib HELP WANTED PEACE CORPS INTERVIEWS MONDAY. Feb 5 and TUESDAY. Feb 6 ALL MAJORS NEEDED in toon' ,544 PianmfiQ anti Cati t>H6 323*! for informal .on •»> S' hedn'my •' '» !■-) .• » ui »' application Pi* , •• ( • ps SliM the toughest |ot The World: Gel Involved1 SMALL CONCERTS COORDINATOR We are looking • i atude’d t■ > *-» date iur smaM concerts pc,yam .«mpub :iu?iri *• '*- 2 i MU -in r.MT. i ■: i DEADLINE IS FRI FE B 9 The CuHu»at fo/um en EO-AA employ*' STUDENT SENATE f Senate se lls l.-l lt)li* n ,v SE AT NO 3 id • interdisciplinary Stud • es Education.Journal.‘,m l English SEAT NO * SEAT NO 6 . SEAT NO 13 -AA • • • '• * on*, avail aide in A‘ FMu Due Fen ’ a! ‘ TRACK TOWN PIZZA Wanted Full or part time pi//a deli* *ry driver Earn IS 8 00 per hour No eipenence necessary Musi have own car and insurance Apply in per son before 4 pm at 1®09 Franklin Blvd UNIVERSITY OF OREGON Summer Enrichment Program lor Talented and GiMed Students Eugene June 20 July 21 Teachers and Dormitory Counsel ors wanted Ieav.hers muSl have r»*per tise m a specific subje< t and the ab*>‘ ty to leach gifted students Teacher salary is $11 $U per teaching hour Counselors must possess enthusiasm to work wth junior high age youth For application contact Bobbie Blackwell Ed Anne* College of Education Eu gene OR 97403 3084 Application deadline is Feb 28 1990 215 HELP WANTED MODELING ACT FOR TV/FILM STUDENT MANAGER ACADEMIC YEAR 1990 91 QUALIFICATIONS V . rnm»d by Itw '.flRliM commute* Must t>*> •« I .»• ' I ' uveekends VV'H .it i1 • •«*<*.! to hold i*n ou!3t(J« job REIMBURSEMENT board redd and IIJ.M 4't a*. « »sh stipend SELECTION PROCESS f rO’ud'f 1? and should tn- ■implr* ltd by the* «?n 2H2 \ > AM EH IS t t-iiM- »pt *df t . , disposal nice a*pets and rwta u' iai- $1io f?-M i-.' neg N !*•( -.<• C .ill Beth ' M III- 44 i 44 w KAMPUS TWINS 735 [ 14 T H 1 room furnished share kit* n*-- pn .ate bath |269m.. *dh least* 1200 de posit $1/6 refundable 343 1009 u 72B 6469 LG CLEAN QUIET 2 bdrm 1 bk UO Earn big krtch arilh dish* laundry sundecf lot* of parking brt3H919 i860 ALOER t BEDROOM apt and studio avail at i» 1316 S396rmo On site manager Clean quiet 144 6696 1060 ALDER Clean quiet De»u«e 2 bedroom apt fireplace dishwasher On site man eg 0f 344 6696 ??b APTS DUPLEXES BlOi> S f ROM . AMPUS Sind ! On *i|» liund'i lacilltia* tJ^O-mo .14 ) 4913 1M1 HICiH ST ?35HOUSES FREE HOUSE M v. ?*0 ROOMS rt G4l«way area S. 245 REAL ESTATE A'-fS’i vN ,0V t HUM! S ' M- -S' 255 DORM CONTRACTS TVV« 1 Tf WA ( • • * * < Bn»*' »**v*f4Q«* 4 )*»'>,,s«i in 4H4 . ti« 1*. ' MAi - • !U * . .tie 34S6527 .’60 ROOMMATES WANTED MATURf CAN i ■ ♦ anted to iharo i thmj- ' >' t .hnstm Of Kifsf.t IIP MEETINGS - AIDS A PANEL & DISCUSSION FOR MENTAL HEALTH PROFESSIONALS — Ts* Center lo< P»ycTS3*ogcAi Senna** * ,)S PfOfOd irt fiu !o 4 ''*« par* and » vO SB All?’ csr-c !^rap*to Wednesday, January 31 7 lo 9 PM Eugtnt Clinic, 1162 WOljnutu S! (Conference Room 3) fot mo'o Hy^jtcn. caJ 343 1*37 of 342 2/8? 275 EVENTS - ADVENTURE SKIING A V )»• w t", Klintll VtftH HJ "f in ; ' •he Alps an 1 ' • i• .»>)**•. Mn ’ * W ! arnelte 7 30pm Wed Prr»iH'lfil fay ihe Ould<■ * Program 6£6 4 J6S RIM INTRAMURALS WRESTLING Ai! prelim matches *1! be Wed -a 11 The final* aiII be Friday Fob b«for# the Oregon Portland Slain dual Co*t fof teams anil be $1S ■'dependent* am Ifee Deadlines It*' ifjrnj am ai 4 00 Jan J1 Weigh ms lor competition are 4 00 S 30 January .11 in the Men s Locfcer room in Faabnger Wrestling *tart% a! 6 30PM Call *4113 for more "do ?/‘j EVENTS CYCLING TEAM N l * FIFTH SINGAPORE STUDENTS' ASSOCIATION PfltSI NTS * 1N i.. Y AN.. "FULL CIRCLE" SINGAPORE BUFFET DINNER (May performed t)y Am*nc*n Hawaiian and Singapore ttudanlt Lucky Draw Pri/i* Di*co Dance SUNDAY. FEB 4th. 1990 EMU BALLROOM 6:00pm 1 00am TICKETS SS SO (advance* or $6 00 (At dooti TABLE TENNIS TOURNAMENT COMING SAT FEB 3 ! im« 10 30am lo J 00pm Place Gertmger 220 uo Award* $115ca*h f ee S3 one event SS ell Contact M11anda T4S 7‘>6# spun by Club Spoils And U Ian# O The EMU Rec Center Presents FOOSBALL ^ TOURNEY * \\ WHEN WHERE INTRT ACUI Qualifying The EMU Rec Center Presents TABLE TENNIS Come show your %htll af this ACUI competition Winners quality lor th» finals m Pocatello Idaho on f eb 22 24 DATE ■ time .s * m M.v f PM PLACE I MU M.v • Only 00 to enter Sign up , If S ' ■ f tftifi, i'y \ 1990 lnr,pe. t.< •• • I M ,» • A,, • ,r> 10 a rn 2 pit I MU Bree/e way Uth and Uniy«K*»ly slreels ash Information fed6 IMS •LOVE YOUR HEART” tind out about your blood < hotester ■ »t .» brown flag div ussion i» It 30arn in Cedar Rrn C Also Stop by the' .«l table form 10 2 m the E MU This National Head Month ?80 ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT ^iss"' ».■' s". i vH>’. ■'# HTjOU ;i* ~}Jy S’ ’.M'A' *.* i > ’ A»t' 1 SIDEWALK STORIES, ’ "7s.r « **../!» ^ lll» tH"M IHI H ^11 ^ 1 A he little thief* ~ • «w ■ .» ^ FESTIVAL OF animation] 4- KLCX 104.7LA tbNIGHI> | MU . If, H ANNTOlOVlH L LETHAL WEAPON2a T-~] -f- ~117 T1 T.VTTIf! FESTIVAL OF ANIMATION k mu >HH( >M * Ml .AT n K) pm ' , .„•* V ... . /*T J'V A ftVI ^\*»*• v . ■ • * LIVE IN CONCERT THE SKATALITES THURSDAY. FEB 1 9PM EMU FiR ROOM S3 UO tiudanU S5 grnt»*rtl public A CuttUfAl f oium Pioduclion P()< > I T PI AYMOUSt PHI .1 NTS OUT AT SEA BY SLAWOMIR MROZEK 5PM FEB 1.2. 3 Pmkel Thualen. 102 ViiUnl Ha St donation appreciated University Theatre Second Season presents LYSISTRATA January 24. 25. 26 27 February 1.2,3 Arena Theatre Tickets at Robinson Theatre Box Oflice 686 4191 S3.50 General Public $2 50 Students 300 COUNSELING mm Episcopal Campus Ministries WfK)n»i(1«y l »*nmg t uch»n*l it ,■ 1 l.’t) { 1 s .. . •• i I <1 •. %sion y» >up ’oii'i*" J ( , .• A. 6«6 99/2 GORGEOUS WINDOWS Window Cl««mng M»ftid«n(i«l A Comm#fcill f MIC ( STiMATES • Nf V*» CONSTRUE TION Cl f AN UP’ •COURTt OUS QUAl IT Y W< )RH’ ACCREDITED’ CALL TODAY 344 9761 With this coupon you can buy a set of GUITAR STRINGS for Vi our list Price ( ou|khi r\pirt*s I M music city t • ■ , open evenings til h limited lo stoc k h‘nill\ innwtl forM wars I \I’KI ss mm KM I I LA A DLL DAM K« s.ilr l)rM<|iii i ( lolht s * • ■>«•*% t- I hnit ( lolhrs • >ru sihn |t u« li\ Iioiii Kali • I inkish Kilims N. , ,/ / >, M.|/h . . .. :n, s I, ■ l , <11 .]/'/ fh I . I I oi inloi mat ion pit asr tall ()H^ ■i (>8 W illumctte ( SI h & U i I la mt l I r) ( )pt ii '“1. hi s,,( II l lust il Si I Ml I. I \ Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson ttEU *0M. *N OONi NEED ID wsjm KXKT, Kt tU.l ’ iup. stt, i #ADt tWPUOttS C* WOLLF *nd mr Ht«t nt onss WHO WU4. B«>, HOT / ( UM HUM. Aw QM CALVIN.' look' i SONTCARP.V tRfcN-.wot M»W5TW?OUCH Rkild HCWjE.' ' ' r>rr / O’-nv "r HtU. TULRL' 110J«. VM. HX 100 GOT Kt To*’ HANT TO IN TKtWftlt s POT US OH UNt LAST tWtt DADS • mi ! nor D'.NNi.v piatt Tt»J«L HASTN' lOHiOW Sion