Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, January 31, 1990, Image 1

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■ Measles alert. Page 4
■ EMs try for AAA. Page 5
■ Naturopathy. Page 6
■ Ducks host Cardinal. Page 8
Oregon Daily._ _
. l.mu.HX 1 I, IMMO
Kllgrnr. I hr^mi
Volume Ml \uml)i’r HM
MEChA urges Brand
to join grape boycott
By Jolit‘ Andrade
Emerald Reporter
More ih.m :<()().(It)() agrit ul
tnr.il farmers are poisoned ev
erv year hei ause of the loxii
postil ides used on i rops. in
eluding grapes, according to a
film shown to MKOhA mem
hers and University President
Myles Brand on Tuesday
Mi l h.\ the ( Ini aim I.atino
student union, voiced then
concerns about poisonous pes
I it ides used on grapes and
urged Brand to support the re
mm al of grapes from t ampus
I hose pest ii ides have had
long term effects on the work
ecs One third of the pesticides
used cause cam er Some of the
pregnant women who worked
in the fields had children with
Births (Infects Other workers
have died simply because of di
reel poisoning, ai i ording to the
Idm llir Wrath o! (.’rapes, pro
dm od By the 1 'nited I arm
U orkeis
"Ue uant to make sure lie's
aware of the problem and that
lie's going to support it. "said
labile Beanes Ml .OhA direi tor
Mid hA is asking the I buyer
sily to Ban all common iallv
produced grapes including ta
Ble grapes from Oalifornia said
Slielli Koinero. co-director of
Ourronth the l niversily lood
services iin hiding dormitories
and < atering serv u es are using
( hilr,in grapes bei ause ( alitor
nia grapes ,in‘ ult season
Mi l li.\ is i om erneil w ilh
wli.it happens when the season
i halites and ( Chilean grapes are
no longer available Heanes
While (California grapes are
the main for us we are also i on
reined w ith other i outlines
such as ( lule who furnish
grapes when the grapes prove!
ed h\ (lalilornia are in the oil
season. Romero said
We want to make sure these
grapes are not sprayed with
pestii ides as well as the I ah
Inrnia grapes " Romero said
Romero i hallenged the I 'm
versit\ to at least pul the grapes
through a lest lo make sure
lliev are not i ontamineted
MRCfiA rei nmmends that ei
lliei organe alls grown grapes
he used or other hint sulisli
tules Deanes said
()rgane grapes are perlei tlv
sate 1 he said
I he t 'mled Farm Workers
have been Irving lo ban the use
ol five highls Ionic pestic ides
hi the agric ullur.il area sini e
the lotahs Their main target
has been grapes tiei ause il is
the most dangerous i nip Over
eight million pounds of pesti
i ides aie used on grapes a veal
aia circling lo the him
(airrenth all hill one ot the
peslu ides have been banned
lorn to C,rapes, Page 7
Ph«*l*» Mark > Irn
Students lininfi up .it the I niversit\ Student lle.dtli t enter tin shuts to prevent hep.ititis
Hepatitis-A alert sounded
Bv ( hriN Bouni'lf
I merald Anmm i.ite i ditor
\ In i lit I II il i stiidt'lil.s iv hi i
.ill' in llir (Arson II.ill dining
mom last work m.iv li.iv•* imnr
in i onl.K I u illi lifji.ititis \ In'
i iiusii ot .in nmfilovi'i' who vv.is
inli'i it'd w nli tin' viin-.
I lli- Studimt I IimIiIi i I'iili'i
i onfiinil'll Mond.iv through .1
lilmid Irsl tli.it .111 i'iii|»lii\ i-«
winking in tin- dining li.ill had
hr|iatilts A whirl) is dm most
i iiminon typo 11I hrputilis said
I)i hum's |. 11 kson lii’.iltli 1 mi
trr (lirt'( tin
la response In this ilisi overs
lllc hi'.iltli i entei is ottering fret'
gamma globulin imri.(toils fill
those students who might fane
i min' m i mil.ii t w ah tin' hi>|i.i
litis vans while eating .a thr
I .irson I hill dining tiiniii
I.ii ksmi said tin' i lutiii a nl
■ ■ x|ii>s 1111■ In students who .ili' in
t .11 Mill I l.ll I lift W I'I'II (.III IH
.mil |.in _’M is imiiim.il Ins ansi'
nl thr Kood hygiene priii tiros
rnipinvnl in the (lining fm 1111s
The einplovee was wealing
gloves anil using gouil personal
hyKii’iu- liul llii'ir is .1 sin.ill
i Ii.iiii i1 Iti.it h mi I li.inilled 11\
tin- I'liipInyiT cs|h-i i .111 \ the
s.il.id bai vvus 111r11.i11111i.it■ ><l
In' s.ml
t in11H*ji.t111is a \ 11us is i ii.u
■ litrll/i'il Iiv li.illsi'.i Irvri loss
ill . 11 >| il-t 111 ■ ,111(1 l'\( I'Ssil f 1,1
S|,hi 1’i'li.isi'k in.in.inn ul fit
virdiinifMit.il Iii'■ 11111 loi the I..iiir
( mints I li'ii 1111 .mil I him,m Si'i
\ui* Division siiul tin' risk ul
I'vpnsun* is sniiill i• mniv!I> tli.it
lorn tu Mi'p.tlilis, Paj;i' 7
Walking the Dogs
Peter Hitch mid his tw o ilo^s, si\-vem old led mid seven-month-old liister enjm inn •' null, in the
Tuesdns .itternoon The w et we.ither is e\pet ted to hist .1 short while lonfier
Photo l>\ Mark \ Ion
Program creates
faculty positions
Kv Peter ( ogswt*ll
I mer.ild Reporter
\ Inning power nf SJ I milium Innn the
in.ill him’ *it priv.ile (•ills hy llu* sliili* s new I nilini
men! lui l\\< elletu e Program is resulting m the i re
alion or enhancement lit three lucidly position- III
(lie hum.unties .mil sill i.il si leni es
Ilium.is Hi,nl\ .1 l imeisiti history pmlessui
h.is heeii mimed is the tlist 1‘resiileill s Ilislm
guished Professor m the Hum.unties .mil I he ( m l
tim .mil U ilhert.i Savage Visiting < It.til in Interim
tnm.il Relations has lieen espunded. millnuil! ed
I )i m. I III \ all I li mil'll dean i il the i i il lege lit Alts and
Si iem es | uesd.ll
A new distinguished professorship in Russian
Literature, l anguage anil (ailture has also lieen ere
ated. V an I loiiten sard
Hradv, a spe< ialis! in late medieval and early
modern Kuropeuil history has lieen with the I ni
l el - ill soil e l’ttu
Hr.nil said he is honored tn lie named In the pu
sition and had spe< ial thanks lor former university
president Paul Olum tor the role In- played in i real
mg the [losition
"I am particularly grateful to Paul Olum lira
d\ said "This is an honor tor both historians and
11 was ()lu m who. w lien llradv w as r onteinplal
mg leaving tor I innry I'tiiveisiti in Atlanta run
limed him to stai In promising to appoint Hindi
to a t half
I thought it over and de< ided to stai Hradi
said "What was particularly attractive was that
there was no endow men! to raise mi salari. the en
Turn to Positions, Page 7