Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, January 30, 1990, Page 9, Image 9

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Heiny keeps Ducks going through trying times
Hv Ashley C onklin
Hnerald Sports Reporter
The events th.it have taken
phli e dm inn the PWI-'MI sea
si in are ones that i oat h 1 1 vs in
Heim prohahlv would have
had a hard time imagining
Afti-r I,isl S.itm 11.1 \ 's n.imr
illi 1(1 \ (hr I )in ks ,irc i
m (In; I ’.it ilii in ( imlrrriH r
,ind 1 i i overall Heim tigures
,i llnnl pi,ii r finish in (hr I’.n
lu ,i < nnterrncr ihnnin.ilml In
sim mill ranki’il M.mforil ami a
good overall re
From The
( ttnl is i*iliui)4ll
lnr a posts!'.isoii
lli'im (loiisnl
i>i*t tin* ri*i oi>m
I It ill til* (Il'SI'l Vt's
11s ,i t o.ii h largr
K Ins .iiisf uom
i'll s ll.lskctll.lll
Isn’t 111 till' lull!'
wlii'ii prai til l' began in ()i In
After leading till' ()regon
women's li.iski'tli.ill ti'iim tu .1
2J-10 rri mil .uni winning the
\. iliiiii.il lnvil.itiun.il Ilium.i
ment cliampiunsliip last sear
I Iciin hail hit’ll In11>i-s tor this
All live starters and everyone
who contributed oil the bench
last season were bai k I hrow
in all star recruits Y.inessa Sel
den and Kells III.hi and .in
N’t AA hid seemed almost a
sure thing
Hut unhekiniss list to ileinv
an injurs here and nil t ourt
problems there have made the
season anything hut eass
lust junior Brooke Allen
went dossn svitli a major knee
injurs She has heen lost tor the
season and likels svill not plas
I'lieii problems begin to sill
t.ue within the team 1‘laseis
svere unhapps ssith then plas
ing time, or l.n k ol Sophomore
Ion Baker, the third leading
scorer on last season's team,
transferred to San Diego State
bei ause ot a l.u k ot i ourt time
I lien sophomore (laths (’.let k
let! school tor the same reason
t he Ducks svere getting solid
plas from seniors Stelanie
kasperski and Jaiipiie
Semeniuk. and Seidell gave ()r
egon its first true point guard
in years Hut |ust before a road
trip to Washington tsvo sveeks
ago. things started to sour tor
tile I tin ks again
Sophomore li.n k up Marne
Smith ssas becoming a solid
force off the hem h before sut
fering a severe ankle sprain
Vonda Anderson and Stai i
Wallenhorn svere latei suspend
ed for the Washington series
Smith and Wallenhorn have
since returned, hut Anderson
ss ho sal out last sear bei ause
of ai ailemic defii iem les ss as
suspended for the remainder ot
the season lor continual viola
tion ot team rules
Iteins has held the I)ui ks to
gether and Oregon appears
headed bac k to postseason
on campus
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li^M the w.n men's hoops .ire
I lonevei III I leiiu 's 1 I pie
\ mils \e.lls .it ()rem>ll the
Dm ks have t.iileil to re.n h post
season plus mils three times
Ills winning pen outage in
( lulling this gear's rei ord is
~ 1H
(live I leun Ins due With the
turmoil (trogon has gone
through this year it would
have been eus\ lor the Dm ks to
told the tent Ihe t.u t lli.it lhe\
h.'i\ en't is ,i tribute to I loins s
i o.ii hing
( In the men's side ot tilings
it's strange what .1 difference .1
ve.ir makes
I'he I )u< ks tell on hard times
and finished H ~ 1 last season \
lot ol people were tailing lor
the tiring ot 1 <i.M li I ton Mon
son a ve.ir after Oregon had
made 1! to the set ond round ot
t hi* M l
l ew people expet It’tl the
Dur hs tn ilu min li nl amllimg
this season hut vv it It point
guard I'errell Hraiulon bringing
ni’u life In tin’ team, t begun
finished the lust half ol ( onfi'i
enc i’ pla\ m tin' upper hall
And .it in H overall, Oregon has
a good I ham e to go bill k to the
\l I
\long with Arizona's lute
Olson. Munson is the dean ol
Par ltii o.ii lies in Ins seventli
\ e.u at Otegull \lld let s lai e
tails it's not ims| tor Munson
to rei mil at l begun
Mi Arthur I Unit is not e\ai I
l\ one ol tile most glamorous
basketball arenas and vv ith
po vv erluI Oregon Stale up 11n■
road, the Heavers gel most ol
the top III stale plavers ev erv
\ t'.lt
rh.it has idiaiup'd stni e Mon
son < .nut' to Oregon In 1‘IH4
Hisn riton s Anlhons I avloi
the prrp I’lnvi’i ot the Year,
i .uni' to ((reyon Hi.union .uul
In-shm.in A.non lultnson. weir
the l.isl two prep t’layi'is ot tin
'll mi .uni Monson Inis .ilri-.iih
signed lirasi-rtun s lords i s
don. is idols coiisidi-ri-d tin* top
li lull si In ml phi\ cr 111 till* slate
Iln* I lit III r .ippr.irs III iglll loi
tin- Dm ks ,is onl\ tlirri- plasurs
gi ml u.itr uld tom si ,ii tut s ir
tin n in-st season Main people
thought ( )i i -gi ill had little 01 no
liaskrtliall llltliu- attri last sea
I 'm tinisr u ho thum;hI Mon
■ mi should In- gone nflei last
season lies pruvi'll them
ss rung
Community Microcomputer Program
Regularly enrolled University of Oregon
to join the Continuation C enter v eornmunity nueroeomputer elasses
Introduction to Computers
One two-week section: Mondays and Wednesdays, February 19
28, 9:30 a m -12:00 Noon. Fw is $48
Introduction to the IBM-PC
Two sections offered: Monday*. Februury •'> -'<>, l 30 4:00 p.m.; or
Tuesdays and Thursdays, February 20 March 1. 030 a m I'd 00
Noon. Fco is $4H.
Introduction to the Macintosh
Two sections offered: Mondays and Wednesdays, February 5 11.
6:30 9 00 p.m.; or Saturday and Sunday, February 17 and 18,
8:30 a.m.-2:00 p.m. Fee is $48.
MS-DOS: Level I (IBM)
One two-week section: Tuesdays, February t> and 13, t> 30-9:00
p.m. Fee is $35.
Hard Disk Management (IBM)
One two-week section: Mondays, Februury 5 and 12, 6 30-9:00
p.m. Fee is $35
Hard Disk Management (Macintosh)
One weekend section: Saturday and Sunday. February 24 and
25.8:30 a m.-2:00 p.m Fee is $48
Ventura Publisher (IBM)
One weekend section: Saturday und Sunday. March 3 and 4,
8 30 u.m.-2:00 p.m. Fee in $48.
PageMaker: Level I (Macintosh)
One weekend section: Saturday and Sunday, February 10 and
11, 8:30 a.m.-2 00 p.m. Fee is $48.
WordPerfect 5.0: Level I (IBM)
One week-end section: Saturday and Sunday, Februury 17-18,
8:30 a m.-2:00 p.m. Fee is $48.
Microsoft Word 4.0: Level I (Macintosh)
One two-week section: Tuesdays and Thursdays, Februury 6-16,
9:30 a m.-12:00 Noon. Foe is $4H
Lotus 1-2-3: Level I (IBM)
One four-week section: Mondays, February 19 28, 6:30-9:00 p.m
Fee is $48.
Microsoft Excel: Level I (Macintosh)
One two-week section: Mondays und Wednesdays, Februury 19
28, 6:30-9.00 p.m. Fee is $48.
dBase III Plus: Level I (IBM)
One weekend section: Saturday and Sunduy, Februury 10 and
11, 8:30 a m.-2:00 p.m. Fee is $48.
Borland Paradox (IBM)
One two-week section: Tuesdays and Thursdays, Februury 6-15,
9 30 a m -12:00 Ntxm. Fee is 14H
AutoCAD: Level I (IBM)
One four-week section Tuesday* and Thursdays, February 6
March 1, 1 30-4:00 p m. Fee is $176 plus $M for materials.
Adobe Illustrator 88 (Macintosh)
One two-week section: Tuesdays and Thursdays, February
20-29. 6 30-9:00 p in. Fee is $48.
HyperCard (Macintosh)
One two wijck auction Monday* and Wednesday a, February f>
14, 9:30 a in -12:00 Noon. Fee* is $4H.
Advanced Courses
MS-DOS: Level II (IBM)
One two-week section Wednesdays, February 7 and 14, 6:30
9.00 p.m Fee is $35.
Microsoft Word 4.0: Level II (Macintosh)
One four-week section: Tuesdays and Thursdays, February 20
March 1, 9:30 a m 12:00 Noon. Fee is $4H
• 10 Hours of Hands-On Instruction
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• Basic cost is Only $35-$48
To register call the Continuation Center at
Or register in person at the Continuation Center, 1553 Moss Street