Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, January 30, 1990, Page 7, Image 7

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Eikenberry wants tougher laws for sex offenders
on MI’I \ (AIM \tturn. \
(leneral Ken Kikenbern on
Monda\ eritii.i/.ed lawmakers
v\ ho rojot tod Ins ideas u loin re
fining .1 broad measure to snare
sox predators. contending their
pat kage won’t protet t tlm pub
I ii
Kikenbern u ho had pro
posed .1 moililifd n't urn to thf
open ended s«• n11 • in os si r.ipprd
h\ tho 1‘)84 Sonlont ing Kolorin
At t. also took .1 su ipe ,it It'llou
Republican Norm Malting
Mnleng. the king ( ouiitv
prosot uior u ho loti a gover
ntir's panol that wrolo tho t 111
rout legisl.il inn. designed tho
Sontent ing Reform At t
Mtdt'ng is unwilling to rot og
ni/.o th.it tho altornov general's
proposal has merit. I ikonlioi r\
told a nows conferont o
TI10 so\ predator legislation
that 1 loan'd tho Senate last
week would double anti triple
sentences for se\ t riminals and
retpiire two years of stipend
sion out t- lho\ are released
\mong i>1111• r things tin- mens
uri' also would permit juries to
civ 111 \ i onimit idtenders
deemed still dangerous om e re
A t i rl 11.111 \ ident ii <d measure
IS due ft)l I louse passage
Hut I iki• nIm• rr\ suit) tlir l«*ms
lation "will not provide lor
public s.itrtv
I lc lobbied law makers to
i ombioe the tougher sentem
mg si heme w ith au iudeter
mill,lie" plan m u hit h a spe
i i.d e\et utiv e board ai ting
mm b like a paiole board i mild
dei ide to extend the sentem e
at the end ol the pi Ison term d
the offender was considered
still dangerous His plan also
would provide lor post release
supers isiun lor I lie d uei es
Malting, who shrugs oil la
kenberrv s allegation that be is
i lose minded louiul agreement
among the majority ol law
makers when be argued that
statistic s slum open ended sen
ti'iu rs ri'stlll ill less time hr
himl bars
Malting -..ml lodges tintli'r
sin li ,i sc:ht*mr art* imtlrr In1
mrndous pressure to hand mil
minimum stmlimi rs mi
grounds the offender mas hast*
his trrm extended it hr dursn I
sh.ipr up At thr uthri mil
Malting said a tai rlrss hoard
tllllls it rasv til irlrasr offrlld
rrs for non until nil masons
sin h as to rrdui r prison mn
I iLenbrrrs also i iintriidrd
that a Inn lipui ot thr legislator
pai huge i i\ il i mmiiilmrnl not
onl\ has i mistilutimial prut)
Inns hut would i orral miK a
lr.it tilin' ol thr no sr\ otlrnd
rrs leaving prisons rat It seat
I lr said a liras \ hunlrn ot pront
ss ill hr rei|tnred to imposr i is d
i ommitmrnt
Sen I’hil Tnlmodge. I) Seal
lit* said hr ss as highls
amused that the Kepulilu an .it
Rajneesh money, jewels sought
I’ORTI.AM) |AP) I'he sud
ilm death ol Bhagwan Slinr
K.ijni'i'sh has li'dri.il investigu
tins wondering uli.it happened
tn thf liidi.in guru's in lies, iit
uhi'tlirr llir jewels and mil
limis nl dollars reportedly
stashfd 111 Sv\ iss h.llik .K ( nimts
uvur existed .it .ill
I'lie i enti.il ()regon coin
inline u! Kajiieeshpin am
nine Inline ti i 1.11111) i il I lie
guru’s red-( lad tiillovvers
uas dish.Hilled in 1'IHi when
Rupieesh uas deported lur nil
migratiiin hand
\t least l'_’ ut Ills ill si iples
uere i liarged with i riniiii.d ai
11 \ ities ranging In mi wiretap
ping and attempted murder to
the deliberate poisoning ol ill
people ill The I Julies
There were also rumors ol Ii
iiaiuial wrongdoing within the
organization, hut federal lines
ligators found no trai e ol the
u ealth once asi i died to the
sell pun homed "guru to the
i ii II
Oil len HI the “itt \ear-old
Kapieesh reportedly died ol a
heart aflat k in Pune. India
\\ nh ilia death i nrt.iin tpies
I inns rein.nil unanswered
What haj>|>>• n.*»I In S . i mil
lion in jewel rv thal was . arried
nil the luniks ol a Irust that took
donations for the t orttmuoe
And who got tin- S4d millinn
In.m a sis ml Swiss hank a.
rount set up lor the guru bv Ins
tnrmei sis retarx Anand Shee
la ,ind one til I if i top aid.'s
I’mni Sax ita'
Sax ita an Knglish Imrii a.
.militant who superx ist'd mam
ut 111.' s.'i t's ( oniplu al.'d tmaii
. ial affairs tied the i omnium
Sept I , 11185 and is still list
ed as a federal fugitive oil a
xx iretap i barge
shei la xx III! xx as at . used
In the guru ol stealing the
monev later i laimed the re
port xxas nonsense She eveiilu
allx xxeiit to prison hut not for
stealing mniiex from Kajlieesll
|at k Ransom, a Portland laxx
xer \\ In. represented the t om
inline and Kajlieesll personally
in several mallei s said the Sit
million xxas a gross esagger
riicri' was never .iiiv inmii'i
hi nothing mi lli.il si .ill- hi'
s.ml I w .is somewhat .11
quainted with ... s
luniks ,nul ri'i mils .mil I
thought lhe\ were (irettv v\i‘ll
kept Hut nothing mi lb,it si alf
came tu tliu uimimini'
Srv (Till fi'ili't.ll utlli 1,1 Is. Ill
i lulling I S Mini urv < harles
11 I'urnei .in' not so sure
I (Imi t kiltm about S I t mil
limi but I think Sbi'i'bi gut
sunic inones ilel 11111«• 1 \
I’m net s.ml
l‘be missing jewelrv w.is .m
other ui.it11-r
Will'll K.l|lieesb w.is ,i| rested
mi .1 i haltered .111 (il.ille w hile
Irving to lice the ouuntn bis
luggage mi lulled a bus i mi
kilning nearly 'si million worth
ul |ow ell \ a i oilple ol bank
bags si u I let I will) S"»H lllt't m
i ill rein \ anil a <11 ' ulihei
Snillli anil Wesson revolver
lu,uled with Teflon bullets
Be A HIV/AIDS Educator
"Peers educating peers" is the objective of the University of Oregon's
HIV Peer Educator Training The Peer Educator Program will teach stu
dents to take leadership roles in educating their peers about HIV disease,
legal and social issues, safe sex practices and updates on HIV/AIDS relat
ed issues Students will be considered HIV Peer Educators upon complet
ing of the training and will then be available for individual education ses
sions and/or group presentations or workshops tor the university commu
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Inriii'S Krnri.il wtuiltl linil llii'
Ki■ p1111111 .in kum ('minis prosi;
i iilur soft un t illin' vvlifii i'v
itviiiii' knows \orm M.ilrnt; is
nol soil mi t imu'
I In s.utl I i k t • 111»■ r i \ s sfiilftn
lilt; si home w.is . it i.i n t i t > I it -t I be
i .iiisc il 11 it I not w oi k .i in I this
I,it I w.is rot ogin/i'ti b\ l mV
lioolli (i.inlnt'i s t.isk Ion i- .uni
i‘ViTvliti(l\ rise lull llii’ .illonirs
m • m "t.i I
Smalt' l.au and |ustii r ( mil
niillee I liaii man l Inn Nelson
K I dinonds said In- tnvoiuil la
kenlieirvN smleni inn plan lint
I i on Id n I not 1111• voles loi
il l ,nv\ makers u ill res isil tho
idea in Inline sessions ll the
inirenl plan permits loo mam
offenders hai k on the street he
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