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Obtain tour prepaid application from the Career Placement Sersice, Hendricks llali. Complete and mail it b> KKKKl VK\ 15. 1990. Qualified appli cants will he intersiewed at an earls date. \ / t Mill nut 11, \» . (I I o ;v •,. _Regional_ Goldschmidt speaks on abortion !*v >K I I .AM) I \ 1’) l,ov Ned (inldsi limidl s.ivs .ilnirlinn tin's need In undi'rsl.ind lli.i! dei isioiis mi iilxirtion shnuld lu ll'll In vvnmi'ii (iiildsi limidl mudi' Ins i mil menls nielli .11 .1 Imii i|tn*l sponsored b\ tin' pro i limi i Oregon \ Mini I lull Kirills At I Hill 1.1 -.igtle AI ii in t 1 ill .inli-iiborlinn hi li\ isls pii ki'lrd tin4 banquet i In- message Ilii'\ (infill In git IS lllls IS Mill .111 Issue thill government shnuld In- gel ting mvolvi'd III." C'.nld si hiindl .i I)i-miii ml s.ud Minnies (leneral Duse I rnhiiiiiiiset, the i .indld.ile Ini governor tills si'.u .dsn .illrnded the banquet «tid s.ud lie hn|H'd "ssi- i .ill gel InsomI llus issue m the gos rrnor s rat e (Uildsr limidl v\liu hits vet In annnuiu r plans tor .i re elet lion Imi is e\pe< ti’(i In lui '■ I roll II Ilia V IT 111 \'>V ITllllIT s general elei lion .MmMil 'H)0 persons mi Imi mu .in array of Demur ratii and Republican politicians crowd ed into Ihn banquet .it (he Hil Ion I Intel Kate Mu lielman. ever illivo direr tin ot llic Nation.d Mint lion Rights At lion league said tIn* dinner was lllr largest such event ever organized In a league affiliate anywhere m the country (Jregon \.\KAI. plans lo work this veal to assure pro i him e majorities in I he (Jregon I louse and Senate and the na tional organization has targeted >tn i Jisiru i kc|i i tennv >nntin K ()rt‘ for defeat I hi- banquet raised about S48,0I>0 foi i nmpaign Mu helman admitted in her address that aiiortion was a (lit In lilt issue "It involves fundamental moral religious. ethi< al and politii al (|tiestions.'' she said Hut A mem ans are finally get ting it that the real quest ion is Who dei ides7 The woman and hei taniilv 01 politii inns7 People are say ing lhe\ don't want government in volved." she said. i it ing v ii to lies last fall for pro i hoit e i an didates in the Virginia and New |erse\ governor's races and local elei (ions Archaeology ( ontinucd from Pagi* .» m,i|> .mil Its lui at ion is evenlti alls In! mlo tin1 i onipiitei The ri'sull is .1 tin < I uin-nsii in.i I rei :reatiun of eat li islet and its stun tun' I rum work iloin' cut I’ohnjiei .mil \.m Madid Amts lias been alili- In determine where till' 111 li.lint.nils nl (In' island l\ < nme (nun ll.iM'd mi tin' aitilai ts and tin' language thev must liki'U i attic (nnn areas In the smitl) (null island i ham- that arc ninth and east u! \'ew (ininea They w ere part iit a nnn e merit nl peuplc nut id that le gion that began around t nun \ eats ago Avers said Some »cut ninth into the t hain id is lands tn u lin h I’nlmpci he lungs smile cast and sunic till ther nurtli Ayers added that altci mm mg ninth the islanders moved h v\ esl. and sunic mm cd cast into Salima. Hawaii and some as lar east as I aslet Is land "There’s a lot id oral tradi t it tit. lie said. hut it’s nut noi ess.iiil\ reliable It s mi urn plete MuStK there's nut a lot id tnloi illation Some of the smaller islands wen* list'd lor «*v«*r\’d«i\ t.isks sue h as preparing t:oc omit oil. 01 making i .hum's, while others Welt' the homes of chiefs nr Were were spec itic.nlH for htiiA mg important officials. Avers said I nearfhing a c ivili/ation's two thousand years. it \\ ill help us understand the t orient I'ohnpeian i lilt lire.' Avers said I’ohnpeians thill have been .uv.n to school no longer share a lot of know ledge of then grandfathers or grandinotliers." he said In a vvn\ the histoni ()ne of the aims of anthropology is to bettor understand the cultural differences, because there's so much continuity in the Pollnpeian culture when you look at how their culture developed over a thousand or two thousand years.' William Avers distant |»ast is important to tin diTst,Hiding its prcsiinl d,i\ i ul lure Avi>rs said "Out* ot the aims ol anthropol ng\ is to hetti’i understand the r ditti-rt'lici's 1mm aust’ thnn* s mi mm li i ontinnitv in tin* I’olmpi'ian i iilturi' when von limk at lino tin'll i li 111111 ilfwliipcd ovi*r a thousand 01 preservation help Ilium main lain