Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, January 30, 1990, Page 5, Image 5

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( unturned from Page 4
However. Avers theorizes
people from another another is
land defeated the builders of
Nan Nladol before the burope
.ms arrived, and subsequent
rulers allowed the island com
plex to decline Whether this
takeover was a violent one is
"Evidence of fighting or war
tare is prettv diffic.uIt to find in
most cases ini hiding tins one
unless thev built forts. Ayers
said "There are some forts on
I’ohnpei. but in Nan Madol
there are very tew artifacts rei
ogni/able as weapons
"Thev weren't particularly
warlike, although tending in
the later time periods and even
in recent history has taken
place between clans." he said
Hazards to Ayers and his stu
dents in the field are few. he
said There are no snakes on
I’ohnpei. and no spiders tfi.it
are "seriously poisonous."
Ayers said one of the greatest
danger he and his students
have had to face over the years
has been falling coconuts
And although there are no
traps or pitfalls in the tombs
the an haeologists have investi
gated. Avers said he is careful
when investigating burial
grounds on I’ohnpei
"Some of the Pohnpeians to
day are still very concerned
about our disturbing sacred
places tombs and tilings like
that that they have religious
feelings about," he said "I'm a
little leery myself in going into
the tombs sometimes I recog
nize it as a special place.
"A good deal of our time is
spent talking with loc al people
land owners as well as the
i hiefs. to get their permission
to i arry out the work bet a use
they're very protet live of their
own past, as they should be
he said
Ayers' trips to the island the
past three years have been
funded b\ the National Endow
men! for the Humanities He
said the Itritish Broadcasting
Compam ma\ make a dot.u
mentary about the islands and
ins work this summer In that
event. Avres said tie and Ins
workers will trv to recreate lor
the filmmakers the efforts used
to make tombs and Nan Madol
stria tores
Much is still unknown about
Nan Madol and its builders
Avers said, adding that there
are rumors of underwater stria
lures the ancient Pohnpeians
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m.<\ have hlllll
A spec i.ilisl in underwater .*r
chaeology is investigating 1
vertical (.olumns too feel under
the water oil \.m \ladol. .mil
\vers said llu- i olumns may hr
ii.ilur.il coral formations Hut it
they were made by the ant lent
I’nhnpeians .is local tr.ulllioii
i l.ums Avers said their ( ulture
may have been more advanced
at building than had previously
been believed
A sophisticated computer in
( ondon Hall is now included
with the brush and the pith as
important art Ideologist s tools
and Avers said it lias helped
him rei onstriu t the Nan Sladol
site "without lilting a stone
Each archaeological site has
from one to ten or more ruins
or artifai Is. and em h artifac t is
given a number Every roc k is
measured by band, plotted on a
Turn to Archaeology, Page* 6
Orientation held tonight
National Student Fxchange Orientation
will moot this afternoon at 4 in the I-'.N!l ’ I n
rum Room
"International Festival” organizational
mealing of the Foreign Students Organization
will lx* held tonight at 5 in the KMU Interna
tional Umiigo
_Et als
Viennese Mall planning meeting will la
hold tonight at 7:.t0 in the KMU Intel national
Students Against Apartheid meets tonight
at 5:30 in KM 11 Cedar Room F.
Student (.ampaign for Disarmament will
meet to discuss American Peace Test anil non
violent workshops tonight at 6 at the Koinonia
('enter, 1414 Kincaid St.
Bahai Campus Association moots tonight
at 6:30 at the Bahai Center. I45H Alder St
University of Oregon/University of FI Sal
vador Sister University Protect will hold a
general interest meeting tonight at 5 in the
EMU Oak Room
OSPIKU will hold <i consumer research
meeting tonight at (i in EMI1 Century Room C
A meeting for all groups interested in
showing movies during spring term will lie
held todas at I to p.m in EMU Century Room
OSl’IRC's dean ciir toxics group meets to
night at 7 in Room la's Straub
CD-ROM tutorial lor the ERIC (education)
database will In- held today at II) a m in the
Knight Library's Reference Department
Holy Rosary will be held tonight at 7..it) at
the Newman Center. 1850 Emerald St
Food and fitness issues for college stu
dents is the title ol a workshop to tie held to
night at 8 in EMU Cedar Room C. Minority
students ant encouraged to attend.
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