(ART AND SCHOOL SUPPLY DEPARTMENT) WED. JAN. 31 & THCJRS. FEB. 1 Keep Watching And Don't Miss It! File Neu> &N Open... #0 Close Saue K Saue fls... ” Print... UP Quit UQ Maeinu ish'u imputers has e alw as s ixvn e.isv ti) use But the\ Ye neverIxvn this ease mown, hesenuni’lhe .Macintosh \de Ihn nis»hJiumars 31, w >u can saw hundreds ot di dlarson a variets (>! Ajsplc Macint* >sh o imputers and [XTiplierals \) lit>w there's n< > run >n u) settle tor an ordman K With Hie Nlacinu >sh Sale, yi hi can wind up with much m» ireul a a imputer With Hit spending a I* >t m< ire tin ine\ Microcomputer Support Lab Room 202 C omputing Center Mondav-Fridav 9am-5pm 686-4402 * The Macintosh Sale. N(j\vtlinxi$i January 31. « v' >- • v'f* • »• '• • -• • • Vl“ ** i o t niversit) I’hulo In \ndri* K.imuti / fm rrsit i .in hnroloyist ll illi.im Ayrrs uses ol it it a I i enter nl their is land l nd.il . the islets appeal tn be little more than rochv mounds when the tide goes nut and mam ate so eroded In the uales that the\ disappear be Heath the water's surfai e when the tide t nines bai h in Some nl the larger ones namelx the main tomb Nan Ihiuwas still stand Ii to feet above the tide, and (.over as mm h as -tot) square feet A\ers said he is still tiling to determine when must nl the is lets on till' southeast coast ut I’ohnpei about d.7(l<) miles southwest ol Hawaii and 2ii miles across at its widest point were built "One ol the most important com lusicms has been an under standing of how long il look In build (his complex," Ayers said. "Were just now begin ning get some details about whim they first started building the islets, and when vve know that. ii i' i an see I bat il really evolved as a complex over a thousand or so \ears \t i imting to radioi arbon dating, t unstrui tion on the is lands began around A I) >0(1 \vers said. Workers moved huge columns and boulders ot volt anic rot k to the site mak ing the tonndations bu tombs and residences tor ilnets and native priests The foundations were then tilled in with ground i oral Nan Madoi reni bed its peak boasting more than 1.000 residents about 1,000 years age under the Delelir 'em pile. ” a i onlederat ion of i tiiefs H\ then, the huge tombs and other structures now seen bad been constructed, and the islands were used lor sacred re ligious ceremonies to the in habitants' gods Ayers said the island ot I’ohnpei never really det lined bet uusc the island was able to withstand smallpox and (ihris lianitv brought In visiting Mu ropeans, and its i ultural s\ stem of < (nets and lower i tuels con tinues today Turn to Art haeology. Page 5 The Town Quacker Announces University Housing at the Univer sity of Oregon is now accepting application for the position of STUDENT MANAGER ACADEMIC YEAR 1990-91 QUALIFICATIONS: Must be a regular ly enrolled student with experience as a Resident Assistant, or comparable ex perience as determined by the selection committee Must be available to students and staff during most wrekmghts and weekends Will not be allowed to hold an outside job j COMPENSATION: Current Student Managers re< **iv«• $4602 \ i J f SELECTION PROCESS: Will begin February 12 and should bo j j i ompleted b\ the end "I W inter term j J MANDATORY MEETING: Tuesday February H 4pm j Hall J I APPLICATIONS: An* a\ i lahl* it the I: nt desk of the Housing Of j 11< e m Walton Hal I Due f ebr uai \ S. 1990. no later than bpm \ Only 2 positions available J \ An t qua* Opportunity A ffitmahte Action l.mplovei