Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, January 30, 1990, Page 2, Image 2

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Bush should rework
1991 budget plan
With his popularity soaring to record levels, ami
his recent victory over Congress on his China policy, it
will bo interesting to see if George Hush can push
through his 1991 budget.
The $1.23 trillion proposal, unveiled Monday,
came under fire even before it was released. Opponents
say Bush has based his budget on economic growth
that probably will not pan out.
Hush has predicted the economy will increase next
year by 2.6 percent, based on 19H9 fourth quarter num
bers. Most economists argue the growth rate will Ire
much lower than that, and that for every 1 percentage
point Bush is off the II S will lose SlK billion in rev
One of Hush’s campaign promises was a balanced
federal budget. The 1991 proposal is his first step in a
process to balance the budget by 1991 Hush plans to
reduce the federal deficit to "only" $<> t 1 billion. This
year, the federal government is $12.9 6 billion in the
red. tar higher than the oft-ignored Gramm-Rudman
level of $100 billion.
In 191(0. before he became his running mate. Hush
accused Ronald Reagan of prai tiding "voodoo ei onom
ii s " Now, after serving almost a decade under Rea
ganomics. Hush seems to have fallen into the same sort
ol numlrci-juggling and budget-bending lactic s of his
predec essot
hast year saw great change in the Soviet bloc: coun
tries. and it was partially reflected in the Hush budget
He plans to inc lease aid to Kastern Kurope in hopes of
keeping the fledgling democrac ies operating
Announcements of huge weapon and troop reduc
tions hv the Soviets fueled speculation that Hush might
propose large cuts in the defense budget Ho did His
$909 I billion defense budget, when inflation is fig
ured in amounts to a 2 percent dec.line from last year s
In light of the rumors that the Soviets may propose
a to/a/ removal of troops in Kurope. Hush's minusc ule
defense cuts must seem like a slap in the lac e to tairba
i hev and other Kuropean leaders
Opponents ol the budget have a I reach declared
they will light it in Congress Hush’s plan to keep do
leirse costs high, w hile gutting sue nil programs sue h as
Medicare and farm subsidies, does not sit well with the
I foinoi i at c out rolled House
I he present budget will surely be- different from
the one that will emerge aftei the legislative' trench
warfare- has ended Before the proposed gets bogged
down in political rhetoric:. Bush should concede to Ins
opponents the need loi reduced defense spending and
increased budgets lor soc ial programs
Senators take the wrong stand on Pelosi
Despite vocal pleas from their constitu
ents. Oregon's two senators. Mark Hatfield
and Hob Packuood. voted last week to up
hold President George Hush's veto of legisla
tion granting immigration relief to Chinese
students in the I luted States Now. 4 t.000
Chinese students in this country feel be
trayed bv a i ountrv they want to emulate.
Shame on these senators foi not I,iking the
proper moral stand on tins issue
Hatfield and Packwood bought into the
lie that Hush’s e\e< utive order protected
Chinese students in the same wa\ the Pelosi
bill uouhl have, and that the hill was there
fore superfluous To us however, it seems d
Hush 11nI\ supported the protection extend
ed t»\ this bill, lie would have jumped at the
i ham e to sign it
Hush's problem of course, is that legis
latino is funding, while executive orders i an
he retracted at any time That must be ap
pealing to an administration willing to sa\
one thing about ( Inna and do the ntliei \\ it
ness the secret diplomatic missions to Hei
jmg shortlv altei the Tiananmen tnassac re
while Hush's official policy was one of no
Hush and Hatfield and I’ackwood In
agreement also argued that an enacted
I’elosi bill would have angered Chinese
leaders enough to endanger future student
ext lianges That point is worth hrieflv pon
dering. for indeed, we do no favors for Chi
nese students keeping them in their countrx
Of course, we also do them little good allow
ing them here but keeping them mute, as
('llina w<mts them.
first it's doubtful the Chinese leader
ship. Iiighh desirous ol advancing the na
lion, would prohibit China's best minds
from seeking the best education. Secondlv
if IVlosi angers Heijing, win doesn't Hush's
enfoii ed presidential dei ree?
Hut the Chinese government is smart
and it sees the more likelv si cnario: the [Ho
tel lion offered In Hush's executive ordei
and the protection offered in I’elosi are not
the same Heijing. which has so far done as
it pleases tearing little objection from Wash
ington. recognizes that Bush appears tolci
ant of whatever atrocities the Chinese gov
ernment is willing to commit
()iu e again ,i "reminder
th.it abortion ■ 1 ■ >I not -.toil when
tiles were made illegal. .mil tin'
number ol deaths ol vvuttum
lose drastic alls due to ll.K k .il
lev. i out hunger abortions
Hob Weigel in response to
sour I’sed to lie" letter (UI)K.
|au lit*), ilo you real I y hast" ans
idiM about what the issue ol
abortion is malls about' II is
mtu h mure than whether the
legal abortion rate is up or
ilosvn. it has to do w ilh women
controlling their own bodies
and therefore, their osvn rmo
tional well being
Rape happens Ini est hap
pens. and birth control does
fail This is not the fault of the
woman, and she cannot be
"blamed for tfie con.se
quences." as sou so conve
mentis suggest Also a liabs
should not just be a ( Olise
quence just bei arise a unman
gets pregnant does not mean
she has to "put her boils out
for use by anyone
A svoman's body is hers to do
with svhat she will, just like
sours Weigel Making abortion
illegal puts women m a con
st,ml '-title of fear and regret
And lastly men who want to
manipulate and control wont
en’s liodies -ire -is llirv have -d
ways been anti a hoice 111.it's
wh.it this issue is aliotil. i hoii e
and personal i ontrol I -mi pro
lite. pro i hildren. pro women
and most ot all. pro-i lion e
America means freedom
Deltorah Kae Watson
It Michael Schell |()/)/■ Jan
j-t) wants to rip on Tim
Hughes, fine lie mas have .1
point, hut to over-generalize
-mil say that everyone w ho sees
tile world -is -i place that (an
use some improvement is a
psvt hotii do-gooder is going
too far
It is Sc hell’s sort of close
minded apathy th.it keeps pass
iilg the buck ot responsibility
on and mi until the only thing
-in individual w ill take pride in
is his or lift little petty world
Most letters tr\ to do more
tli.in sav "sodomize a Men edes
ow ner They try to make the
reader think about w hat is trulv
necessary I hope Schell can
observe generalize and m cept
tin media as mure than a med
ium to bring entertainment to
m.ike (lie morning happier
Have a good life, and do
something good for someone
besides yourself
Kirk Kinaldi
Itoh Weigel, thanks for the
"reminder" [Oi)l' jan Jti)
The law ai tually is a reminder
ot what is right, providing the
right law s have been made The
question is. what is the right
law' I guess you've dei.ided
I argue also tb.it tfie number
ot abortions per capita have in
i leased since they have been
legalized I mean, obviously
those hat k alley clinic used to
keep very n< curate records.
I also argue women may have
feared the consequent es (of gel
ling pregnant|. It was hard to
find a job as a woman, much
less being an "unmarried-preg
nant" one It was is easier to
keep .1 ix ife "in line" if she has
The last bit ol your letter is
bard to understand How is a
woman's txidv misused:’ H\
inn ing intercourse oni e with .1
man? I feel sorr\ for your future
(in present) st.ite ol mind
l.ast|y I'm pro-abortion, and
I know I do not want to manip
ulate women The reason I'm
saying anything .it all is so that
I can protei t those poor igno
rant sluts Irom manipulative
men. hei ause I'm not one
Michael Abell
Go Everett
This letter is in response to
Mic Intel Simon's praising of
Cireen Bay quarterback Don
Majknvvski (ODH. Jan. Jfi| f irst
of all. anyone vs ho doesn't
think )oe Montana was the best
in the league this past season is
an absolute idiot. The man ac
complished the highest compu
ter rating ever. Being a Rams
fan. this is a big compliment
from me.
The real argument should tie
made tor second best Majkow
ski shouldn't even be on the
I’ro Bowl team The most over
looked quarterback for the past
two seasons has been the Ranis'
lull Everett
Everett led the league in
passing vantage, completion
percentage ami touchdowns in
198H. while he was second in
passing yardage and first in
touchdowns in 1‘IH‘l He was
rated third behind onl\ Mon
tana and Boomer Ksiason Mai
kowski was fifth in the Nil
Secondly, the Rams were the
best i ome Irnm behind team
Kverett led his team to more
late fourth-quarter scores than
even Majkowski. including a
tit-12 win over San Francisco
and a 19-13 playoff win over
New York
Finally, if you’re going to say
Majkowski's the best because
the Packers beat the -Piers. then
he prepared to pay the const*
queue es Kverett and the Rams
fleat both the -liters and the
Packers during the regular sea
All the facts point to Mon
tana and Kverett as the two best
quarterbacks in the NKI. All
other arguments fall short
One final question While the
Rams and -Piers were battling
for the NKO championship,
where were Majkowski and the
Eric l.uebbers