Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, January 30, 1990, Image 1

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    __ Oregon Daily_ _
■ Archaeologist, Page 4
■ Campus events. Page 5
■ Positions expand, Page K
■ Women’s hoop thrives. Page 9
I ut'sdav January id. 1'1'K)
KugiMir. ()r<'gon
Voluinr *i t NuiuImt hh
I'liulit ht Slr\ rl .ml
Strant; winds i .msrd ,i ‘Ill-tool Dougins tir trrr to toll on I.minor ll.ill Sund.n. 1 nosing minim,d
dninugr to thr Inn Idiot;.
Tree topples on Lawrence Hall
damaging roof, exterior walls
By l).in Eislcr
Emerald Reporter
Sunda\ afternoon's high winds tore a 'll) foot
Douglas tir from its roots and < rushed d into the west
side of Lawrence Hall, causing minimal damage to
the steel and ( one rete building
The tree damaged the metal strip along the top
edge ol the building some plastering the parapet,
and the edge railing along the west and north sides
ol the root said Tim King. t'mversil\ landscape
maintenance super\ isor
In addition, about three holes were puilr lured in
the roof, said \l Thelen. t'niversiU plant mainten
.nice repair worker
drain lies slrui k the windows of Rooms J27 and
I III l)iiI llley yvere not broken, find < lasses were held
in those rooms Monday
The tree lo< ated ne<ir the smith steps ot the
courtyard, toppled sometime hetueen I 1(1 and 4
p m I helen said The i ln\ in the surrounding sod
keeps water on the surface so the roots do not go
■ low n as deeply lie added
The trunk tell .it a 4a degree ,ingle against the
building, landed ni ross the root and the top se< lion
i lashed by the courtyard fountain
"We re really lucky." I helen said "There's no
slrui turn! damage we i an see at this time
The tree v\ns sei ured Sunday night find renewal
began Mond.n .is I'Diversify mainleiiani e workers
sawed off limbs A crane from Oldham Crane Ser
vice Ini yyill lie brought in to remove the trunk
probably tomorrow . k ing said
Rental ad policy
frustrates landlords
Hon VValkrr
l mri.ild \ssot i.itt* I <li!or
( )lt i ,unpus shult’llt housing Inis hum momlnim
mi nr i losely "'ll" tin' I imi'iMh s Ktrul.il Information
Ollier mill.ili'il new guidelines |.m I bill mhiii' local
landlords are already 1111 s> r.ilt-i I with I hr pnpcrwni k in
v nlv nl
Properly agents who wish In list their available
irnlals on llir I All' housing; luillrtin lio.ird must now
present llii'ii listing in |it'isiiii nr bv mail listings .nr
no longer lakrii over llir phone
Mike H.nli.i v\ liii lias ri'iilnl prnprity In I nivria
lv students tm linin' than in years said llir added pro
( I'llnrr liar, slowed tin- pinirssnl getting rental mini
ill.ll mu In sludenls
l lir a(jrm v is pinv nliiu; rrnlal mlonuation lli.it'v
(lead hr said I hr information on llir linllrlin
hoard is dll rail v rriilrd
I Hiding Irnanls has nrvri brrii ditlii nil a sign
ill a uimlim usually is enough. llarlia said bill hr
wants In I nlltillllr In usr llir bullrlm board III supply
rrntal inforin.ilion In llir I nivrrsilv i nnnnunilv
l lir service is not for inr. il s tin llir stmlriils
In- said II would lie nil r il rrntal informal ion on
i a 111 p 11 s could br np In (lair \l llir Iras! ll s two In
lour davs lair
In |nly llir I ’diversity s nil i a in pus housing ollir r
i hangrd hands I coin A S l l ) In I nivnsilv I lousing hr
( niiiing llir Kriital Information I 111 it r
l lir agent v tnnlmued In i oordmalr llir housing
bullrlm board. whit h is lot alrd on llir ground floor nl
llir I All and lists available rt'lit.ils Irrr nl i h.irgr
Barba said hr prrlrrrrd the relatively hurraui i.n v
Irrr sly Ir ol working w ilh an ASI'I) < mil ml In I hous
ing of I it r
I think llial I nivrrsilv Housing should lakr this
information over llir phonr so sludrnls hair ai i rss In
Ihn freshest information lie said
According In the new guidelines landlords are
also reijiiired to sign and submit In llir office a stale
uirnt nl i ninpb.ini r tor eat It fat ililv renletl
I'lie document certifies lb.il llir strut.lure ndhrrrs
In health, safely and habitation tildes and that llir
rental will comply v\ 111 i < i I v anti < on ill \ atlirmative at
t ion laws
Mark Tusek owns a house and apartment that lor
12 vr.us lie has rented bv advertising vvilli a sign in a
window nl a until e nil llir I Ml bulletin board
him to l antilords, Page ft
University student steps into Eugene city council race
MacDonald pledges improved economy
By Catherine Hawley
Emerald Reporter
I'mversiU student and for
mer .\St '{) Senate president
Kandy Mai Donald kicked oft
Ins campaign for a i 11\ council
seat Monday with a pledge to
iniproie Kugene's miraum
and dei rease property taxes
Kugene i an develop ei nnom
u strength l)\ building on its
reputation for environmental
com ern. «n live i iti/.en part it i
potion. .1 good educational svs
tent, .mil a healthy lifestyle
Mac Donald said
"We need a i lean, stable
ei onorm u ith family wage jobs
that protec t the em ironment. "
Mac Donald said
MacDonald said tli.it al
though he welcomed the |otis
and economic diversity that
companies suc h as Rohr Indus
tries ( .111 provide lie was war\
of contributing to the nuclear
Kolir Industries. whit h nun
ufar tores airplane parts, is tie
gotuting with < ■ t\ and countv
officials to lor ate a plant in
west l-'.ugene Some of the < mil
panv s contracts are with the
niilitarv. whit hi mild violate a
stronger nut lear-free zone ordi
n,mi e that u ill go before I n
gene voters in Ma\
I don't know it Kugene
wants to i onlribute to tlul in
tluslrv Mat IImiald said
'' Let s t;ont enlrate on the
things we alreadv do well
The decline ot Kugene's
downtown area i mild he halted
it less attention was paid to
streets and buddings and more
energv was devoted to at
trading the right mix of small
businesses. ,,rtistit outlets and
housing, Mai I)<111.111i said
MacDonald said hr supports
the urh.m renewal update plan
th.it will go lieforr lingerie vot
ers this spring .ind said hr is
upposrd to reopening Wiliam
rtlr Street
'I nerd to hi'.ir .1 lot morr in
foi 111.1t ion hrtorr I 1 liunge rm
mind on this \l.11 I )on.dd
s.iiil Kllgrnr 1 itizrns h.ivr
ni.idr it 1 ir.11 tli.it tlirv don't
support rc opening thr strrrt to
motor tr.dfii . hr .iddrd
lo reduce thr proprrti t.i\
hills ol liugenr 1 iti/.ens w hn h
Mir. I ton.dd siiid .irr prohabK
.imong thr highest in thr n.i
lion, hr proposrd h.ning thr
sl.itr [in k up a higgrr portion ol
rduc.ition 1 osls and krrping a
tight rrin on 1 it\ sprinting
Mai Donald also 1 itnl hous
ing. homelessness. wetlands
and discrimination among thr
i oncerns he plans In address
during his i .imp,nun
Mai Donald .mummied Ins
i andidai v fnr llm Ward 1 < mm
ill position accompanied lt\
i 11\ i mini il member i.inilv
Si liur and I.anr liminlv com
missioner (errs Kusl at ihr
W avin' Morse Kam li in smith
west hugene
Si Iiiii' Kusl and lh«' late 1 ' S
Senator Morse have established
a tradition of responsible, pro
gressive leadership and intern
tv m pi>1 itii s th.it M.n Donald
plans to follow lie said
Si bile the current i mini il
member Ironi W aril I an
nounced last week that she
would not seek re elei lion this
veal after serving twelve years
on the i mini il
It's time lor a new look
she said Moudin
Si hue said she plans to re
main at live in politii s possi
blv at the state level although
she is not interested in elet ted
offii e
Kandy MacDonald
Min I)onalri .i legishitivr ,is
sisliinl to Sen Larry Hill I) I n
since I‘IH7. plans to grad
uate from the I'niversity ,it the
end ol winter term with .1 h.ic h
Turn lo Mac Donald, Page 8