_Community_ Car security systems: nighttime nuisance or necessity? Bv Suzanne Robinson Emerald Contributor It's I a.in. You’re peeling vinir eves open from .1 sleepv stupor, cursing the polii e h 11 using their sirens .it tins hour Hut this startling sound is not the polii e It's •mother aggra vating < ar alarm Sound familial ' Ma\ be ma\ be not Onlv a few students, when questioned. seemed genumeh irked bv car alarms Junior Me lissa Armstrong said she Resounding i.tr alarms have < .tplured lilt- .tlIt'll!ion of the liigent* 1***1 it t* Department as Well People iiMi.dK i .ill m ,i!)oul alarms onlv .tiler tin- .il.inu has been sounding lor in to to minutes, said lleverlv Collins 1-11*1) i ollimuniK sen it e spe i i.ilist in i rune provention "They i all bet alise the\ re m I t.ited by the noise I bis poses ii problem toi the polii e ( ollms said \tlei re spondmg to these i omplaiuls polii e are often letl not onl\ ‘It’s basically the alarms with shock sensors that cause the problems. II the sensors are set on high, the alarm is easily activated. ’ — David Bowden doesn't find a< i identalh ai 11 vated .il.inns to lie much of a nuisance I have ,i friend who had line," Armstrong said II often went off in file middle of the nil’ll! People left nasti notes on his ear." Hut because per snnal belongings are stolen so often on campus, she said, she believes that the alarms .ire worth the complaints lean Takaesu. junior, said she also thinks alarms prevent crime "Any noise attrai Is attention I pay attention when I hear an alarm go off.’’ she said without possible suspei Is. hul also w ithoul llir i .11 ow nrrs themselves (srllins ret mu mended ih.it ill.mil mvimrs Irl their neighbors know wli.it to do d llio id.mil .11 I iv ales Although i .ii .ilarnis arc con sidered l.isliionahlc hv some, others consider them a necessi ly "It's parllv trend and partlv protection.’ said student Ali jaudro II you have a .()()() sound system in vour car. it's worth the $1(11) investment in an alarm Sophomore Sean Martindell agreed I've had my alarm situ e I gut nn <.»r. .uul I y e never ti.iii anything stolen \l\ neighfmr had his stereo system stolen three days after it was in stalled lie has nn alarm now It's annoying sometimes, lint I think it protec ts my i nr Safety is what motivates pen pie to invest in a < at alarm s.uil I).u ill Howili'ii par! luni* salt's rcprf Simla!ivu a! an .into supply slim' \!.u in pru cs ruugr Imm .ihuiil S.<11 fur .i I ms a alarm s\ s I fin In SlVi foi an alarm with a smm p.i• i ami ulass ilitfi Ini Muliim ilftfi Inis anil impai I ilctfi Inis nun also lif pm i hast'd srpar.ilfh Hmvdtm said In1 dorsn't know til .m\ leaturi's destin'd In prevent l.ilsr alarms "It's basic .ills the aim ms v\ith slunk sensors tli.it i an si * llir pn>l>lt'iiis Howil«*n said II tlir sensors aru set on hinh tIn' al.inu is imsiIv .u 11s ati'il Over the line Wnss I'ii krt at Mnl \ .illr\ Striping at Spriiitflirltt narks .irounil.i parktul Mart mlrs ta mukr ■vi .hi r I 'nivrrsit\ p.irking sp.u rs in hunt at tlw t'Mt ' r.isiar ta srr Photo bv Steve ( ard .43* With Macintosh you can even do this: Macintetth'a >mputers haw :ilways been easy u) use- Hut they've never Ixrn this eas\ to own. Presenting'Ihe Macintosh Sale. Thnmghjanuarv 31. ye)U can saw hundreds < >f d()llars (>n a variety of Apple* Macintosh computers and [xripherals. S() innv there’s nt> reuse>n ti> settle t(>r an ()rdinar\ \Kl.W ith Ihe Macintosh Sale, you am wind up with much more of a computer. Without sjvnding a lot more money. File New Open... Close 360 Print... Quit mp i fi( Vf» W" ■’ WttfciV » .-" H 0 The Macintosh Sale. Nowthn High January 31. Microcomputer Support I.al> 202 Computing Center Monday Friday 9 am S pm 686-4402