Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, January 29, 1990, Page 8, Image 8

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( ontinucd from P.iko >
min .1 lie in profit f*du< .ilnm.il
sor lots vi huh now bn.ists more
Ih.in 1 i.1100 momliors .mil .i
million ilulliir budget
Working with the liislorn.il
period hetsseon i.iiii lo IMId
\ I) SI \ 11H • 1111 >i ■ I S .lllrmpl to
mi If,III- overs .Ispn I III IIH'iilf
sal lilr from 1,111U11 ■ I S'.' ■ lo goon
l■!|ill\ Till'S ll.Uf iliviilfil lllf
l'11111-iI SI.ill's .tiicl purls ol I .in
.iilii mlo k ingdoms vs 11ii h
.Hi- ilii'ii 111v ii11-ii into baronies
(.irons ss it Ii JO oi inoro mom
lmrs|. *hiros i .nitons and i ol
Tho Kimono .iom is know n a
I In- H,irons of Aili.iiilnin (fulfill
for maidenhair lorn) .uni is
p.irt of Iho kingdnm ol An 1 u
ss Ini 11 mi Iuilos (Inmmi \\ .isIi
ingtnn. III it isli I ohmibia Al
boil.i .mil p.irt of Idaho I ho f .ii
Hoiio i its group lioi iiino .i Ii.ii
mis ill 1*17-1 .mil I lie i .impiis
i haptei ss.is reorganized l.isi
( )i lolioi
Km li moinln'r ol S( A i lioosos
,i i li.ir.tt loi Irum tlio Kon.iis
s.ini o oi the Middle Ages .mtl
.issninos 11 i*iI poison.I in n.mu
• mil Imu lion Momliors i.m lie
i onio po.is.mis nobles knights
or os on hint ksmilhs t )m o
momliors del ido on tlioii i li.u
■ ii lors tlios m.iko i oslumos .ip
propn.ito loi tli.it poi son,i
l or example. one person m.is
I llOOSO lo 1)0 ,1 llol.lld .111(1 till’ll
lioi iinios responsible for ro
sonri hiUK ,md designing routs
ol arms for c,n Ii mombor I ho
iiinls of aiins are lin t' regis
lorod vs it ii a Hritish historical
sin lots
Mol mils do 11io1111m■ rs make
and wear period clnllling I lies
also si lid S medieval cooking.
weaving metalwork (alligru
pin Ini'wi'n .mil .1 mimlwi of
i it 11 • * i .iris .mil i [.ills (Ini- mem
lier trails!;ildl ,i |)i'Nud i uuk
book I rum llic uriKin.il Middle
(families Imsl tegular events
lor members to exi liange i rafts
le.K li new skills .mil i clnhratn
IIlefliev.il levels in le.isls
Large events will l.isl lot sever
.ii (levs .uni .ire often staged in
the counlrv. complete with pa
vilinii tents .ind fighting lour
I ighling is .i major ( omjio
nenl ol S< \ a. tiv lties I he
players in St A tournaments
simulate medieval, one on-one
battle- using replii as ol daik
age weaponrv made of rattan to
make them sale l ighters weei
armor and all lighting is dii tat
ed bv a specific code of honor
St \ members admit to re
strii ling historii al rei reation to
the more romantu aspects ol
the Middle Ages I,its and
d \ seliter \ are not inv ited As
one ( ampins membei put it
We ret reale the Middle \ges
.e. tliev should have been
Ihe 1 niversitv has had an
St A group on and off lor the
past several vears. but main of
the group s i urieni members
stumbled ai mss St \ through
informal channels holme the
campus chapter was reorga
Marta Smith says she walked
into an St ’A tournament bv at
cideiil at I i‘in Kidge Reservoir
She savs she was intrigued bv
the ( ostuinos and amazed at be
mg addressed as M l-ady bv
total strangers After this first
exponent e Smith de( ided to
I'hiito In kalr joosl
/ niversit\ slnilent l)nna /.in .is (a.k.a Sign\ torch Morgan. right) gets the ui>i)i‘r hand against
\mhmse lllat krose. a member ot the Ingene kingdom ot s<. 1.
rex ive the i nmpus group
which nnu lias about ill mem
S< icik t- Iii 11011 .mil fantasy
vvriling is ,i i ouiiiion intru st
among St A members in addi
lion to loir playing games sni Ii
as /Ju/igeim.s A IIrngo/is Others
have bai kgrotmds in medieval
studies or history
llmvnvei Marx johnson a
member in Corvallis since
I'tTH. says St A encompasses a
wide range ol people dor
tins, lawyers accountants and
many i omputer programmers
lohnson s liusbaml M.uk is a
researr li and design engineei
fur I leu lull I’m kard and is on
the si A I><>.ird ill (fill■< Inis
Campus members say SC.A is
appealing bei ause the group
forms slrong bonds between
members and a sense of trust
dial is fostered by the romance,
idealism and i hivalry ol the
time period they study
Members also said they learn
tar more h\ "living history"
than from sitting in < l.issroom
lectures The S(!A is often in
vited to do demonstrations and
presentations at secondary and
elementary si bools
A common misconception of
S( A is that it is ,1 &
Dragons game taken to the e\
"Wo are not !)&!)," Davis
savs ' I here ate people within
the societv who are interested
m gaming anil we do role play
hut we ai t out a historical per
sona We don't do magii ians or
son erers It's .1 very different
kind ot role playing
I’ere/ said people are con
stantly accusing him ot in
volvement in witchcraft, satan
ii worship .mil black magii he
i ause he is in S( IA
"We're weird so we get
lumped into that category."
I)av is says
t’s like getting paid
to go to school.
Iku k|xu ks and frisbers abound ( hal
lenge is in tht* air I leated debates erupt Ironi
passionate beliefs
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