_University_ Meetings on orientation jobs to be held MKKTIN'C IS C Jflit •• of Student Develop ment is holding iiiforni.ttion.il meetings regarding the hiring of ll> students tor the student orient.it ion stall The meetings u ill he tonight and Tuesday night at 7 in the 1-All Walnut Room Interested students who ( annot attend the meetings i an stop b\ the Student Develop ment ()ffh e at Room to I (Ire gon Hall Latin \merii jii Support t onouittee will hold a general meeting tonight at > I "> in I- Ml ( amturx Room I) All interested ■ li e w eh ome |euish Student t nion holding a general meeting to night at 7> 1(1 m Suite v I Ml ' ( allege Kepuhlii ails w ill meet tonight at a in IAII ( rn tur\ Room A Campus Radio will hold a li nal organizational meeting to night at II in the I'ML Hall room Student Health Insurame ( ommittec will meet today at 1 in ( all lain I7tt_’ lor more in format ion SHI AM Ks AMI l.ld I t Rl S “How to Deal with the Hu manities: Organize and Teat h if is the topii of presentation to he given bv I’rot. Herald (iraff tonight at 7 1(1 in the 17X11 ’ 1 ii Room IYU RVILU S the following organizations w ill he intcis lew mg on rant pus Submit bids lot the follow mg interviews in Room 2-4-1 I iendrii ks today through W ednesdax • Feb. 12 Hi mail ( orp (assoi i ate manager) Student ( amservat inn Assoi i . it ion IAII’ l.< ibh\ from Ilia m to I to p m drop-m hours I ID to 7 p m in I Ml I ienturv Room I lilai k Deikei Iretail sales representative! group meet mg Feb 1 from 7 to tt III p ill m the I Ml W .limit Room R 11 Mai \ Ik ( o (manage incut trainee operations trainee, management intern) group meeting Feb I 1 from to tl III p in in the I AII W al nut Room • Feb. Lt Hub!ii Interest Re r Open Mike Monday Nights! Musicians Invited to Showcase Their Talent! 9:00pm to Midnight 343-8488 L ooking for a good deaP ^ Check the Emerald ADS M'.iri li (Iroup (campus stall, (amass direi tut pull writers ( lean wotei tuvu s. adiiiiiustra tiim national projiM I ( oortlina lor) group meeting I cl) 12 from - to H p m m (All i en turv Room 1) lll.li k \ I lei kel see leb 1 2 K I I Mai \ see I ell I J • Feb. 14 (ligna (lotp |i hums lei linn al intern) Mil rosoft t Imp. (lull time software tester summer intern ship software tester) group meet lug. |an to from t> ill to H p m in I All ( j'dai Room I I’ac ilii (ias X Klec.tric (human resouri es assoi iale) • f eh 15 Meiei I i auk. e\ei tilive training priigramI Target Stores (area manage! trainee) group meeting I eh I 1 fFoil) 5 to H p ill in I Ml ( e (iai Room i I s \it I on e I Ml l.obln from It) a ill. to 2 p m • Teh Iti First Interstate Hank ot Oregon (MHA training pro giant; MHA inleiushipl I’niversitv of I’ugel Soumi School ol Law Sealirst (lies operations trainee) group meeting Feb I 5 from l to 5 in p m in I All ( edai Room I Sign-up spai e is still avail able for the following inter \ lew s • (all -PI I tat tel le Northwest Faboi atories (scientists re scan h si ientislsl • |an ttl An o Alaska. I in (tin mail resouri es intern human resouri es represenl.it ive| Standard Insurant e (!o (claims representative trainee underwriter trainee m.itt.igi'int-nt ili-n-lopim-nt Ir.linrr .11 i punting) • | I k i mi) ■ v Shi »• Imp I ill.iii.igrtlli-lil Ir.linrrl S.iliMii t nip (nssor l.iti- pin gr.immi-r .malvst programming inli't nl • Feb. 2 Mutual nl < )mnha I u gi'IU' ispl'l i.li .mi’ll! till.HU I.ll srrv ii t*s) I .Hilstmi Si tiunl Division 2 ( l.trilsloit Albert.I i spri-i h Ian gll.ige pathologist i \tit rusiilt I i u p pi. nl in I support In linn Mil) \IISI M I AM ()| S Summer I- mplu\ nii-nl Orien liitinn Session -a ill In- In i.i i. chiv ,il It) in I lemlt ii ks Kiiuiii 12 K.ip with tin- Kahbi II.iiiii.in Sills will In- lirlil in I Ml ( i tinv Koom I tocl.iv .it 1:AO pm I In- i-vi-iit Is sponsored li\ |i-w ish SI min ii I l! niun .mil 1111 Ii -1 Headline tui s uhmittim: It .i/s tn the 1 nn-r.ilil limit ilesk I \ll Suite lull, is noon the il.n helure publii .itmn i t ,ils run the i/.n nl the el fill unless the event (Hears before noon Wivist- submit it ,ils the il.n lie lore thei .ire to run mill An /ill's iit eieiils iw//i ,i i/on.ition or .ulntissiun < li.irife w ill not he ,ii i e/iteil Campus eients niul those si hetluleil ne.nest the pilblll .1 /in// iLite w ill he i’ll en priorili t he I 111<-1.11 ISI 1)1 ,sll« r ^ivi .., • • . *.>""■,v I "n* ,l20‘ THANKS!! Oregon West - FITNESS - OREGON WEST WOULD LIKE TO THANK THE UNIVERSITY COMMUNITY FOR YOUR SUPPORT!! BEST HOURS • BEST PRICES 6am tlpm 7 Days a Week 485- 1475 Franklin Blvd ^024 Across from Campus BAPTISM OF DESIRE I ZJ / ^ A stunning second hook of poetry by the author of Love Medicine, The Beet Queen, and Trucks. <>t / V-/A , " in Roman ( at hoiu tradition, a- thr mate that ionics more Ironi ctlort than Irom m i ompltshtnent, and the diverse a .oitment of amt" atul sinner'', miJwestern women, and tm t hologu a! (mute- who appear in t lie pa yes o! I otmc I tilrti h tnesmeridng new collection are unitcJ in their fieri e determination to impose an aneptal'le ri-alitv on the > haos they encountet. I vcr\ w hei e e\ a lent i- I t hru h ’ unioni i apai it v for finding the perfei t won I, t he Ire h vet absolutely ni’hi metaphor that make her work hot h profound and ai i essihle. /ka/'f/s/n < >/ / \ s//e w ill he gret teil \c 11 h lelehration In the main readers who have waited impatiently for eight years since the puhlteat ion of I ouisi I i\lrii h " la-t hook o| poetry and it will engage a whole new audieiuc already laptivated In het hestselling and aw aril-w inning novels, / < >u AIcJninc, Flic Bed (Juccn, .inJ Ir.uk'. GENERAL BOOK DEPT. >'/:'< ’( X\71 /7 i X >/\ UO-Bookstore 13th & Kincaid M F 7 30 6 00 SAT 10 00 6 00 686 4331